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Posts posted by geoff65

  1. 1 hour ago, widarp said:

    You cant buy a kidney in Thailand anymore,

    but you may get a cadaver one via the Red Cross if you qualify.

    My wife just got one that way and we did the transplant at a private hospital.

    Waiting time was 8 months.


    I don’t need a new kidney I have already had a transplant some months back. 

  2. Thanks for your reply’s, I have been to Thailand while I was on PD it was a pain in the butt doing manual bag exchangers every 4 hours but I did get to see and travel abit with the help of a Ute carrying all my boxes so hopefully this trip will be hassle free. This trip is only short one of 20 days.the pic attached is what I’m worried about when I go to leave Thailand going threw the X-ray as I’m sure they will se it.

    Also what class if any does Amitriptyline come under.


  3. Hi All

    I am wondering if any members or their friends have done any travel to Thailand before with a transplanted kidney?

    I basically wanting to know if they became ill at all for some reason,did they run out of medication and had to get more,if so how they went about it, what or things to avoid(as in foods or may be places like a zoo that I could get infections).

    How you went with carrying all your medications through customs.

    What I am concerned about is leaving Thailand as I will need to take the medication while I fly home and I don't want to bring 15 boxes of pill on carry on  luggage just to get one out of each box, I have a plastic medication holder which I use just for day/night travel and holds all that I need but because their all out of their packets im worried I might get pulled aside and questioned about why their not in the original packets.

    I would love to here any other experience regarding this topic.


  4. 20 hours ago, Cranky said:

    What have you got against Aussies?  No licence needed for a jetski and how in hell do you know if she has experience or not, she may be the Aussie jetski champ for all you know, which is clearly not a lot.  Poor kid probably just got run in to by some nutter and is totally blameless.

    Got nothing against Aussies ( I am one) but what I do have a problem with is people with no common sense and don't think before they act.

  5. 3 hours ago, ezzra said:

    All too familiar story, people have lots of money to spend on holiday but buying a basic insurance coverage is a waste of money for them, however, no travel insurance will cover a leisure vehicle accident, so even if she had a cover that would not have applied in this case...

    I have no sympathy for a lot of Aussie tourists engaging in any activity in Thailand or other countries, they have no licence or experience riding jet ski motorcycle, so what makes them think they can operate them over seas ?? If they had any brains they can do all the activity’s here in Aus that Thailand offers and be fully covered without taken any insurance, and what gets up my nose is they then want to set up a go fund me page to help pay the cost of their medical care (like hell  go fund your own stupid mistakes) 

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  6. 11 hours ago, Sheryl said:

    The OP had a general check up and says all test results were normal (excluding a 1 point elevation in liver enzyme, which means nothing). He did not specify what tests were done but any checkup package will include at least creatnine and urinalysis so kidney problem is unlikely. Liver dysfunction can also be ruled out.


    My guess is that, since he got a check up package rather than the recommended specific tests, potassium, CK and bilirubin were not tested, and the urinalysis was a simple dipstick which might not detect myoglobulin.


    It is also my guess, since he seems to have lost interest in posting, that the problem has resolved on its own. In which case: dehydration, possibly with some muscle damage from excessive exertion but not full blown rhabdo.


    BTW those saying (in effect) "it can't be hepatitis because I had it and had symptoms XYZ" are wrong. There is a very, very wide clinical spectrum for hepatitis, infections can be so mild as to be unnoticeable or so severe that one is completely incapacitated. The possible associated symptoms include everything but the kitchen sink, but none of them  are experienced by all patients.


    Same is true, to a lesser extent, of most other diseases.


    Nothing can be ruled out only tests will reveal what the problem is, don’t wait and listen  to what it could be by people here , there guessing, go to doctor, then you will know.

  7. Get your kidneys checked and see what your EGFR (kidney function)is this will give you an idea if you have early kidney damage, chronic kidney disease (CKD). I have been through this and the signs were there for a long time, cut long story short I end up  with kidney failure was on dialysis for 2 years and recently had a kidney transplant in April this year.get them checked properly coz you don’t won’t to go through what I did, I’m still recovering.

  8. 4 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    It is long overdue for motor bike rental companies to be forced to not rent a vehicle out to any one who does not have a valid licence for the country. There are way too many accidents and way too many people thinking they are insured, then finding out that they are not, leaving someone else to foot the bill.


    Why up to the rental companies???? If your the one visiting another country it’s up to YOUR SELF to make sure you do the things the right way, talk about trying to blame other people for your own mistakes, unreal sheeeesh ???

    • Like 1
  9. 3 hours ago, transam said:

    So did the shop rent out a bike to a bloke with no bike license from any country...?

    So what if they did, what’s your point?this Thailand, and as for the other post and if you think that the other bloke insurance should pay, again this is Thailand, its up to you to take out travel insurance and abide by their policies ,And this guy didn’t and now he wants everybody else to pay his hospital cost?????? Bull poo no way, some people are just plan brainless and this goes for anyone who thinks they can cut corners and get away with it,looks like common sense is dead in some.

  10. Hi everyone

    I am just wondering if anyone is on or has been on peritoneal dialysis and been to Thailand for a holiday

    If yes did you get a courier to take your boxes of icodextrin solution over and what was the go with the boxes passing threw customs.

    Do customs need any paperwork? is there any reason why customs would not allow it threw? any information would be much appreciated.

    I am going for 24 days so ill need 6 boxes with 4 bags in each box.

    Thanks Geoff


  11. Hi

    Which is the correct address to physically go to get a visa at, VFS,Google says


    Address: 8th , Amarin Plaza , 496-502 Ploenchit Road , Lumpini , Pathuhwan , 10330 Bangkok, 10330, Thailand.

    vfsglobal website says, Australia Visa Application Centre
    The Trendy Office Building, 28th Floor
    Sukhumvit Soi 13, Klongtoey-NuaWattana, Bangkok 10110

    Thanks Geoff

  12. Hi everyone.

    I am very happy to sign up and be a part of this forum and hope i can get some help.

    I have a female friend in bangkok i wish to come to Australia on a holidays for a month or even up to 3 depending on her work commitments in bangkok,i have never been out of Australia and my female friend has never been out of Thailand so we are very new to visa etc,i have done some reading its a bit confusing so im going to need some help and will ask some questions hoping i can understand what to do.

    First of all about me I am Aussie I work full time and own my house and will be looking after her financially while she is here in Australia.

    About my friend she works full time 7 days a week for company in Bangkok.

    She has strong ties to Thailand and will be returning, this holiday is just to get to know each other personally and see if their could be a future between us at a later stage.

    First step, I know she has to have a pre-assessment application form for visa,can some one please explain to me what some of the questions that will be ask or an example sheet please.

    Where can she get these pre-assessment application in Bangkok and how much would it cost ?

    and is their any questions that you may want to be careful on what your answer is?

    What basis would an assessment be denied?.


    Where in Bangkok would you go to a get a visa and how much does it cost?

    I see tourist visa are for three months,would she have better chance of entering Australia for 1 month rather then 3?.

    Would it be better to get a return ticket when buying her flight to Australia or not?

    Any other info I haven't thought of would be much appreciated.

    Thanks Geoff.

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