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Posts posted by LarryLindsey

  1. Thanks for the links. I could tell by your posts, you were on a steady diet of right wing hate therapy.

  2. One thing we can all agree on is Clinton is Crooked to the Bone! smile.png


    Exactly and here is even more evidence from investors.com as if it was needed. Oh by the way this is a totally new scandal

    Scandal: A new investigation reveals that Bill and Hillary Clinton took in at least $100 million from Middle East leaders.


    Nothing to see here folks. Just more fabricated scandals from the Right Wing.

    Who is behind this story?

    Tucker Carlson, former Dick Cheney advisor and FOX news most rabid nutcase. His publication is the conservative answer to the lamestream media.....cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    In other words, nonsense.

    I expect the Middle East leaders who forked out $100 million do not think it is nonsense as well as Hillary and Bill. And by the way this is in no way fabricated.

    The guy worked for Dick Cheney and FOX, then Karl Rove says it's necessary reading.cheesy.gif

  3. One thing we can all agree on is Clinton is Crooked to the Bone! smile.png


    Exactly and here is even more evidence from investors.com as if it was needed. Oh by the way this is a totally new scandal

    Scandal: A new investigation reveals that Bill and Hillary Clinton took in at least $100 million from Middle East leaders.


    Who is behind this story?

    Tucker Carlson, former Dick Cheney advisor and FOX news most rabid nutcase! cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    In other words, nonsense.

    He is also one of these conspiracy nuts that say the Twin Towers were brought down by thermite... ding dong ding dong

    watch him here.


  4. Around 12 years ago, the eastern portion 130 Rai, of the Tobacco Monopoly property was renovated into Benjakiti Park.

    The rumors at the time were the remaining 300 Rai of Tobacco Monopoly property will be converted into a park.

    Here is the plan.


    Today I saw this photo:


    It appears they are finally tearing out the cigarette factory buildings.

    Does anybody have any info? Is it really going to be a new park?

    What kind of impact on adjacent property values can be expected when a factory moves out and a large park appears?

  5. As four US presidents have been assassinated by gunshot, and a few more 'winged' - including St Ronald - is it a surprise the Secret Service takes seriously anybody's suggestion that the president be shot? Or that a person suggesting the murder of the president be in some hot water for such a suggestion? To cut this guy slack for just venting is a joke, he merits some time in the pokey.

    Actually, what he said is a typical FOX viewers point of view. I hear that kind of stuff all the time. They really think he is a muslim that snuck across the border to destroy America.

  6. Ah, The Police patrol in orange. They were deployed along beach road about two years ago, to patrol 24/7.

    Didn't seem to slow down all the ladyboy muggings.

    Has anyone ever seen the 24/7 Orange Police patrolling?

    “Beach Patrol of Pattaya” Project launched by Police Commander NOV 2014 Officers dressed in orange shirts and caps will patrol the Pattaya Beach area 24 hours a day in an effort to reduce crimes, especially those that involve Tourists.


  7. Is there any doubt this guy has been watching FOX ?

    That's what happens when you are drip fed hate 24/7

    Sadly we have all lost friends or relatives to the right wing hate propaganda. A cult of hate.

    Google : "FOX Brainwashed my dad."

    How short the memories.

    Don't recall the rabid CNN watchers crying "Death to Bush" do we? whistling.gif

    Haters gonna hate.

    No. wrong again.

    Just go to any coffee shop some morning and there is usually a table of Americans that obviously watch FOX.

    They all sound just like this wacky butler.

    You cant be friends with these people unless you hate Obama & Hillary.

  8. Mountains out of mole hills. Republicans are like firefighters who go to a burning house (America in trouble) and instead of taking out their hoses and dousing the flames, they instead get on their knees and follow an odd beetle waddling through the weeds.

    That will be Trump's modus operandi if top banana in the Oval Office; "I don't have to do anything, except what i want to do. Nobody's gonna tell me what to do, you got that? If I want to spend half my days playing golf, like my Republican predecessor, I can to that. I can take it a step further, and spend half my days developing golf courses in other countries. Are you gonna tell Donald Trump what to do? I own you. I can get you fired from your job with one fifteen second phone call. And by the way, your breath stinks."

    Has anyone else noticed how the discussion by the anti Trump people has gone from - he'll never get the nomination to he'll never win the election to "Trump's modus operandi if top banana in the Oval Office." Getting ready for the inevitable I guess.biggrin.png

    I was just going to comment on that. Those who said he'd never get the nomination then said he couldn't win the general election. Now they say "if" but I have news for them - the same news I've been telling them since last summer.

    Hillary is a loser with the personality of a bale of hay and Trump will be the next president. All of this other shit the detractors are throwing out is there because it's all they have.

    This place is going to be a lot more fun after the general election. Say "President Trump".


    The Left is in denial. And that's not a river in Egypt either. Trump is a shoe-in in November. smile.png

    Sorry. Fortunatly white trash demographic can't sway the national election.

    He won't win. Guaranteed.

  9. Why would a person with Trumps history of abuse & infidelities bring up the Clintons personal affairs I wonder?

    Trump first wife was Ivanna, a hot little number from Czechoslovakia.

    Unfortunately for Ivanna, Trump 40, began banging a 23 year old beauty pageant model named Marla Maples.

