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Posts posted by LarryLindsey

  1. I would close Beach Rd to traffic (allow late truck deliveries after 2AM.), rip out the concrete and make a nice park.

    There would be lots of seating areas near restaurants, picnic tables, a bike path, badminton, volleyball and sports areas.

    An open air electric "train' that runs along the beach would be free and take you back and forth.

    Shuttles going up and down Pattaya Nua, Pattaya Klang and Pattaya Tai to large parking lots near Sukhumvit.

    About every 200 Meters along the beach would be a snack bar, clean restrooms and a chair umbrella rental. (only set up when requested of course)

    There would be world class landscaping and maintenance.

    A 24/7 patrol of Police Women (not Thai men) and the jet ski scammers, ladyboys, and the pesty beach vendors would be shot on sight.

    Vote for me, Mayor of Pattaya in this summers election....

  2. Don't have to google most of them. Our new friend just doesn't know what he is talking about.

    Let's look at just a select few of them since I don't have the inclination to google for the next half hour.

    1. "Banking crisis over."

    Bank bail out was under George Bush administration.

    2. "Ended 2 wars."

    Then why are we still fighting wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Obama has screwed up the peace process.

    3. "Dependency on foreign oil all time low.'

    Obama had nothing to do with this. Drilling on government land is still on the black list. Fracking is getting the oil out of privately owned land.

    4. "Strong dollar."

    On 20 January 2009 the dollar to baht exchange rate for transfers was 34.68. This month it was 34.69. Not a terribly healthy dollar now as opposed to then.

    5. "Deficit going down faster than projected."

    Since the last Bush deficit had requested a deficit of $407 Billion yet Obama ran it up to $1.413 Trillion, I guess any number below that is a deficit reduction.

    6. "Iran nuclear agreement."

    What Iran nuclear agreement? Iran never has signed the agreement. Kerry made the agreement with himself at this point.

    7. " Healthcare reform."

    I presume yo are talking about the Affordable Care Act, where nearly all the insurers have dropped out of the program and all the coverage seems to be federally funded Medicaid?

    8. "Saved auto industry."

    ​Uh...George Bush did this before Obama took office.

    You really need to get out a little more and stop reading Media Matters. George Soros does that group proud.

    You have it all wrong except for one item, It was GW Bush that did the GM bailout after the November election and with Obama economic team prodding him.

    Georges Bushes best moment & Obama made him do it.

  3. Now that the spouses are fair game, let's hope they dig into Trumps wife's past.

    He's had a series of hot wives. Let's hope they uncover some juicy scandals. Hopefully some embarrassing sex movies. That would be excellent.

    Who cares about the issues.

    I doubt it will top Vince Foster and the testimony of the Arkansas State Troopers that were the Clinton's bodyguards and the White Houses staff. Hillary has quite a vocabulary. Try googling Hillary's vulgarity-makes-trump-look-like-Shakespeare.

    Thank you for proving my point.

    Bodyguard rumors. Yea those are great.

    Let's personally attack the other side. Harass them and their families, investigate them, file lawsuits and start a fake news show to denigrate them 24/7.

    Who cares about issues.

  4. The only legacy Obama has is a totally failed one on every level.- Domestic & Foreign,blink.png
    Let's not forget we are better off than we were 7 years ago.
    GWBush left the US crippled, at wars, 20 million lost their homes, retires lost their savings, 800,000 were being laid off every month.
    People were ruined and jumping off their roofs in 2008..
    Stock market lost 60%.
    How soon some people forget...
    How is it that Ovama us seen as a failure?
    Where do these people get their information?

    Since Obama was elected:
    74 months of job growth.
    Retirees and the 225 million with retirement accounts have enjoyed 200% gains.
    What else?
    Killed Bin Laden & droned more terrorists than previous presidents.
    Housing crisis over. Lowest inventory in decades.
    Banking crisis over.
    Ended 2 wars.
    Dependency on foreign oil all time low.
    Increased fuel efficiency standards.
    US Exports at all time high.
    Strong dollar.
    Deficit going down faster than projected.
    Iran nuclear agreement.
    Healthcare reform.
    Cuba relations.
    Leadership on environment & climate change.
    TPP trade agreement with Pacifuc Rim.
    ISIL being effector pushed back.
    Reversed torture policy.
    Education reform.
    Saved auto industry.

    We all know that those items you've listed are bogus! laugh.png

    Read em and weep FOX viewers.
    Shocking I know.

    Still don't see any documentation for those bogus items you've cited.
    Get back to us with substantiation for those allegations OK? thumbsup.gif

    Why don't you come up with some documentation, we call that links on this form, when you dispuce this post?
    Or is it that you cann't find anny?

    Refer to my previous post.

