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Posts posted by HappyDazed

  1. I think Nigel Farage was brilliant with his comments at Brussels.....

    Mr. Farage opened his first address of the European Parliament since the historic win on Thursday:

    more here....

    Isn’t it funny. When I came here 17 years ago, you all laughed at me when I said that I wanted to lead a campaign to get Britain to leave the European Union. You all laughed at me. Well I have to say, you’re not laughing now, are you?


    The biggest laugh is the fact that Farage has been an integral part of and drawing money from the Brussels machine for the last 17 years, that right, he's actual the very thing he claims to oppose....in contrast he's not even an elected member of the UK parliament.

    While he presents himself to the media supping ale in English pubs and defending all things English ..in reality he's actually married to an EU immigrant!

    And the guy who led the Brexit campaign, Boris Johnson, who pushed all anti-immigration buttons ...is actually American!

    You couldn't make it up!

    Con men of the highest order! ...but their target demographic are too dense to realise they are being shafted!

  2. Farage is a con man, plain and simple... which is why his target demographic are the least educated in UK society.

    As for all the bullshit about freedom and self-determination ....radically changing the infrastructure of your nation with no plan thus devaluing your assets and currency? ....is the apex of stupidity!

    Bullshit about freedom and self-determination. The apex of stupidity?

    Really? blink.png

    Nice try. "apex of stupidity" obviously referred to "radically changing the infrastructure etc....

    So you think radical change with no plan thus devaluing your assets and currency...is not stupid?

    Me thinks you didn't read to the end of the sentence?

    radically changing the infrastructure of your nation with no plan

  3. Farage is a con man, plain and simple... which is why his target demographic are the least educated in UK society.

    As for all the bullshit about freedom and self-determination ....radically changing the infrastructure of your nation with no plan thus devaluing your assets and currency? ....is the apex of stupidity!

  4. David Cameron is standing down but dont worry George Osborn has vowed to continue so everything will work out ok, George had a degree in history you know, so he is the right man for the job

    I think you're being a little unfair here to Gideon(yes, that's his real name).

    Lets not forget the only two real world jobs he held before going into politics.

    Refolding towels for Selfridges(department store) and his data entry job, which entailed logging the details of those who died in the NHS.

    I'm not joking ...google it!

    But, at any rate he will have Boris Johnson to help him with the tricky math.

  5. Andy Borowitz, satirist at the New Yorker, has new piece, "British Lose Right to Claim that Americans are Dumber."

    Across the United Kingdom on Friday, Britons mourned their long-cherished right to claim that Americans were significantly dumber than they are.

    Luxuriating in the superiority of their intellect over Americans has long been a favorite pastime in Britain, surpassing in popularity such games as cricket, darts, and snooker.



  6. Pound hits new 31-year low, as Brexit fears grip markets

    And if it closes down 1/100 of a pence tomorrow, that would be another 31-year low.

    Correct! ...but no rational person would use such a narrow timeline!

    It's easy to play that semantic game...

    You are the only one playing semantics ...the actual facts are the pound has devalued to a 31 year low in the space of 3-4 days!

    ....but doesn't really tell you anything.

    Only if you have your head up your ass on the facts of the matter!

  7. Firstly, do more reading on Thaivisa. The place is littered with Thai apologists. If you don't want to take my word for it, do your own work. Don't expect me to do it for you.

    You are the one who made the unsubstantiated claim that TV was full of Thai apologists ...therefore it's your work to provide evidence for your assertion.

    The fact you cannot provide links to posts made by these "Thai apologists" link speaks volumes...

    Secondly, no, I don't give a crap what immigrants do in my home country. I left 36 years ago. But, yes, I do expect immigrants to integrate. Those that have come to the UK, have a British passport and work in the labour force should learn the language.

    Hypocrisy on my part? No.

    So you think immigrants to your host nation should integrate, assimilate and learn the language ...meanwhile you have stayed in Thailand for 36 years but have done neither of these things and think that's ok?

    Hilarious and hypocritical ...it's obvious you're not playing with a full deck!

    This thai apologist rubish is Purley a thai visa phenomenon . It is used by thai bashers when they run out of or lose a discussion. Seemingly calling someone a thai apologist makes the caller an alpha male and all the Apologist leaches suddenly apear to try to heap there own venom on the so called Thai Apologist . Thus making there boring little day fullfield and there feeling of smugness at 100%. They are then ready to start thai bashing all over again awaiting there next victim.


  8. swiss.jpg what the UK needs and wants is the same status as the Swiss, not really a big deal since arrangements already exist for other countries in Europe that are not in the European Union

    Exactly! And the UK is far better placed to plough it's own furrow than Swizerland or any other non-EU European country.

    Only in your mind....

    As well as not being able to read a simple graph, you can't even spell Switzerland!

    I rest my case.

  9. If there is one thing worse than a serial "Thai-basher", it's a rose-tinted glass wearing Thai apologist who thinks Thais can do no wrong. You know, the ones that think they understand "Thainess" (and secretly think they have it, too).

    The Thai bashers are in almost every thread, however I don't recall seeing a single post on TV that meets your criteria ..link?

    Why do people keep banging on about "engaging" with Thais?

    Believe it, or not, many people choose to live in Thailand because of the climate, beaches, scenery and the cost of living. The inhabitants that occupy this country is irrelevant. Couldn't give a crap if Thais, Indians, Chinese, or Westerners were the locals.

    Frankly, I much prefer my own Western culture. I think it is far superior to the one here.

    I bet you moan about immigrants not learning the language and integrating in your home country?


    I don't see where it promises that they will be diverting 350 million quid to the nhs.

    It's ironic how UKIP voters are constantly whining about immigrants not learn proper English.

    Let me spell it out for you...

    Before the Referendum:


    10 minutes After the referendum result was announced:


  11. When Scotland realises they would be forced to take the Euro, there would be the same result as last time..

    Forced? They could go with a stand-alone Scottish pound or they might indeed go with the Euro.

    Remember if Scotland walks away from the GBP that means they also walk away from the GBP debt mountain and start from a balance sheet of zero ...not to be sniffed at!

  12. Expats are not immigrants? ROFL!!!!! That's some next level denial!

    Basically, they cant admit to being immigrants because that would would degrade their whinging about immigrants in their home country.

    Hypocrisy and superiority complex personified!


    To answer the op, I actively avoid farang and hangout almost predominately with Thais.

    I don't travel 20,000KM to sit in a falang bubble, some tourists are ok but most expats are way too whiny about Thailand(this forum being a case in point).

  13. The people who say the EU is undemocratic...basically don't understand how the EU works.

    Mainly because they get all their information from hate publications like the Daily Mail...which fills their heads with all sorts of nonsense.

    Dumocracy in action...

    Did you vote for the EU presidents?

    Did you vote for the PM of the UK (and I don't mean who won, I just mean did you vote)

    Yes & Yes.

  14. ^I'm sorry but if you can't provide a straightforward analysis of a graph that you yourself provided, there is no helping you. But your behaviour is not unusual for the 'stay' brigade.

    Oh dear..

    I didn't provide the graph, that was the well known currency tracking website: xe.com ...which should have been obvious from my screenshot!

    It's not my responsibility to analysis their graph for you because you are incapable of doing so yourself ...but, my offer still stands for "special numeracy lessons" if you are able to pay me for my time, otherwise I would consult the provider of the graph for more information, I'm sure they have a FAQ but then again they might not for something this elementary and obvious.

    Also, I didn't vote in the referendum.

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