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grumpy 4680

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Posts posted by grumpy 4680

  1.        There is nothing wrong with U-turns, we all use them from time to time, Its simply MINDLESS drivers who make turns with no concern for others on the road, and others who simply pay no attention to whats ahead of them.

           We are always hearing of break failures, but the truth is, most times its too late to brake.

           Sad for the innocents involved, R.I.P.

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  2.         An amicable solution means Blackmail,  This guy was obviously going round asking the wrong questions to the wrong people, Spy's don't operate that way.  So he honestly stated what he was doing, but without any legal representation, those numb nuts concluded he must be a spy.

           And being in a corrupt region, any thing they can use as a bargaining chip is a bonus. Sod their oil and money. they want cutting off from the civilized world.

  3.      I'm curious to know how this drive through idea is going to work, if I/O's take so long going over all the paper work, do the motorist's have to keep stopping and starting their vehicles, or leave them running with the air con on, and what about the possible queue's, out the gate, and down the road ??????

        Did my 90 day in Chiang Mai last week, took 1:10 mins, and numbered 23 in the queue, (3 min average for each), glad not to be sitting in car.

  4.         I really don't see what the fuss about security is for, if it was not scuttled, then there's nothing to tamper with, but as it capsized, the ballast may well of shifted, 

            But its going to require a real marine expert to ascertain if the ballast / passenger ratio was adequate for this type of boat construction. I doubt a visual inspection is going to show much, its more mathmatical.

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