  5. The only legacy Obama has is a totally failed one on every level.- Domestic & Foreign,blink.png
    Let's not forget we are better off than we were 7 years ago.
    GWBush left the US crippled, at wars, 20 million lost their homes, retires lost their savings, 800,000 were being laid off every month.
    People were ruined and jumping off their roofs in 2008..
    Stock market lost 60%.
    How soon some people forget...
    How is it that Ovama us seen as a failure?
    Where do these people get their information?

    Since Obama was elected:
    74 months of job growth.
    Retirees and the 225 million with retirement accounts have enjoyed 200% gains.
    What else?
    Killed Bin Laden & droned more terrorists than previous presidents.
    Housing crisis over. Lowest inventory in decades.
    Banking crisis over.
    Ended 2 wars.
    Dependency on foreign oil all time low.
    Increased fuel efficiency standards.
    US Exports at all time high.
    Strong dollar.
    Deficit going down faster than projected.
    Iran nuclear agreement.
    Healthcare reform.
    Cuba relations.
    Leadership on environment & climate change.
    TPP trade agreement with Pacifuc Rim.
    ISIL being effector pushed back.
    Reversed torture policy.
    Education reform.
    Saved auto industry.

    We all know that those items you've listed are bogus! laugh.png

    Read em and weep FOX viewers.
    Shocking I know.

    Still don't see any documentation for those bogus items you've cited.
    Get back to us with substantiation for those allegations OK? thumbsup.gif

    I've been thru this before with FOX viewers.
    I'd bring up some links but then you go all conspiracy on us and babble on about the lame stream media ...
    Google it if you really care.
  6. The only legacy Obama has is a totally failed one on every level.- Domestic & Foreign,blink.png

    Let's not forget we are better off than we were 7 years ago.

    GWBush left the US crippled, at wars, 20 million lost their homes, retires lost their savings, 800,000 were being laid off every month.

    People were ruined and jumping off their roofs in 2008..

    Stock market lost 60%.

    How soon some people forget...

    How is it that Ovama us seen as a failure?

    Where do these people get their information?

    Since Obama was elected:

    74 months of job growth.

    Retirees and the 225 million with retirement accounts have enjoyed 200% gains.

    What else?

    Killed Bin Laden & droned more terrorists than previous presidents.

    Housing crisis over. Lowest inventory in decades.

    Banking crisis over.

    Ended 2 wars.

    Dependency on foreign oil all time low.

    Increased fuel efficiency standards.

    US Exports at all time high.

    Strong dollar.

    Deficit going down faster than projected.

    Iran nuclear agreement.

    Healthcare reform.

    Cuba relations.

    Leadership on environment & climate change.

    TPP trade agreement with Pacifuc Rim.

    ISIL being effector pushed back.

    Reversed torture policy.

    Education reform.

    Saved auto industry.


    We all know that those items you've listed are bogus! laugh.png

    Read em and weep FOX viewers.

    Shocking I know.

  7. Our company had a dispute, went thru several law firms and the case went nowhere.

    Beware of Thai Lawyers and their zig zag methodology. Some people say they are more dishonest than the police...

    This comment is valid. Google the story about the farang in phuket who is trying to find an honest lawyer to represent him against the dodgy lawyer who transferred assets out of his company name into the ex's name. He categorically states that he went to the 'lawyers council' in bkk trying to find an honest lawyer and didnt have much success. good luck

    Same everywhere.

    "Protect Your Own".

    Here we go again. No, it's not the 'same everywhere'. In first world countries a lawyer accused of negligence would be investigated and if found guilty of malfeasance, disbarred. Not so here.

    Might be the same in Nigeria.

  8. Lack of jobs? Nonsense. Unemployment base dropped in half since 2008.

    14.6 million jobs created under Obama.

    I know, I know. I've discussed this before with FOX viewers. ..."they are all bad jobs going to refugees"........

    Trumps plan is to bring back the $1 an hour jobs from China.


    Of course Americsns won't do those jobs so they will import Chinese workers and give them $15an hour ....

  9. The only legacy Obama has is a totally failed one on every level.- Domestic & Foreign,blink.png

    Let's not forget we are better off than we were 7 years ago.

    GWBush left the US crippled, at wars, 20 million lost their homes, retires lost their savings, 800,000 were being laid off every month.

    People were ruined and jumping off their roofs in 2008..

    Stock market lost 60%.

    How soon some people forget...

    How is it that Ovama us seen as a failure?

    Where do these people get their information?

    Since Obama was elected:

    74 months of job growth.

    Retirees and the 225 million with retirement accounts have enjoyed 200% gains.

    What else?

    Killed Bin Laden & droned more terrorists than previous presidents.

    Housing crisis over. Lowest inventory in decades.

    Banking crisis over.

