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Posts posted by Mark123456

  1. Based on the map of voting patterns, wouldn't a wall around Greater London be more appropriate?

    Yes, let's do that. As a Londoner, I'd be happy with that. The capital generates 22% of the GDP of the entire country - let's see how well the rest of the UK does without that contribution.

    And it's a self-fulfilling argument, just like the Bangkok one, because of hundreds of years of unequal distribution of assets. But that's another argument for another time.

    My remark that you quoted was a throwaway joke in response to chiang mai's throwaway joke, by the way.

    Hundreds of years of unequal distribution of assets? I think you need to brush up on your history. Up until roughly 100 years ago, the North was richer than the South, and had been since the start of the industrial revolution. I don't suppose there were many northerners complaining about it at the time. So that's 100 years at most, not hundreds of years.

  2. Based on the map of voting patterns, wouldn't a wall around Greater London be more appropriate?

    Yes, let's do that. As a Londoner, I'd be happy with that. The capital generates 22% of the GDP of the entire country - let's see how well the rest of the UK does without that contribution.

  3. What the Brexit supporters have gained is a promise from me that I will never live in the UK again. Having read about the surge in racially motivated hate crimes since the referendum, there's no way I would take my daughter to live in a country full of nasty, bigotted, ignorant louts like the UK (England in particular, excluding London perhaps).

    On these forums, we often see complaints of how we are treated by Thai people - double pricing, being ignored in shops, and the tortous immigration procedures have all been commented on recently. I dont like double pricing or immigration's seemingly unsatiable appetite for paperwork but until Thai people start verbally abusing me in the street, burning my property, and sending me death threats, I'll consider them (as a whole) more enlightened than my countrymen back home.


    Pattaya balcony?

    I have lived in central London most of my life and never seen any racial hatred, it would be impossible as there is so many races living there. But after 1 month in Thailand I've seen plenty of racism, usually the casual insult to whites by the 'farang' name, but also in double pricing from many. Strange really as advertising propaganda would have us believe English people are the devil and Thai people are angels.

    I specifically excluded London from my mini-rant - did you not see that? l literally have no idea what you are talking about with regards to 'farang' and 'Pattaya balcony', unless you are suggesting that old men falling off balconies in Pattaya are really the victims of racial hate crimes? I have no difficulty in imagining that their falls are being assisted but I am 100% sure it has nothing to do with race.

    If double pricing is the best you can come up with, you've proven my point really. I'll take double pricing over being beaten and verbally abused any day of the week.

  4. my daughter weaned herself when she was a couple of months shy of 4

    Ahhh. Well, that explains your strident position (and defensive tone) that is, quite frankly, so far outside the norm.

    Anyway, the data in this graph is six years old and only focuses on the US, but it is quite illustrative of how bizarre the woman in OP is.


    And here are a few additional facts from other countries:

    Only 15% of Australian women breastfeed after 1 year.


    Only 18% of Canadian women breastfeed after 9 months.


    It would be interesting to see some of the data coming out of Europe.

    Anyway, people like the woman in the OP should be more cautious about how they choose to raise their children. This sort of bizarre behavior can lead to consequences that can last a lifetime.

    You are illustrating only too clearly how one's upbringing can have effects that last a lifetime.

    My position is based on medical opinion and personal experience. Yours is based on an inability to deal with the sight of older children breastfeeding, which I would suggest is a mental issue you might feel more comfortable speaking to a psychologist about, in a safe space, rather than with strangers on a public Internet forum.

    You now seem to be conflating the meanings of the words uncommon and bizarre: because so few American women breastfeed until 18 months, it must be 'bizarre' to do so? You are also conveniently ignoring the fact that according to the chart you posted, the number that did so increased by around 50% over the 8 years covered by the chart. You might also like to check WHO recommendations, which suggest breastfeeding unitl AT LEAST the age of 2. If you don't like the WHO for some reason, the American Academy of Pediatrics has previously stated that allowing the child to wean his or herself is beneficial and in no way harmful.

