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Posts posted by LarryLindsey

  1. Larry- You seem obsessed with Fox

    No. Not obsessed.

    Just pointing out that the people that watch that crap are getting a special version of the news that leave them with an appereance of being misinformed.

    GOOGLE: "Rupert Murdoch's War On Journalism"

    Larry, just for the record let me advise you I don't watch Fox News and haven't seen it since 2008.

    I watch CNN (Clinton News Network) and BBC when I get really desperate for a laugh. I live in a small village in Isaan and have TrueVisions as my TV provider.

    Now, how about fessing up? What is your nationality, what country do you live in and what is your major source of network news?

    Also wondering if you and ilostmypassowrd also happened to run across my backup for the Labor Force Participation Rate?

    Unemployment has gone from well over 10% down to 5%. 74 months of continued job growth = 14.6 million.

    I know that's hard to take for the FOX viewers so they pull some figures out of thre air about labor participation rate.

    I know, I know... I've heard it before.... All the jobs Obama created are low wage going to refugees.....or the numbers are fake.

  2. I am not really very excited about Trump and his big mouth, but I am very happy to see the big middle finger his campaign is giving to the totally busted two party system.

    You're mistaken. There is nothing wrong with the Democrats. They're having a spirited campaign based on issues. HRC is a stronger, more viable candidate. Bernie has brought up good points and the Democrats should adopt many of his policies. The truth is, Bernie and Hillary are not that much different and both would make good Presidents. The Democrats will come together to eliminate the Republican party.

    On the other hand...the Republicans have been fanning the flames of racist fascism for decades and this is just their chickens coming home to roost. The Republican party is self immolating in front of the eyes of the world.

    It's far from a busted two party system. Republicans are deservedly a busted single entity. The Republican party is toast. clap2.gif

    The Republicans have been depending on the hate & fear model since Roger Ailes developed that methodology in the 1960s. Forget the issues and facts, people will vote if they hate and fear the opposition.

    They want you to hate the other side. That's what they do. They drip feed the hate, 24/7 on the fake news and right wing talk radio.

    Their hate and fear model is dishonest, dangerous and unpatriotic, relentlessly denigrating the President in front of the world all day long.

    Good people, qualified to be President won't run because the hate machine will destroy them and their family.

    Now with their internal problems, they turned the Republican hate machine on themselves and are self destructing. Good.

    While the Democrats depend upon a model of class warfare and demonizing "the rich".

    The rich should actually support democrats.

    Since WW2 the stock market during democrat terms has averaged around 12% per year while the republican administrations have tallied under 6% on average.

    Retirees on pension, people with IRAs and 401k accounts and other investors can expect their accounts value to double every 6 years with the democrat historic returns. It will take 12 years to get the same returns with historic republican returns.

    This is surprising since the republicans claim they are the pro business party.

  3. I am not really very excited about Trump and his big mouth, but I am very happy to see the big middle finger his campaign is giving to the totally busted two party system.

    You're mistaken. There is nothing wrong with the Democrats. They're having a spirited campaign based on issues. HRC is a stronger, more viable candidate. Bernie has brought up good points and the Democrats should adopt many of his policies. The truth is, Bernie and Hillary are not that much different and both would make good Presidents. The Democrats will come together to eliminate the Republican party.

    On the other hand...the Republicans have been fanning the flames of racist fascism for decades and this is just their chickens coming home to roost. The Republican party is self immolating in front of the eyes of the world.

    It's far from a busted two party system. Republicans are deservedly a busted single entity. The Republican party is toast. clap2.gif

    The Republicans have been depending on the hate & fear model since Roger Ailes developed that methodology in the 1960s. Forget the issues and facts, people will vote if they hate and fear the opposition.

    They want you to hate the other side. That's what they do. They drip feed the hate, 24/7 on the fake news and right wing talk radio.

    Their hate and fear model is dishonest, dangerous and unpatriotic, relentlessly denigrating the President in front of the world all day long.

    Good people, qualified to be President won't run because the hate machine will destroy them and their family.

    Now with their internal problems, they turned the Republican hate machine on themselves and are self destructing. Good.

