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  1. Dear 'sad face' my method is to kill the stump/root system after the tree has been cut down for whatever reason ie. in the wrong place or affecting foundations..not the one with the little birdies ok!
  2. Diesel or Caustic Soda is also very effective.
  3. how about a few cardboard cats draped here and there!
  4. seems like both the truck and motor cy were heading in the same direction with the bike tried to overtake the turning truck, (whether or not the trucks indicators were working or the rearlights illuminated, remains to be seen).
  5. i wonder who was hit, or what property was damaged by the errant bullett !!!
  6. no doubt your country has its fair share too!
  7. ...more than likely scare her off.
  8. she didn't mind him stroking her hair or left breast..she's had a change of heart.
  9. ..and all look the same (so I'm told)
  10. ...maybe Immigration Dept. needs to develop a Behaviour Prediction Scanning System.
  11. ..how about weeding out your own tangled, poisoned garden before looking over the fence!

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