    Are you seriously suggesting that both these organisations are condoning 'bizarre' behaviour or is it perhaps more likely that it's your sensibilities that are out of kilter? I would suggest that, instead of trying to defend an untenable position, you look at the underlying reasons for your discomfort regarding this matter.

  5. Of course your attitude is bizarre, because it is based on what you were brought up to believe and the people you have chosen to associate with since reaching adulthood, rather than any facts.

    When does it become unnatural? From my personal experience, my daughter weaned herself when she was a couple of months shy of 4 so that is as far as my experience stretches. Unlike yourself, I'm not comfortable passing judgement on matters of which I have no knowledge so I can't really comment on what it is like after that age.

    As you seem to have no idea what you are talking about, I should point out that a child breastfeeding in it's 4th year, i.e. up to the age of 4, is obviously not existing solely on breast milk, nor breastfeeding that often. I cannot imagine an instance where a child would continue to want to breastfeed until the age of 10 or 15 so I didn't bother answering your question (I'm not obliged to answer every ridiculous question I might be posed on ThaiVisa by the way).

    As a foreign male in Thailand, I'm willing to bet your behaviour is far more bizarre than the breastfeeding mothers who you think you are fit to judge. How's that for a blinkered point of view - remind you of anyone?

  6. ^Durex condom B140 .Just one i presume ;-)

    My local bar sells them for 1000 Baht each. mind you that does include a free 1 hour demonstration of how to use it.

    Oh good - yet another thread where prostitution has to be mentioned - is it mandatory to mention it everywhere on Thai Visa?

    Considering that Thailand is regarded by the multitudes as being the worlds largest brothel, one can only expect that the workers are frequently mentioned,whether on Thai Visa or any other outlet.

    Of course, if you don't like it>well you know the rest.

    Yes but it's illegal so how comes it's allowed to be freely discussed (and why the eagerness to introduce the topic in almost every single thread)? Any other illegal pursuits are not allowed to be discussed on the forums so why the exception for this one - is it because so many posters indulge?

  7. Not strange just don't know how to do thier job. Par stock is not a novel idea, how about removing the rotten produce, do they really think someone is going to buy it or that it's presentable? I once asked for something, they said they'd go check. After 1/2 hr I had someone go in back and look for the person was assisting me. Said they were out so they were ordering for me and expected me to wait while they did. TIT and all but they are charging premium prices for what?

    Well, I still find it strange....not to mention very annoying! When I've mentioned Rim Pings pathetic stock control in the past, others have rushed to their defence and pointed out they may have problems importing certain products. That's all well and good but they run out of organic eggs, bread, and Aura water on a regular basis too, all of which are produced in Thailand and we know where Aura water comes from so there's no excuse for that. Much of the imported stuff they manage to run out of has a shelf life in years and not months, so there's really no credible excuse on that front either. I think they simply buy whatever is going cheap; I can't think of any other reason their brand of margarine changes so regularly. For a couple of months it will be Bertolli and nothing else, then it will be Olivio, and currently it's Flora.

    You're right about rotten produce as well. I've seen fruit in Central Festival that's bruised and too soft to buy, along with eggs that have passed their sell by date still on the shelves. Nobody seems to have a clue how to run a supermarket in Thailand.

  8. ^Durex condom B140 .Just one i presume ;-)

    My local bar sells them for 1000 Baht each. mind you that does include a free 1 hour demonstration of how to use it.

    Oh good - yet another thread where prostitution has to be mentioned - is it mandatory to mention it everywhere on Thai Visa?

  9. Thanks for your reply re. what has gone downhill, I never really used the deli counter or bakery section so I hadn't noticed. I do agree they have a habit of scattering products all over the place but often this is because of a promo. and the products in question do seem to have a 'home base' as such, where I can normally find them. I find the prices more competitive than Rim Ping, for sealed produce (jars, tins etcetera) but they seem to share the same strange attitude toward stocking, i.e. they won't order anything until it has actually disappeared from the shelves.

  10. it's just weird for a 4 year old to still be breastfeeding.

    It's not weird in the slightest - it's completely natural. If you have a hang up with it due to your upbringing, that's a different matter.

