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Posts posted by LarryLindsey

  1. All Trump has to do to shut Hillary up is tell the world he will release his tax returns right after she releases her speech transcripts with Goldman Sachs.

    On to breaking news. Anybody see this?

    Proof the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.


    Chelsea Clinton’s Husband Closing Hedge Fund After Losing 90 Percent Of Its Money
    2:19 PM 05/11/2016
    Chelsea Clinton’s husband is shutting down a hedge fund he founded after losing 90 percent of investors’ money.
    Marc Mezvinsky promoted Eaglevale Hellenic Opportunity as a means to bet on, and profit from, a Greek economic recovery. The fund was a spinoff of Eaglevale Partners, a larger hedge fund founded by Mezvinsky and two colleagues from his days working at Goldman Sachs.

    Going after the kids now, eh? Classy.

    Stick to the candidates. What about all those people that got screwed in Trumps numerous bankruptcies?

  2. Help I just got charged by a 'policeman' 2k for not dropping a cigarette outside MBK, that's ok he not a real Policeman, next time not give him ok, now go away.

    GOOGLE: "Cigarette but police" These guys have been harassing tourists since the littering campaign started 20 years ago. Very well publicized. Embassies have even fielded complaints about this but nobody cares.

    There are ate least a dozen officers in the Sukhumvit Hotel District. Anytime you see a foreigner smoking, there is a BMA sidewalk officer stalking them. Of course the scam wouldn't be so effective if the trash bins were not removed.

    The uniforms look like a 5 star general and they often lie and tell the tourists they are police.

    As normal, a good idea about littering, sadly turned into a profitable tourist scam.

    How much do they make? I watched them for a few years from my business in Bangkok.

    I'd estimate that each officer nabs maybe 3 per hour. 2000Bt each.

    Thats 48,00Bt per day X 12 officers = 576,000Bt per day from the Sukhumvit ciggy scam.

    These guys are doing this at tourist sites all around Bangkok, targeting visitors only. Million per day going to the BMA. Never going to stop.

  3. AP Interview: Trump says he's unlikely to release tax returns before election


    That's right. None of anybody's business. So what if Clinton released hers - 99% bogus we're sure just like that slush fund they call the Clinton Foundation.

    Her tax records are bogus?

    This is an example why you cannot have an intelligent conversation with right wing news consumers.

  4. Yes Trump is a narcissistic, bombastic blowhard but does he really match the sleaziness of the Clintons.....

    Nowhere near. They are in a class by themselves! smile.png

    Trump only makes sense to those that consume right wing news and talk radio. They want to take the USA back to the golden years of 2008. LOL

    All they talk about is how Obama is destroying America (You do know he is an illegal alien, communist muslim sent here to take our guns destroy the USA?)

  5. Trustworthy Trump lies all the time.

    I remember early on in the contest. Macy's Department Store was taking some heat from Hispanics for carrying the Trump branded shirts and ties. (made in China)

    Macy's announced they were dropping the Trump items, no longer selling the stuff.

    Trump bizzarly tweeted,

    "Macy's didn't drop me. I pulled my inventory because I didn't want to see them get hurt, boycotted by Mexican protesters."

    Then he tweeted, "Boycott Macy's. They love illegals"

    The guy is a shameless liar and fool.

  6. So much for all those polls and pundits predicting a Hillary landslide http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN0Y21TN


    so much for seeing Trumps tax returns. http://www.marketwatch.com/story/trump-says-he-will-be-the-first-candidate-since-1976-not-to-release-tax-returns-2016-05-11
    Why are other people's tax returns anyone's business? Good to see he has the balls to NOT release them. Why don't you post your returns here for all to see!

    What about birth certificates? Or his sex life. Or the sex life of the spouse. That's fair game, right?

    Lets get him under oath and ask about his blow jobs but lets leave his tax returns/businesses out of it.

  7. Here is Obama making a fool of Trump at the Correspondents Dinner.


    What is interesting is during this dinner, the Navy Seals were helicoptering into Abbotabad to snatch Bin Laden.

    A prime example of the conservatives taking their eye off the ball, consumed with political nonsense. The birth certificate was the important issue....

    Same thing years ago, the right wing was consumed with their legal harassment strategy vs Bill Clinton.

    The Republicans were consumed with a blue dress while Bill Clinton was launching cruise missiles at Bin Laden.

    What did the republicans have to say about Bill trying to kill Bin Laden?

    "The President only attacked Bin Laden to take attention away from the important stuff. The BJ gossip."

    A few years later on 9/11.....

  8. Thats the funny thing. Trump supporters are too stupid to realize they are being played and used.

    Heck, he calls them stupid to their faces and they cheer! Remember the "I could shoot someone and people would still follow me" and the "I love the poorly educated" comments?

    ...and if the person he 'shot in the face' was black, they would be even happier. LOL

  9. This Trump supporter is really upset with GWBush not supporting Trump. So upset he is tearing up his genuine autographed copy of GWB that he had proudly displayed on his wall.

    Imagine that? Having a picture of GWB on your wall and be proud of it. LOL.

