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  1. ..guy in 2nd row, concentrating really hard, needs to make sure his pop-gun is on safety..it could go off half-cocked
  2. ..i reckon if he did get a Tax ID, he could claim the Fines as a Deduction.
  3. don't worry there's plenty more fine dust/mud on the way.
  4. ...but they gave you 10 times too much..poor souls.
  5. ...well he wouldn't have got his tossle jammed in the zip would he!
  6. ..once again, this Topic is about Australian Pensions not US.
  7. ..whatever, but Posters in his Topic have discussed it, probably off Topic. As you are aware you can download all the Dual Taxation Agreements in PDF to make your own determinations. I contacted the ATO a few months ago for clarification, all they could advise is follow what it says and do not avoid/evade paying taxation..(wow that was a revelation). Today i went to my local TRD and on presenting my filled in Form 91 was asked, 'is this for Thai Immigration'...hmm!, 'no' i replied. The Clerk proceeded to open TRD online and entered all my information. She clarified that seeing as was a former State Government employee and therefore a Contributor to a compulsory Superannuation scheme, i did not have those monies assessed by the TRD. (I asked about the Aged Pension, but was told it was Assessable.. She then deleted all the entries she had made and signed out, telling me there was no need for me to lodge a Tax Return in Thailand as no tax was payable in my situation having limited Income and Deductions. She handed me the Attachment below and wished me a Happy New Year. FYI
  8. Australian Aged Pension is under the Tax Threshhold; however in the eyes of the TRD it is Foreign Sourced Income with no Tax having been paid in the Contracting State, therefore assessable in Thailand. Regarding Superannuation if you worked for the Government (Federal/State/Local Government instrumentality) then that Pension is Non-assessable. That is my take. (Have a look at AseansNow member MikeLister's thread on this).
  9. ...so i could save 400b by not providing a 12 month statement, just a Bank Letter confirming my 800k plus and Updated Bank book!
  10. ..and what about the much scrutinised 'seasoning' period, how is this overcome?
  11. ..i think he was on the 'vinegar stroke' and slipped out.
  12. ..thank you Your Worship for your swift and positive action in this matter. Next case please!
  13. ...agreed..I can't see why Thai Immigration can't have their own Bond Account where we pay our 800/400 in for the duration of our Stay, abolish the 90 Day Reporting for those on Non Immig 'O' extensions...whoopee!

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