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Posts posted by Rc2702

  1. Just now, 3 minus 2 said:

    He s a TROLL  he just looks  at peoples posts to find  something to disagree with .. He's nothing else

    but boring   EVERYONE has diferences of opinions but with him it seems to be the priority.

    But how is it that much different to your continued condemnation of your managers decisions recently? 


    I am simply looking at the results and looking at the fans comments and asking a question which you seem to be answering with the continued finger blaming at Poch .


    You have derided a number of your managers decisions on 3 games recently and stated the manager is pretty much having an off period. So if that coincides with:


    3 losses on the trot

    Kane - no where near the level 

    Playing well and losing.


    On the face of it anyone with a realistic outlook would say the club is near to or at crisis point if results don't change fast.


    The same Spurs fans have been reluctant to admit how bad kane has been lately and it is no coincidence the same Spurs fans don't have the balls to coin the issue correctly.  Crisis. A 4th defeat will be a disaster.




  2. 1 hour ago, carmine said:

    Please don't buy into the "crisis" crap.......only complete knob would be thinking that!!!?

    If your manager has suffered 3 defeats on the bounce for the first time ever whilst boss of spurs. That is gonna become a crisis in any club. Brighton away is critical and only a complete knob head would beg to differ. 

  3. Just now, Kadilo said:

    Shows what a top manager he is to keep his true feelings out of the public domain. Inside he must be seething and know he has a right job on his hands competing with the top teams and in Europe with the existing numbers in his squad.  

    No way would he have wanted to leave Trippier and Alderweireld at home against a side like Inter. 

    Maybe the cows not being able to tell the time is a backhander to the board. The board have got it all wrong. They identified players they wanted to replace, did not do it and then expect the unwanted players to just play on when they created the uncertainty. Imagine the grief the players wives give them when it's public knowledge they were unwanted. This is the year that should have been for Poch.  I see it ending in tears.

  4. Just now, 3 minus 2 said:

    NOT , what i wanted to hear, time for a few to step up, tbh , bit like v the scoucers  aint got a good feeling bout the outcome of this game,, but if we can turn the game around like we did in the last 15 mins v the scouce,, who knows, but defo time for a few to stick their best  foot forward  and that v much includes poch, he aint been great recently. 

    He needs more resources. Top managers don't just turn bad overnight. He's got a juggling act and a half to contend with and players who are knackered from the WC. I would mog be surprised to see him at all youth matches looking to unearth a saviour. He knows he has more chance there than begging the board 

    • Like 1
  5. Just now, mstevens said:

    I'm all for standing up for principles / a price that had previously been agreed on, but maybe there is a good reason the price went up.  Ask them why the price has gone up and you might get something plausible.  At the end of the day, when you're only talking such a small amount of money, I would just pay it.  Life is too short to haggle hard over small amounts of money, in my opinion.

    It's not the dough it's the acceptance of higher pricing and lack of trying for the discount or same price which disappoints. It should be so easy to do but I get the impression she thinks it's a sign of not being able to afford something. I'm thinking there must be a place where bartering is widely done and I could at least show her this and she might feel more comfortable when she sees other Thais at it. 

    • Like 1
  6. On 9/16/2018 at 2:24 PM, The manic said:

    Thailand and Pattaya are not safe havens for child abusers. Its a myth. Half a dozen British cities have been turning a blind eye to child rape due to cutural sensitivity and political correctness. But actually genuine paedophiles 'follow the famine'   they move in war zones and areas of famine and social chaos. Thus Rohinga children in Bangladesh, Arab kids in the refugee camps, Ukrainian kids in the moral vacuum of war..they are the non headlined victoms of abuse. The places above are paedophile playgrounds. Thailand and Pattaya are not. Anybody who thinks otherwise is fool. 