    LOL. That is classic!

    Trump has turned loyal Fox news viewers against Fox, Republicans against Republicans and even Christians against the Pope.

    I am no fan of W but you can't really blame him for not supporting Trump after all the nasty things Trump has said about him and his family. He completely humiliated Jeb.

    The guy is certifiable.

    Did you notice the guy in the video, he is in his living room and is carrying a 44 in his holster.

    This is what happens when your mind is drip fed right wing nonsense instead of legitimate news.

    It's sad, many of us have lost friends or relatives to the right wing fake news.

    GOOGLE: "FOX Brainwashed My Dad."


  10. How strange. I live in rural Thailand and not only do I cut the grass, about 2 rai I also do my neighbours grass, another 2 rai and no local people are bothered in the slightest. I get thumbs up and smiles and if I am early enough in the cool of the morning sometimes the local monks stop for a quick chat on their morning alms round.

    I have been doing it for years and nobody is bothered about it at all.

    I haven't done any fence work but I have trimmed the trees where the power cables run.

    No Gestapo up here, just normal Thai people.

    Painted the front of the house in a proper way.. sanding first .. .. grounding.. then 1 layer.. later an other. Did many home improvents.. never a problem with immigration.

    Must be a bad life if you live in fear like this. Immigration has said before foreigners can work on boats (if they don't sell them) and their own house.

    Lot of barstool talk here, love to see an example of someone doing some housework on the house where they work getting in trouble. But of course it makes a great story and its great to be negative like that.. otherwise how can we put the Thais down.

    Not aimed at you Billd but the others.

    They can squeeze you if they feel lie it.

    I remember reading about a farang on his condo board. Somebody made sure the Immigration Police put the screws to him.

    I am sure they could but I have lived here 12 years so far and nobody is interested in doing so. Not the local police, immigration, PuYai Ban and not even the local post office where I sometimes collect my own letters to save the postman a ride out.

    I am to old to be paranoid.

    You say that you remember reading about a farang on his condo board. Do you have any links, news reports etc to back up what you have said? Is that just another urban legend?

    Many years ago my Mum told me that the moon was made of blue cheese. Was she right? I have no idea as I have never been there

    Sadly your mum taught you nonsense.

    Here is the condo board member story.


  11. The one and only time I had anything to do with the Tourist Police in BKK was when my passport was stolen.

    Total waste of my time.

    Go report a gem scam and see what they do.

    Usually tourists get hit with the gem scam in the first day or two when visiting Bangkok. They report to the Tourist that pretend to care.

    The unfortunate tourists will postpone their trips to the islands etc. with the false hope the Tourist Police are genuine. Wrong.

    Their goal is to string you along, filing out paperwork or meetings.... until your departure flight is scheduled.

    Been happening this way for over 30 years. They can't seem to find these scammers. The average tourist meets them all day long in front of EVERY tourist site.

    The scam goes deeper.

    The super persistent scam victim that wont go away will finally get sent to the Ministry of Commerce. There is an officer that specializes in getting 'partial' refunds in the gem scam.

    Yes, the government has an officer dealing with the gem scam mafia people every week! His job is to quiet down the persistent "problem" victims, get them just a partial refund so they shut-up.

    Guess who keeps the balance?

  12. Right near the Tourist Police are the regular Gem Scammers, been there for years, easily recognizable, telling lies to visitors and tricking them into a nearby TukTuk, then off to Scam World.

    They will be passed from one scammer to the next all day long.

    The Tourist Police know all about them. A nice lady at the Tourist Authority whispered to me they are off duty Tourist Police running the decades old scam.

    Some of these well dressed english speaking gem scammers you see approaching tourists even go into the police box to cool down or ride off on police motorbikes...funny.

  13. Here in Hua Hin i am afraid to do yard work in front of my house or any other type of labor around the outside of the house for fear someone will report me to immigration.

    tried fixing some holes in the fence once to keep out dogs. groundskeeper got real nervous had "to be there the whole time"

    what a way to live, gustapo

    thais dont understand the concept of work for leisure, exercise or enjoyment the way westerners do

    How strange. I live in rural Thailand and not only do I cut the grass, about 2 rai I also do my neighbours grass, another 2 rai and no local people are bothered in the slightest. I get thumbs up and smiles and if I am early enough in the cool of the morning sometimes the local monks stop for a quick chat on their morning alms round.

    I have been doing it for years and nobody is bothered about it at all.

    I haven't done any fence work but I have trimmed the trees where the power cables run.

    No Gestapo up here, just normal Thai people.

    Painted the front of the house in a proper way.. sanding first .. .. grounding.. then 1 layer.. later an other. Did many home improvents.. never a problem with immigration.

    Must be a bad life if you live in fear like this. Immigration has said before foreigners can work on boats (if they don't sell them) and their own house.

    Lot of barstool talk here, love to see an example of someone doing some housework on the house where they work getting in trouble. But of course it makes a great story and its great to be negative like that.. otherwise how can we put the Thais down.

    Not aimed at you Billd but the others.

    They can squeeze you if they feel lie it.