    Ended 2 wars.

    Dependency on foreign oil all time low.

    Increased fuel efficiency standards.

    US Exports at all time high.

    Strong dollar.

    Deficit going down faster than projected.

    Iran nuclear agreement.

    Healthcare reform.

    Cuba relations.

    Leadership on environment & climate change.

    TPP trade agreement with Pacifuc Rim.

    ISIL being effector pushed back.

    Reversed torture policy.

    Education reform.

    Saved auto industry.

  10. This item will resound with legions of women all across America.

    Nobody likes a serial abuser such as Bubba Clinton and Hillary will have an impossible time defending him. smile.png

    Trump has this one right.

    Hillary needs to shut her yap...the Clintons did nothing but throw parties and Bill used his office to sexually abuse employees.

    Trump would never stoop to that low morality position.

    Imagine Hillary, checking for chewed "bubblegum" underneath the Desk in the Oval Office. Just a place to stick the gum when getting down to business.

    and yes...she ruined the lives of the employees while in Charge.

    awful stuff.


    I don't know about you people, but I resent Bill getting "serviced" in my "White House", while I was pulling duty overseas, in the Military. If that is your Idea of being "Command in Chief" then who needs it ! Same for Hilly. After all the lies about not doing anything, he escaped being impeached. Both of them should hang their heads in shame. If Bill would of been impeached, then there would be no danger now of Hillary abusing women in the white house by enabling her husband to pursue using the Presidential Office as a brothel.

    So what. The president of the USA gets a little consensual sex during a coffee break. I'm sure you are sincerely outraged.

    He didn't rape her like your Navy buddies at a Tailhook convention where personnel assaulted 83 women in their hotel or thousands of servicemen that regularly visit brothels all over the world....

  11. You need to accompany her. She can get a Visa where you swear she will be with you at all times. Also she needs a RT plane ticket with return date.Bring your bank statements and your pension income. You are guaranteeing her housing and income. What is her itinerary in the U.S.? Are you taking her to Disneyland? to a state capital? to Washington?

    False. You are not even allowed into the embassy unless you have other business and even then cannot accompany an interviewee. Also, the US Embassy website strongly recommends not buying air tickets or hotel rooms prior to approval for obvious reasons so does not expect to see them in. You a just totally full of crap huh?

    In the past, I have needed to phone US Citizen Services at the Bangkok Embassy. Very helpful.

    The OP may want to come to Thailand, phone ahead and ask to discuss the girlfriends application with an officer. Will it help? I don't know.

  12. Contact your senator and congressional rep. They have people.

    This might work .0001% of the time and under very special circumstances.

    The OPs Congressman has full time staff working on immigration issues.

    Take the girlfriends VISA denial and go see the Congresman. They all like to say yes to their voters.

    The Congressman's staff can get it done.

  13. Gess the truth hurts, eh? Hillary has been covering up for Bubba since day one. Calling her a 'nasty enabler' is actually too kind.blink.png

    He is making a big mistake bring up personal family matters.

    What a scumbag.

    A hundred of Trumps old lady friends (conquests) are ready to expose him as a serial philanderer.

    I feel sorry for Trumps wife. She is gonna learn allot about her husband. A divorce before the election?

    This is the sad state of affairs in US Politics...and people wonder why qualified presidential candidates refuse to run. The scumbags in politics (and fake news) will try to ruin their family.

  14. Doesn't Trump realize that the Clinton impeachment hearings was an all time low for the Republicans?

    The Republicans took their eye off the ball, were busy with their unpatriotic political witch hunt while Bill Clinton was tracking down Bin Laden.

    You see, legal harassment is the Republican strategy.

    They spent/wasted $60,000,000 taxpayer dollars on lawyers investigating the Clintons history, hoping to come up with some 'dirt'. They found ZILCH on the Clintons.

    So the Republicans that wasted all that money on a failed investigation were desperate to save face.... decided to mention Bills girlfriend while under oath. "Lets ask him about the BJ" Hahahaha...

    The Republicans behind the BJ impeachment case? Perhaps the biggest scumbags in Washington.

    R. Newt Gingrich, he was caught banging secretaries in his office!

    R. Livingston, was busted hiding 4 girlfriends from his wife.

    R. Dennis Hassert, was busted for raping 4 little boys in his high school gym class.

    And while these immoral, unethical clowns were pushing the impeachment hearings, Bill Clinton was busy going after Bin Laden.

    Bill Clinton sent cruise missiles in an attempt to kill Bin Laden.

    What did the Republicans have to say? They said Clinton was attacking Bin Laden to take away attention from the impeachment hearings!

    That's why I say the Republicans are dangerous and unpatriotic scumbags and they owe the taxpayers a refund on the $60,000,000 bogus investigations.

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