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Hakuna Matata

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Everything posted by Hakuna Matata

  1. Under the United States umbrella? No, that's not what we want!
  2. Yes, most of them are purchasing illegal ED visas, never attending the classes. Business as usual. The agents are happy again.
  3. There are crocodile blood capsules as well https://www.google.com/search?q=wani+thai+crocodile+blood+capsules&oq=wani+thai+crocodile+blood+capsules&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i160l2j33i299.7110j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  4. I do not agree with OP. In my opinion, the last 10 years in Thailand were the most stable and mature period in its history. The mentality of Asian people is very different from Western. American Democracy Model is not applicable to many countries in South East Asia.
  5. With Prayut as a head of state, Thailand was having the lowest inflation rate among countries in the region. What is important for me and other business people in Thailand is economical and political stability in the country.
  6. With Pita as a head of the state, Thailand will be heading to instability and violent protests. This all about money and greedy politicians. Everyone wants to have a piece of cake. Now they will start dividing the new cake. Pita is just an actor, he is not a politician, neither has he any experience. He is just an icon for Thai people to vote for him (mostly women and young people). Who is standing behind Pita? Did United States influence the elections?
  7. I always say Thailand needs to be more selective when permitting foreigners from certain countries to enter Thailand. Repeal Visa on Arrival and Visa Free entry for countries like Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Belarus, Lithuania, Romania, Nigeria, Kazakhstan, China and some other countries. Most of the so-called "Quality tourists" (sarcastic) arrive from the above mentioned countries. Let them obtain a proper visa at Thai Consulate in their home country before they are allowed to enter Thailand.
  8. Mostly the sons of Russian high ranking officials with their families or without. And a lot of money in their pockets. 2 years ago they travelled mostly to luxury European resorts, even not knowing a country like Thailand.
  9. Tetanus vaccine injection is required urgently to prevent from possible sepsis infection
  10. The most stupid thing to do. What about the mandatory Health Insurance that costs around 50,000.- Baht or more per year?
  11. Probably her passport is expired. Many foreigners are overstaying in Thailand for 10-15 years keeping low profile and never being caught. Some of them are criminals and fugitives not willing to return to their home country for various reasons.
  12. Most of them are under 50 years old and are buying ED visas from schools in Phuket. Start cracking down on the schools to eradicate this illegal business.
  13. Good job. This should be done on a regular basis. Many foreign overstayers in Thailand have criminal background. Deport them and blacklist. Red Card is BS.
  14. There are so many Russian, Ukrainian, Kazakhstani, Belarussian, Lithuanian, American nationals illegally working in Thailand! Let us do crackdowns every month to deport most of them out of Thailand.
  15. I would also tighten the visa rules for some other countries including Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Romania, Poland, Lithuania, Nigeria, etc. Too many criminals from those countries come to Thailand and stay for long time.
  16. Big Pharma doesn't want to give a piece of cake to others. Many appetite suppressing pills (yet without sibutramine, but containing other chemical drugs which may be even more harmful) are being sold in the United States, produced by big pharmaceutical corporations.
  17. Russian nuclear power technology is much more superior to the American one.
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