    I remember reading about a farang on his condo board. Somebody made sure the Immigration Police put the screws to him.

  14. Bill Clinton was chased like a rock star. Thousands of women have been begging him to screw.

    It's really none of our business.

    Clinton was a good President, presided over the best period of economic growth in US history and balanced the budget. That's what is important.

    Trump is a crass piece of garbage for hounding Hillary about this.

    Trumps super model wives are probably trembling now that their history is fair game. Who cares about the issues...Lets ruin them. Right?

  15. OK, I did your work for you but this will be the last time. If you doubt any of my figures in the future then go to a reputable site and look them up yourself.

    And, no, I won't believe media matters, Hillary for President or any other such nonsensical site as proof.

    All of this information was obtained from the Bureau of Labor Statistics site, which has been provided to you earlier.

    1. Unemployment rate eight years ago - 5%

    Now it is 5%

    2. Non-participation in labor force eight years ago - 79,990,000

    Now it is 94,104,468.

    4. U-5 unemployment rate eight years ago - 9.2%

    Now it is 9.7%.

    So you tell me...is it better now than it was eight years ago?

    Link to help you get out of your darkened cave:


    WOW! We are not better off now than we were 8 years ago during the Bush Golden age?

    Don't take it personal but you should get that head checked out.

    Your buddy Trump says unemployment is really 42%.

    Other Republican or Right Wing stats are based on the potential labor hours, if every American adult, ages 16 to 68, worked full time... or they want to count non-working wives, students, teenagers, parents, disabled, retirees, drifters, grifters, welfare cheats, criminals, bums and people between jobs, enrolled in training programs, on sabbaticals.

    Fact is, unemployment rate is 4.9%.

    Under the Obama Administration we have seen 74 months of continued job creation totaling 14.6 million jobs.

  16. Is there a season for air con servicing ? clap2.gif

    That is why people who are smart service the aircon before the hot season.

    OK, so I'm not smart then?... but I use aircon all year.

    No no, you're smart. But when it comes to hiring services you just need a little coaching.

  17. Larry- You seem obsessed with Fox

    No. Not obsessed.
    Just pointing out that the people that watch that crap are getting a special version of the news that leave them with an appereance of being misinformed.

    GOOGLE: "Rupert Murdoch's War On Journalism"

    Larry, just for the record let me advise you I don't watch Fox News and haven't seen it since 2008.

    I watch CNN (Clinton News Network) and BBC when I get really desperate for a laugh. I live in a small village in Isaan and have TrueVisions as my TV provider.

    Now, how about fessing up? What is your nationality, what country do you live in and what is your major source of network news?

    Also wondering if you and ilostmypassowrd also happened to run across my backup for the Labor Force Participation Rate?

    Unemployment has gone from well over 10% down to 5%. 74 months of continued job growth = 14.6 million.
    I know that's hard to take for the FOX viewers so they pull some figures out of thre air about labor participation rate.

    I know, I know... I've heard it before.... All the jobs Obama created are low wage going to refugees.....or the numbers are fake.

    You're not half as smart as you think you are.

    I didn't pull any figures out of the air. I got them directly from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

    Since it is obvious you don't have a clue what the BLS is, let me provide a little information.

    I suggest you get into their site and find out how the unemployment percentage is calculated. You might actually learn something useful.

    Edit in" Check out the U-6 unemployment rate. It was 9.7% in April 2016. Surely you know what the U-6 unemployment rate is...

    Bureau of Labor Statistics
    Government Agency


    The Bureau of Labor Statistics is a unit of the United States Department of Labor. It is the principal fact-finding agency for the U.S. government in the broad field of labor economics and statistics ... Wikipedia

    Jurisdiction: Federal government of the United States

    Headquarters: Washington, D.C., United States

    Founded: 1884

    Annual budget: 618.2 million USD

    Parent organization: United States Department of Lab

    Uhuh. And how did your employment figures look 8 years ago during the Republican administration?

    Are we better off now?
  18. topt, on 09 May 2016 - 22:25, said:

    how241, on 09 May 2016 - 18:31, said:

    LarryLindsey, on 09 May 2016 - 18:10, said:LarryLindsey, on 09 May 2016 - 18:10, said:

    If its an old unit, consider replacing. The newer units are more efficient, quieter, no?

    Unfortunately, it is a LG unit that is a little over 1 year old...It was quiet in the beginning but I have had the tech. people look at it several times already...

    Not sure why you resurrected a very old thread when you started this one http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/896445-need-recommendations-on-a-good-air-cond-repair-man-in-pattaya/?p=10441145&hl=%2Bair+%2Bcon+%2Bservice in February - when the unit was 1.5 years old............

    What was wrong with the guy you used then - or has he said he cannot fix it?

    I thought this was the thread I started but apparently I was wrong...Either way, I am still trying to find a good a/c man....Ao, did come out and fix it as I said on my other thread but about a month later , it has gotten noisy again...I have called him but he is busy and has put me off a few times...I guess business is good for him...

    Your air con guy is busy?

    Why would the air con technicians be extra busy this time of year I wonder?

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