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Posts posted by oldlakey

  1. 11 minutes ago, Pattaya46 said:

    Several members mentioning "millions of expats" concerned by this BE decision. Seems to me totally ridiculously high figures. Does anyone know a more realistic number of expats in Thailand ?


    Or better: How many expats ?

    - who are farangs ?  (I think I once read "nearly 3 millions", including many young and/or working)

    - and, who are over 50 ?

    - and, who use Retirement Extension ?

    - and, who use Income Letter ?

    - and, who are from UK ?

    No idea of the answers to any of those, but I think there will be a brain drain if there is not a u-turn on this

  2. 5 hours ago, gentlemanjackdarby said:

    If one is over 50, Malaysia requires a fixed deposit in a Malaysian bank of MYR 150,000 (USD 36,118 or THB 1,189,358) AND a monthly income of MYR 10,000 (USD 2,408 or THB 79,240) and the fixed deposit is now required - no more 'monthly income' only.


    If one is below age 50, the fixed deposit is MYR 300,000 (USD 72,236 or THB 2,378,716)


    And it's been rumored that the Malaysian government is considering raising the fixed deposit amount to MYR 500,000 (USD 120,393 or THB 3,964,525)


    I can certainly understand a government's desire to attract 'quality tourists/retirees', whatever that may mean, but with those amounts, especially the rumored increased amounts and speaking as someone who can afford it and had been considering Malaysia, I think those 'quality retirees' will be very thin on the ground

    I worked that out years ago, marriage to a Malaysian was the answer  then they require practically nothing apart from the fact you are still breathing

  3. 7 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


    Yes, I have the same issue as you, in that I rarely use or update my bank books. And so in talking with my bank staff, I learned that they each have a set amount of time during which their update machines will print out every transaction, a couple of weeks to a month or something like that. And if the update interval is any longer, then the update machine merely gives you a one line status as of that day, and not any of the many transactions that may have preceeded it. To me it's just stupid, but that's the way the Thai bank systems work.


    That's not stupid, that's pathetic

  4. 15 hours ago, Rally123 said:

    Have said it a couple of times in this thread but everyone needs a 'plan B' in case 'plan A' goes tits up. As in this case. No 'plan B' then you deserve what is coming. Sorry

    I have been foot loose and fancy free for 30 odd years

    20 years ago I purchased a landed property next door for when I wanted  a respite from travelling 

    When the second Brit wife kicked me into touch I found a Malaysian wife

    5 year visa as compensation no financial requirements one hour at the local immigration office every 5 years all done

    Now thankfully I am above all this what's going to happen next as I can put up with the hassle of just being the occasional tourist these days

    It's swings and roundabouts that's life as far as I am concerned

    I actually feel for those who might be affected in a bad way by what now seems to be happening you have my sympathy, if only because of how the Thai authorities have conducted themselves in the past

  5. 25 minutes ago, worgeordie said:

    Heard this story,a guy from UK,first time abroad,

    makes it to his hotel,on the bed,knackered from

    the flight,and a Gecko falls off the ceiling,guess

    fighting with other one,as don't usually fall,he

    see's it goes into panic mode,on the phone to

    the front desk, screaming a Crocodile has just

    fallen on the bed,get someone up here quick.

    regards Worgeordie

    Its called a "TALL" story, just like the monkey hangers of Hartlepool

    • Like 1
  6. 7 hours ago, Rc2702 said:

    Mrs has just confirmed she ate a few of them off a grill.


    Mrs menu when younger consisted of:


    Baby butterfly 



    All the bugs

    Ginga (small iguana)

    Some kind of small crocodile







    I would bulk at the turtle I think, I have seen their eggs for sale in Sabah but did not indulge

    As for the rest all sandwich fillings 

  7. 4 minutes ago, marcusarelus said:

    The mosquito above may have been carrying dengue fever. Notably, tests show that electronic mosquito killers and repellers do not kill a significant fraction of the mosquito population.

    Thailand is experiencing its largest dengue epidemic in more than two decades, with a record number of people infected by the mosquito-borne disease and 126 fatalities so far this year, health experts said on Thursday, pointing to climate change as a factor behind the spike in cases.


    Nothing to do with climate change, in Thailand it's all to do with the usual lack of action as regards the mosquito

    Electronic killers do the job in my home, that's in every country I have lived in

    No way I am able to put up with what the geckos leave behind

    Each to their own


    • Like 1
  8. 20 hours ago, ukrules said:

    I don't mind them, they don't appear to attack us so I just ignore them.


    I had a big ugly cockroach, the type with wings crawling over me inside my bed a while back, I managed to catch and kill it.


    I have no idea how it got there or what it was doing in there as there's never been any food of any kind inside this bedroom.


    Once it was dead I went back to sleep. I haven't seen any more since then.

    They fly thats how it got there

    • Haha 1
  9. 6 hours ago, Ubongirl said:

    overherebc, thank you for your advice again.  I was very afraid to take him anywhere, I was thinking what if he got arrested on the street, it was a lesson for us not to follow the rules. Next time when he comes here, we will follow the rules strictly.