  4. There is APS at Homeworks. Mr. Wi is the manager.

    They have been to my place several times, good dependable service and my neighbors are using them too.

    He might be too busy this time of year to take on a new client, especially if they are too lazy to go see him.

    Is there a season for air con servicing ? clap2.gif

    Yes. It's called the hot season.....The hot season is now so they are busy now because it's hot now and they are servicing air conditioners because people are hot....

    Just like in the winter back home. The heater guy is busy when it's cold outside.....are you getting it?

  5. Simple math. The majority of women, blacks, hispanics, and Muslims will not vote Trump.

    77% of women have an unfavorable opinion of Trump.

    'Sounds bad for Trump, huh? Well, in an effort to supply the usually-missing other half of the truth, here's Hillary on a pretty good tear (and climb-path!) trying to catch up with HER unfavorability ratings ...


    In this election, I don't think it's going to be about who will not vote for who. It's going to be about who's not so disillusioned & angry that they vote at all. 'Looks like plenty of those on both sides of the great divide.

    "Disillusioned and angry" This is just the 2016 conservatives campaign slogan.

    The USA is in great shape so they must play the "disillusioned & angry" card.

    They want us to go back to the glory days of GWBush.

    Fact is, polls show Obama is very popular and would easily win another term if he could run again.

  6. LOL. I just started a thread about this. I'm trying to find a good company to service my own units, which are still going OK. Just checking the gas and a good clean is all they probably need. I would also appreciate some recommendations. I'm not interested in going to Homeworks to locate Mr Wi. Someone easily contacted by phone who speaks reasonable English would be great.

    Up to you.

    Mr. Wi is probably too busy this time of year anyway.

  7. There is APS at Homeworks. Mr. Wi is the manager.

    They have been to my place several times, good dependable service and my neighbors are using them too.

    He might be too busy this time of year to take on a new client, especially if they are too lazy to go see him.

  8. All business have a flurry of activity when they first start

    Lets see how well its doing in 1 or 2 years time.

    its in the wrong location. wai2.gif

    CENTRAL ROAD, you know, the main road that goes thru the middle of town? Intersects with Sukhumvit, 3rd. Rd., 2nd Rd. & Beach Rd. is a bad location? cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    Tell me more.

    i would call beach road a good location for a small mall.

    and you think central road. .up near sukhumvet good for a small mall cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

    RIGHT ON MATE whistling.gifcheesy.gifwhistling.gifcheesy.gif

    They named the Road, "CENTRAL ROAD" because it is CENTRALLY located in the CENTER of town....Are you getting it?blink.pngclap2.gif

    Some people, very dumb people, might consider the CENTER OF TOWN a bad location.

    • Like 1
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  9. Obama is not perfect but lets not live in a FOX News fantasy world. OK?

    You keep banging on about Fox News after folks here have repeatedly informed you they don't watch it. blink.png

    They don't watch FOX. What? Are they plugging the cable directly into their arteries I'm wondering.

    Allot of them seem to be doing a pretty good Hannity impression.

  10. It's been unlucky since it opened as a g club a few years back. Pity. It had potential but Some very poor service staff, rude bar girls always

    On Iphone at back of room with just a couple of dancers bothering to work. Loads of men alone and ignored. I feel sorry for the new owners. A nightmare.

    Thai staff will relentlessly try to drag the farang business concept down their level.

    It's a nice place to work except for the annoying customers......pass the somtum Lek...

  11. I certainly hope you are not teaching history to some unsuspecting young person.

    Right Chuck. I missed one more. GW Bush signed that Iraq pullout agreement.

    Obama wanted to stay longer to prevent the ISIL situation but was forced out by Bush's agreement. After that pullout date, US Troops would no longer have immunity to Iraq laws.

    Your notion of "History" is obvious what you want it to be. smile.png

    Sorry, but you have it wrong. Let me help.

    Republicans started the ill advised Iraq war by mistake. (Obama was against it, you do know that?)

    George Bush signed the pullout agreement in 2008 and ISIL was born out of the ashes.

    Obama is not perfect but lets not live in a FOX News fantasy world. OK?