    While he was married to Marla, he met another model from Slovenia and started banging her.

    Many girlfriends in between are coming forward now.

    Yes, but that was all true love and has nothing to do with his money.

    The Presidential debates will be fun.

    Trump already took it to the gutter, bringing up Monica.

    What will trumps answer be when they ask him:

    Mr. Trump, is it true you were having sex with Marla Maples while you were married to Ivana, while she was pregnant?

    What was the problem, she refused to give you oral?

    Is it true you cheated on your next wife Marla while banging your current wife Melania?

    How many girls have you banged while you were married?

    How many guys were your wives banging while they were married to you?

    These questions are fair game now that Trump is hounding Bill & Hillary.

  10. Why would a person with Trumps history of abuse & infidelities bring up the Clintons personal affairs I wonder?

    Trump first wife was Ivanna, a hot little number from Czechoslovakia.

    Unfortunately for Ivanna, Trump 40, began banging a 23 year old beauty pageant model named Marla Maples.

    While he was married to Marla, he met another model from Slovenia and started banging her.

    Many girlfriends in between are coming forward now.

  11. Trump on women he's 'had'.........

    "Beautiful, famous, successful, married—I’ve had them all,"

    from his book, "Think Big" 2007

    Bill Clinton should have done like Trump and traded in his wife for several newer import models.

    They are hot too. Lets hope there are some dirty movies in their past.

    Lets go all FOX on those ladies and attack them 24/7.

    Looking forward to their personal destruction. This will be fun. Americas issues can be put on hold.

  12. Trump is obviously hiding something very damaging. The audit excuse is lame. He'll never release them.

    What's the worst that it could reveal...that he donated to Hillary's 2008 campaign?

    I'm sure he did by the way

    Well if there is nothing to hide then release them, I think you answer your own question.

    This is all a 'deal' to Trump. He's hiding something but why should he show it and lose some leverage on the 'deal' to get the presidency.

    This is just another sleazy business transaction to Trump. The joke is on us.

    Lets be honest. Would you trust him if you were buying his second hand car?

  13. " It doesn't takes any balls to hide something. It takes deception and lying. "

    I am assuming you learned this little gem from watching the Clinton's in operation over the past 30 years?

    But tell us, how is Trump's refusal to release his tax records any different than Hillary's refusal to release her speech transcripts?

    Your hypocrisy is showing.whistling.gif

    Because there is a precedent for candidates releasing their tax returns going back 40 years but as far as I know nobody has ever been called to release transcripts of speeches any more than they have had to provide birth certificates or college transcripts both of which Trump has demanded but will not be disclosing himself.

    As far as I know there has never been a candidate that was paid $225,000 for a speech to somebody she is vowing to set straight or run them out of business.

    Hillary is sort of a one-off candidate, thank God.

    All types of precedents look like being set with this election.

    What? you think this lawyer lady, aspiring presidential candidate, that has been hounded & investigated by the right wing her entire adult life, is going to say something sinister at some dinner?

    Just the other day I read Colin Powell was speaking for a large fee. Reagan made speeches for $1 million. This is nothing new. People even pay GWBush to make speeches. Now that is a laugh.

  14. In my experience, EVERY vendor is paying someone to lease the space.

    Go out there and try to sell something. In about less than an hour the gang that controls the footpath will be coming to see you. Most likely a government official that thinks he personally owns the public area.

    I have seen the green truck show up with about 6 officers, snatch a vendors goods, table and all. Not pretty.

  15. The cigarette cops have never left lower Sukhumvit, AFAIK. They may not be around for a day or two at a time, sometimes. But I've never seen them entirely gone that I can recall.

    There was a comprehensive article about the ciggy scam officers n the Spectator Magazine several years ago. Many complaints about entrapment.

    The sidewalk officers had even passed out walki talkie radios to some street vendors that would happily notify them if they saw a farang smoking.

  16. Clinton is being investigated? Really? Imagine that?

    Are you talking about the $60 million failed investigation in 1990s that the taxpayers paid for?

    Or are you talking about the vetting in her Senate campaign race? or the scrutiny during her presidential race in 2008, or maybe the investigation when Obama nominated her as Secretary of State?

    ...or the 8 Benghazzi hearings? ... Shes been cleared right?

    Nothings really come up so they are going all the way back to the blue dress and beat that into the ground.

  17. Going after the kids now, eh? Classy.

    Corrupt all the way down.

    Guess the truth hurts, eh? thumbsup.gif

    I thought you would appreciate the attack on politicians children.

    Like I said, classy.

    I sure Trumps kids are gonna love the attention too. Politicians used to keep the family out of it.

    You think some billionaires kids haven't been a bit naughty?

    How much coke does his kid sniff/sell? How many girls did he knock up? How many abortions did she have? How many black guys did she gangbang? and there is video?..great!

    Now this is the way to pick the leader of the free world.

  18. What a loser. He should go back to his home country and make money to support his family rather than breaking the law and not even making peanuts

    And would he be a loser if he was selling burgers in his own country? Some of those burger vans at home are quite lucrative businesses!

    My friend Don lived the good life, had a nice home of the golf course, traveled, Benz, the works. Nice guy and deserved it, worked hard.

    Had a hotdog stand on Hwy 1 in front of the Hearst Castle in Calif.

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