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Hakuna Matata

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Everything posted by Hakuna Matata

  1. Yes, a big cheating as Trump said! Dissolve this MSM now.
  2. Yes, absolutely! What a hypocrisy of Democrats. There is the Immigration Law which has never been enforced! As a result, there are more than 20 Million illegal migrants in the US. What a shame.
  3. Well done!
  4. Yes, absolutely!
  5. He must be completely devastated, taking a dose of cocaine.
  6. Yes, absolutely! Congratulations, Donald Trump! https://edition.cnn.com/politics/live-news/2024-election-trump-harris/index.html
  7. Most of the long-stay Russians over here in Thailand are critical of Putin and his "Regime", as the so-called "Putin Regime" did not allow them to steal money from the state and prosecuted them, so they have fled to Thailand and found a safe heaven here.
  8. Pattaya, the world prostitution hub! The place to be avoided.
  9. This is a good question We all know that Greta Tunberg is just a tool in the hands of American Democrats.
  10. It has nothing to do with Russia. Lithuania should be responsible for that.
  11. Probably Russian or Ukrainian, also maybe Polish or Lithuanian?
  12. 555 This leak may have been INTENTIONAL Ukraine has become a lapdog of American Democrats which includes Pentagon, Big Pharma, Wall Street magnates, the so-called "US Democratic Establishment".
  13. Oh, yes. Absolutely. I agree with you!
  14. A woman is not supposed to be the head of state. Same sex marriage should be prohibited. Get back to the good old traditional values. Allahu Akbar.
  15. Yes, probably Russian or Ukrainian. They are above the law because they have a lot of money to bribe the local authorities. As well as Chinese mafia in Phuket, including Singapore mafia. Stricter visa rules are necessary!
  16. Yes, STORECT capsules are working well for many people. Just ask Google!
  17. Thailand desperately needs more quality tourists like that! Visa free!
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