    Completely natural, huh?

    OK, when does it become unnatural? 5 years old? 10 years old? 15?

    There is nothing normal about women from developed nations living above the poverty line who breastfeed their kids at 4 years of age. It's unnecessary and bizarre.

    If anyone is going to have a "hang up" talk to an adult who was breastfed up to 4 years of age. Now that is someone who is nearly guaranteed to have a host of issues.

    It's your attitude that's bizarre. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. I seriously doubt you have ever talked to an adult who was breastfed until the age of 4 and who told you they had issues because of it. If you have no factual argument to make, best just not to say anything. Studies show quite the opposite to what you are trying to claim.

    It also has nothing to do with money so I'm not sure why you're mentioning 'developed' nations and the poverty line. If anything, it's less educated women who will stop breastfeeding much earlier (or never breastfeed at all).

  11. my opinion:

    KSK - very good mall for shopping. good selection of goods. not expensive. lots of shoppers. now that Sizzler is gone, it lacks a decent restaurant. food court is still one of the better ones in terms of quality. although little variety now.

    Airport Central Plaza - good shopping, good restaurants, prices not too bad. parking is terrible. lots of shoppers.

    MAYA - too many useless shops of Chinese-made goods with European names [and prices]. good for Chinese tourists. some good restaurants. parking hit or miss. GREAT cinema; never crowded. rooftop very nice.

    Promenada - very beautiful, peaceful grounds. really the only 3 businesses worth a mention are Chi Chang which is excellent, the Dukes, and Rimping. Southern Thai food restaurant very good. GREAT cinema; never crowded. weekend outdoor evenings are a great place to take the Thai family - never a disappointment. cocktail prices are not too bad.

    Festival - terrible place IMO. too many useless shops of Chinese-made goods with European names [and prices]. good for Chinese and Japanese and other Asian tourists. very few shoppers; many "window shoppers" , people looking cool, taking "selfies". reminds me of somewhere in Bangkok. way over-priced. restaurants terrible for the most part. parking very easy and convenient. cinema is nice but does not offer the discounts that MAYA and Promenada do, cost us double to see a film there. electric co. easy to make payments, same at True, etc, P.O. easy, good paper shop (Office Mate) in basement. Festival supermarket in basement was good when first opened. has gone downhill.

    a far as malls go, we do 70% actual shopping at KSK, 15% at Airport and 15% Promenada. we've never spent more than the cost of a meal, visited the P.O. or paid a bill at Festival. even the same items at Central can be purchased for less money at KSK.

    In what way has the food hall at Central Festival gone downhill? I haven't noticed.

  12. If you come to Thailand and complain of the high prices,,,

    you really are poor, better start saving for a tin cup, or a

    used paper one.

    I would agree. Anyone who tracks the price of grocery staples in the supermarket really has no business living overseas.
    or the price of baked beans laugh.png

    Apart from groceries and morning coffee in a local coffee shop, I don't spend much in Thailand.

    (3,500 house rent, 1,500 gas/water/electric/internet, morning coffee 30bht + groceries ...... that's about it)

    3,500 house rent - what are you living in, a dog kennel? tongue.png

  13. Why do you keep saying that people don't need butter? Do you only buy things that you really need and never things that you really like? I don't need butter, cheese, bread, cream, coffee, tea, eggs, bacon, or milk, but I like them all so I buy them. How is that strange?

    It's only to stick the sides of a sandwich together. You don't need to use it anywhere.

    You can very quickly get used to eating without it, it doesn't add flavour.

    Using butter is a bit like using MSG, not required, but people insist on sticking it in everything they eat.

    You have a very strange attitude toward butter. I use it on toast in the morning and whenever I make a sandwich. I don't use it to stick the pieces of bread together, I use it because it makes a sandwich taste better. it is nothing like MSG; I don't put it in everything I eat. And...I don't want to get used to not eating it.

  14. This is just one of the #### posts/threads about Kad Saan Keaw or Central closing or the lease causing problems:

    I think you missed out the one on the corner of Nimmenhamen and the Superhighway. I thought I spotted yet another on the Superhighway between Index and Macro but it looks like a new branch of the Bangkok Hospital.