  12. Has anyone mentioned that Obama has doubled America's national debt? He has added as much to the national debt in just 7 years as all other presidents before him for 240 years.

    Now THAT'S an accomplishment for a community organizer who's never run a business or created a job.

    This is Obama's legacy - trying to make the economy look good by going into debt an additional 10 trillion dollars.

    Hey, don't try that at home.

    No WONDER Americans are pissed and want to throw the bums out. See ya libtards. Your time ran out.



    The above poster has a serious case of FOX on the brain.

    The GWBush debt was $10.6 trillion in 2009.

    Add $2 billion in interest.

    Add the cost of the 2 ongoing GWBush wars.

    Next add the cost to repair the GWBush financial crisis.

    The true Obama debt is around $3.5 trillion. NOT $20 trillion like they say on FOX.

    The Washington Times:

    "Obama presidency to end with 20 trillion dollars in debt: LINK

    "When Mr. Obama took over in January 2009, the total national debt stood at $10.6 trillion. That means the debt will have very nearly doubled during his eight years in office, and there is much more debt ahead with the abandonment of “sequestration” spending caps enacted in 2011."
    How many sources do you want?

    Please reread my post above. You seem to have missed the point. Most of that debt is assigned to previous presidents. But hey, who cares about facts......

    Obamas real debt is around $3.5 trillion.

    Now you know. Please correct your previous statements.

  13. Has anyone mentioned that Obama has doubled America's national debt? He has added as much to the national debt in just 7 years as all other presidents before him for 240 years.

    Now THAT'S an accomplishment for a community organizer who's never run a business or created a job.

    This is Obama's legacy - trying to make the economy look good by going into debt an additional 10 trillion dollars.

    Hey, don't try that at home.

    No WONDER Americans are pissed and want to throw the bums out. See ya libtards. Your time ran out.



    The above poster has a serious case of FOX on the brain.

    The GWBush debt was $10.6 trillion in 2009.

    Add $2 billion in interest.

    Add the cost of the 2 ongoing GWBush wars.

    Next add the cost to repair the GWBush financial crisis.

    The true Obama debt is around $3.5 trillion. NOT $20 trillion like they say on FOX.

    Now the "community organizer" line is pure FOX. Right Wing personal attack politics.

    Misinformation and displays how dumb their viewers really are.

    Obama was a lawyer, a law professor for over a decade, Illinois State Senator, US Senator and 2 term President of USA.

    Not sure why being a community organizer is a bad thing. Please explain.

  14. Obama has done an exceptional job.

    Having an idiot and Cheney's flunky who damaged the country and the world for a predecessor has made him look even better.

    If he is followed by an unqualified egotist like Trump, Obama will look even better.

    If the country and the world can survive a Trump presidency!

    Don't worry. The guys that launch the nuclear arsenal won't pay any attention to Trumpif he wins the presidency.

    We survived Bush, we can survive Trump.

  15. LarryLindsey, on 09 May 2016 - 18:10, said:

    If its an old unit, consider replacing. The newer units are more efficient, quieter, no?

    Unfortunately, it is a LG unit that is a little over 1 year old...It was quiet in the beginning but I have had the tech. people look at it several times already...

    There are lots of technicians that do more damage than they repair.

    Could be near ruined after they touch it. They might have even taken out the good parts and sold them...

  16. 1. Cull half the Bhat buses... take the worst off the roads, this will be no problem as most of the time 75% are driving round empty or parked outside hotels, shopping malls, etc., trying to fleece tourists.

    2. Implement fixed Bus routes and charges, drivers must display a card showing the route they are working and stick to the routes going all the way to where the route terminates.

    3. appoint bus inspectors to police them.

    Good plan except for #3.

    The police will do what they do best......see an opportunity for a partnership situation....

  17. I certainly hope you are not teaching history to some unsuspecting young person.

    Right Chuck. I missed one more. GW Bush signed that Iraq pullout agreement.

    Obama wanted to stay longer to prevent the ISIL situation but was forced out by Bush's agreement. After that pullout date, US Troops would no longer have immunity to Iraq laws.

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