    If you dont play nicely all you do is make a rod for your own back these days

    There has been a sea change in Thailand over the last few years the good old days are gone for ever

    In your case alls well that ends well, plus you have had a nice easy ride in this thread because over stayers are not normally the flavour of the month

  10. 7 minutes ago, zzaa09 said:

    I'd be curious to know what the per day charge for overstay violations might be....


    I know that the whole overstay scheme was revamped a couple of years ago - little more stringent and realistic now.

    [took 'em a coupla decades to figure out this beneficial element] 



    Remembering the days of old when overstay fines were a straight B500 per day and a max of B20,000 - regardless of one's overstay time.....2 months or two years. And no blacklisting if fines were paid in full. Easy easy. 

    I have rattled around for 25 yrs plus never saw the need for an overstay anywhere so cant help you

    • Like 2
  11. 12 minutes ago, Gecko123 said:

    Navigation challenges haven't been mentioned thus far: signage in Thai, lack of on-board navigation, getting on and off frontage roads, expressways, interchanges, backed up U-turn lanes which unexpectedly turn the right hand passing lane into a parking lot. Very few guard rails in Thailand either, but plenty of roadside trees.


    My neighbor's son-in-law has a serious yaa baa problem and I have been doing research on the effects of methamphetamine: euphoric feelings of invincibility, not sleeping for days, aggressiveness, violent behavior, increased distractability, restlessness, agitation, loss of consciousness. Might go a long way in explaining some of the daredevil and aggressive driving you see here.


    One time, this pack of Thai guys on vroom vroom Bugatti bikes zipped past me doing 140-150. Half an hour later I happened to catch up to them at a rest stop. They were seated at a table, ice filled plastic cups aready as one of them cracked the seal on a fifth of Jack Daniels. Couldn't believe my eyes.



    Straight forward choice there I reckon either chill out and give them a good head start or do a U- turn

  12. 2 hours ago, Farangwithaplan said:

    Apprently OldLakey thinks it is a foregone conclusion that injury will take place.

    They probably will be sooner or later



    Now what specifically is crap? You haven't outlined it in your post. And you certainly haven't offered anything up for debate in that post either. Would you care to elaborate because I really don't understand.




    I did suggest that I a selection of the population like to denigrate bike riders and see it as their right to do so. I also suggested that I feel people who live a safe life are missing out on some things. More power to them for living the straight life and wearing their "Tuesday" marked underwear on only Tuesdays. More power to them. But when they use illogical statements and skewed data to justify their comments about bike riders, they should expect a retort.


    I have reread my post and I never made any suggestion about non riders being a pussy. I really can't understand how you came to that conclusion. Did you not comprehend my post?. You are making that statement up and attempting to attribute it to me. Why would you attempt that?


    What are your thought on the figures on the motorcycle deaths? Do you think they reflect the type of riders who this thread is aimed at? If so, why. I really would like to hear your thoughts on that.


     The chap asking for advice on this thread has stated he is very inexperienced

    Hence Oldlakey is of the opinion that a nasty occurrence is more likely to occur

    sooner rather than later just the law of averages

    That situation would be the same anywhere as mistakes are made because of inexperience, but the problem is greatly compounded in Thailand the figures prove it

    The figures show that road casualties in Thailand especially for bike riders would rule it out as a place to learn to ride "touring" or otherwise

    This is nothing other than my opinion and its of no consequence, as its each to their own 


  13. 3 minutes ago, Farangwithaplan said:

    ?See my smiley face?Thanks for the advice. I'll take it with a grain of salt because reading through your previous posts, I can see you are certainly no barrel of laughs. Actually you sound quite bitter.


    Anyway, instead of nasty points about suggesting I will have my leathers torn and I need to extrude more of your dead pan and macabre style humour, do you have any factual retorts relating to the subject at hand?


    Care to get the grey matter working and intelligently counter my points that the motorcycle deaths are skewed and that they don't relate to trained people who adhere to safety measures whist defensively touring on well maintained machines? Or will you offer nothing to the debate and continue to throw spiteful barbs?


    I find a large group of people in this world like to trash on motorcycle riders in general. I occasionally think they feel it is their deity of choice's given right to do so. I personally have a feeling of remorse for those people.


    It reminds me of a bird that lives safely in a cage its whole long life. Missing out of the freedom but having continuous shelter and food - though never having the opportunity to spread their wings, to fly and to risk for reward of an enlightened soul. But each to their own.


    Oh, and one more smiley face to show I really do have a sense of humour. ?






    I will take that with a "PINCH" of salt    555555555

    Yes I can see you DO have a sense of humour after reading that lot 5555555

    • Confused 1
  14. 22 minutes ago, Thian said:

    Pfffff, you stress so much mate...retirement houses in Europe are a better place for you, all safe and clean there.


    I drove 60.000 km on a scooter in BKK and have seen it all i think...from big trucks driving on the guardrail between the ringroads untill somchai loosing a load of ice because his tricycle broke in 2...


    The only way to keep control in your own hands is by driving faster than the rest. If not they'll come from the back which is my pest hate....


    There's absolutely nobody on the roads who cares for safety, even not the police...And don't think your own security makes it better, i even got the electric barrier boom on my visor while passing the one to our home.


    When will mr Prayuth finally start doing something about roadsafety?

    Can I suggest you keep well away from level crossings

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