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Posts posted by HappyDazed

  1. 2 hours ago, Steely Dan said:

    I wonder what some our esteemed members think, especially those who opposed Islamic face coverings in the West from being banned on grounds that it would be Islamophobic. 555

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect


    Why would any rational person change their thinking based on what ISIS do?


    And yes, imposing a dress code on people just because of their religion is Islamaphobic....what's next, forcing them to sew yellow stars on to their jackets?


    The irony might be lost on you....



  2. 2 hours ago, schlog said:

    No one is teeing up a thai hate fest. Chalong has a lot farangs and sure thai and farangs passed only looking.


    Came across many accidents and many death in all the years but behaviour like this by so many i never saw.


    This topic was meaningful when only one more person will stop and help at the next accident.


    You didn't answer my question & you need to watch the video again if you think only one person stopped...I think your confirmational bias is effecting your eyesight.


    As for you never seeing anything like this before in your life, I can only assume you don't have much life experience or only see what you want to see.



  3. 8 minutes ago, baboon said:

    So overnight the people who were too immature to handle democracy and only vote because they are paid have every right to make their wishes known and those wishes respected.


    Shameless, some posters...


    It seems you only like democracy when it conforms to your world view.....Shameless indeed!

  4. 9 hours ago, 473geo said:

    There is quite a difference between a broad statement, and providing specific detail. Naming names is especially dangerous in Thailand.

    I'm afraid you have rather shown your limited understanding once more. Still I expect you may receive a few likes for your post from the similarly afflicted.



    Nobody asked him to name names, your making stuff up now, ....you really have zero idea about Thailand or this forum.


    Read the replies in this thread from just today to see how far you are from reality, maybe it will help you return to planet earth in your tinfoil spaceship...



  5. 2 hours ago, 473geo said:


    When I see posts requesting the OP openly criticise the current government in writing, well....I really struggle to give any credibility to the judgement and appraisal of the current situation in Thailand, to the person requesting, or those that 'like' the post.



    If you care to read the thread properly you might see the OP already openly critized the current goverment in writing without any prompting ...the requests were to provide details only.


    And your judgement of the current situation in Thailand is way off the mark, otherwise half the TV membership would be in jail ...examples of falang getting into legal troubles with the thai gov over social media are very thin on the ground and usually reserved for those that actually deserve it.


    Nice try but your post is bs....



  6. 3 hours ago, GuestHouse said:


    Which is what the OP is doing... or did I miss something?


    What the OP is doing is moaning about the Thai governmet while refusing to provide examples of how said Thai government is negativley effecting his life.


    He may or might not actually leave Thailand, at the moment he is still here(& moaning) ...given how flighty his posts are I doubt he will actually follow through and leave, the makeup sex might already be in the bag.


    All we can say for sure at this point is that hes bashing Thailand without giving good reasons for doing so...

  7. 13 minutes ago, MiKT said:


    Now I am dazed and unhappy.


    I like George C even when he's dead, but what's the context?


    Are you pro, or anti, Trump, or Hillary or Farage, or Brexit, all or none, or even several shades of POTUS, or  just referring to the average US/UK voter or TV poster (self excluded from such generalisations naturally).


    The context is the post preceding mine which I also liked....


    59 minutes ago, Grouse said:

    Sadly, 52% of the population are uneducated, pig ignorant and unpleasantly racist.



  8. 2 hours ago, jamesbrock said:

    .......it appears to be culturally acceptable here to engage in mob killings (due to accidents, desecrating a shrine, being disabled and mouthing off at youths, etc.), running off at accidents (whether as a hit and run, or the driver simply doing a runner), or to drive blithely past someone injured on the road. Oh, of course the last two happen in any civilised country, but there seems to a special prevalence for them here...


    Utter nonsense...

  9. 2 minutes ago, GuestHouse said:


    The OP has been treated to a barrage of negativity and personal abuse for simply stating that he's leaving Thailand for his own personal reasons. 



    I think you need to re-read the thread...


    The OP recieved negative comments simply because he was covering up the fact he was just whining about nothing in other words the usual Thai bashing you see on these boards, he said his reasons for leaving were related to the current government, yet when asked many times to provide real world examples of how the current government had effected his life in Thailand he was unnable to provide a single example.

  10. 2 hours ago, jayboy said:

    Yet to call Farage a 'loser' is bizarre and frankly pig ignorant.He challenged the Remain establishment and single handedly pushed the Brexit issue to the forefront, and then presided of an exit victory.Far from being a loser he has had the biggest triumph in British politics since Thatcher won the Tory leadership.


    Somebody's crackpipe must be very hot to the touch....

  11. 2 hours ago, digibum said:


    I'll call BS on that.  


    I have rarely if ever seen an American news story that is headlined:

    Air Disaster in Asia.  No Americans Killed.  


    But 100% that is the exact kind of headline you'll see in the major Thai media.  


    I think what you're trying to say is that the NY Times might write about a plane going down in Asia and there were 345 people about, including 10 Americans, but that is far, far different from the main point of the story being about only the Americans that died on the flight.  



    You're splitting hairs over semantics...my point is that western media only list the number of falang killed which is no different from listing the number of Thais killed even if that number happens to be zero.  They are more concerned about getting the message out to ease the minds of Thais who might have family living in Italy....the embassy phone number at the end of the article is bit of a giveaway as to the scope of the article.


    Also, this is a statement from the Thai embassy not a general news outlet....'Thai' being the operative word.  It's not their job to keep track and give statements on how many Italians or other nationalities died, that is for the 'Italians' to do...


    And, the article was written by TV staff not Thais so all complaints on the wording of the article should go to the author....;)




  12. 1 hour ago, DM07 said:

    Let's see, if the defenders of the faith (eg all things Thai) can spot the difference between these 2 statements:

    - Earthquake in XYZ, 20 people dead, among them 3 Thais!

    - Earthquake in XYZ, 20 people dead, among them no Thais!


    ...got it?


    It's not the job of the Thai embassy to report the deaths of other nationalties!


    ....got it?


  13. 6 hours ago, DennisF said:

    For the curious doubters, you will have to come up with another reason, I am not moving for fiscal reasons nor am I telling untruths.


    The regime here is oppressive and becomes more so with each moronic declaration. Whilst it may not impact directly on the ostrich farangs, those with good Thai friends will feel their pain and frustration.



    Now the reason your leaving is because your tired of feeling the pain of your thai friends....pain that has been caused by Prayut?


    It sounds like you're talking 100% horsehit, but why don't you provide 5 real world examples of how Prayutt has directly caused your Thai friends pain?


    If you're a psychologist then I'm Elvis...



  14. 3 hours ago, Scotwight said:

    Bets, that nothing negative has happened to you as a result of the new government.  I could be wrong and you are not just another whinging pom.  I'm interested really since nothing negative has happened to me outside of reading Thai Visa in the past two years.  Since it takes many straws to break a camels back it should be easy for you to list ten things the new government has done to you on a daily basis that made life untenable for you.


    Until the OP answers this post hes just another whinging thai basher crying over nothing.



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