    "Genuine paedophiles" you sound like you are giving the ones in thailand a pass with comments like that

  7. Just now, kkerry said:

    My wife is a pretty hard bargainer for me or herself,. Does it politely, no raised voices. If it's something for her then some places she tells me to stay clear so she can get a better price. Over forty btw. No problem standing up for herself but like me, knows when it's better to walk away and live to fight another day. 

    I love walking away from a deal I barred cheese from big c from the house once they hiked up the price 19 baht. It's just not right and would never taste as good to me anyway.

  8. Just now, NCC1701A said:

    I think it has to do with if your partner is a woman, and older than say about 40.

    My first Thai girlfriend was 42 and she was old school, brought up by her old school parents to just accept things. Any problems and she would just shut down.


    She was great with everything else, but could not stick up for herself or for me in public.


    Also some people are like A types and very aggressive and pro active, like people born in the year of the Dragon or Tiger. Others not so much and can be very passive.



    She's mid thirties and I've lost count how many discounts I've got in front of her and had always hoped it would rub off on her. I ask her to always delay decisions just for the hell of it. She just seems to crumble under pressure. Her finest hour was the 2nd motor we got her. She displayed the uncertainty needed to get multiple discounts and got 36k off the price. That was a while ago though and since she's just not turning the screw on sellers and it annoys me. She's no pushover at all its just this particular situation she is failing at.

  9. Just now, CharlieH said:

    Someone i know tried wraps, various "fillings" once novelty factor was gone so was the trade.

    Well they should have moved and found more trade. Those food business's with legs can rock up anywhere and take advantage of new markets all the time. The doner kebab by us has been doing great trade in same location for a good while now. 







  10. I'm on the road at present with work and the last 3 hours of my day have been spent discussing a 20 baht increase on 2kg of avocados. 


    The Mrs purchased 2kg of unweighed avocados from a seller online. She met the lady and spent 160 baht on 2kg of these avocados


    So she messages me today saying avocado woman is around on Wednesday and she wants another 2kg.  I say fine, enjoy. 


    She then tells me price is 90 baht a kg now.


    Now this type of thing burns me as I always get discounts even on discounts and whilst it sounds like a non issue I'm really looking at my Mrs and thinking if that was me I'd walk away from the deal on principle. 


    It kills me to see her not pushing for discounts like it's a shameful act or something.


    I was in central 2 weeks ago and I could see her squirming when I asked her to seek a further discount. They said no to her so in my primitive thai I asked them if this shop was central? They said yes, so I pulled out my phone went online and showed them the price of the shoes I had in my hand were 10% cheaper online. 20 seconds later I get confirmation they can do the online price.


    Does anyone else run into this issue with reluctant partners where getting the best deal is concerned?


    Is it a loss of face to some to have to seek a discount?





  11. Just now, BangrakBob said:

    I'm dying to see him get a start, but first game of CL debut....not sure Klopp will do it. The Saints on Saturday perhaps, definitely the Chelsea match midweek. 


    Milly and Giri playing too well to be dropped, It's either Kieta or Hendo I think and considering last season's CL form `I'd say Hendo.


    Could be in for a flogging PSG, timing it well as we are going to click in that final 3rd any day now. 


    Really want to Shaqiri get a run too. 

    Ahh I'm looking forward to how he gets used. Got a lot to offer this guy. If all goes to plan for this lad it could be difficult for others to get back in. 

  12. Just now, BangrakBob said:

    Oh what a feeling, being in the CL for more than one season! PSG first up, <deleted> dancer!


    Same team as Saturday, or Hendo for Kieta first up? Can't see Klopp weakening first game at home, no other changes.


    Looking forward to MMMBop-Ah getting cut in half by Gomez!

    Might be time to stick fabinho in there given his previous experience. Providing he's fit of course.

  13. Just now, RonniePickering22 said:


    But....with all of that money....1.3bn quid and you STILL haven't won the CL.



    The Russians 10 year plan yielded two European trophies. Cities has yielded zilch on that front. Wonder what the spend is for both teams upto that 10 year Mark.  

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