    Once Central Festival has been built, I'm told that Central Dept Store will close in Kad Suan Kaew and re-locate which will leave them looking for a new anchor and a vast hole in their revenue. I would guess demolition is on the cards but whether they'll be able to attract the retailers back is the big question. It's the best location for a mall but surely there must be a limit as to how many B2S, Clinics and chain restaurants the population can support. As it is, even over at Central Airport Plaza the retailers are coming and going with alarming speed - Ice Monster closed today, California Wow hung up the sign yesterday and there's a new ice cream joint with the ambience of a high end restaurant that doesn't look like it will see a six month anniversary since I've never seen more than three people in it.

    With all this investment in retail space, I guess someone has a theory about where the money is going to come from to buy the overpriced goodies. Not the families from Bangkok so widely rumoured to be buying retirement homes all the new moobans - they'll be years away. There's precious little serious industry and the small exporters and tourist businesses are hurting from the strength of the baht. Sure, the Chinese are coming in droves but it's a brave person who could predict how that will go.

    Interesting times...

    http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/616447-central-festival-mall-in-chiang-mai/ post #5 (no reflection on the poster intended... just a subject brought forth before)

    What do you mean, "once Central Festival has been built" - it's been open for about a year already hasn't it?

  15. Learn to trade and you can join in the raping!

    Right up until you become one of the millions of victims of their rigged markets. Bring your Vaseline to the party. You may need it.

    Edit: Several years back, I spent a weekend at the New Jersey lake house of a kid I grew up with. He was my GF's kid brother and we often took him out of the stifling house they both grew up in. I hadn't seen him in years, and went back to catch up with his sister and parents during a business trip to the area. He went on to own a brokerage house in Manhattan- I have no clue how big it was. That weekend, he warned me off any speculation. His comment was, "If your profits come from betting on one side or the other, we'll eventually clean you out. You may win some if you accidentally bet right, but if you do it enough, we'll eventually get all your money. It's criminal how much of an advantage we have against the little guys. (his words) If your profits come from actual growth in a company or a market, you may stand a chance, but even that comes with risks of shady dealings".

    I don't get involved with stocks and shares, only foreign exchange. If you're not over leveraged and you're not greedy, you can make money.

  16. butter suprises me,allowrie 227grm.block produced in thailand at todays rate of exchange 2gbp.= 94bht.facepalm.gif

    yet anchor original imported in the uk 250grm block 1.25gbp.= 60bht.

    anchor imported in thailand 250grm.block 115bht.

    doesnt make sense or i am loosing my marbles.burp.gif

    Import duty.

    yes CM import duty but allowrie is the same price as anchor.

    allowrie produced in thailand.

    anchor imported.

    It's because a lot of pricing is based on what the market will stand, rather than cost plus.

    People are prepared to pay a premium price for butter, so they charge as much as they can.

    A bit strange as nobody actually needs butter.


    Whipping cream can be had for around 140-160bht/liter. It can be very quickly turned into 1Kg of butter.

    If you really must have butter, make your own, and the quality is much higher.

    Why do you keep saying that people don't need butter? Do you only buy things that you really need and never things that you really like? I don't need butter, cheese, bread, cream, coffee, tea, eggs, bacon, or milk, but I like them all so I buy them. How is that strange?

  17. You should warn people that the video you linked to contains gratuitous swearing (by somebody who seems just as detestable as the person he is commenting on).

    The commentor is another vegan.That's kind of funny. I'd put a note but can't edit now.

    I'm no prude but I think the c word comes up in the first few seconds, followed by plenty more. They certainly seem to have unresolved anger issues; I think I will continue to eat meat if that's what being vegan does to you.

  18. I watched the video and it seems to me that this woman is primarily interested in receiving attention. It would have been very easy for her to wear a scarf or shawl to cover herself.

    Also, it's just weird for a 4 year old to still be breastfeeding.

    It's not weird in the slightest - it's completely natural. If you have a hang up with it due to your upbringing, that's a different matter.

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