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Posts posted by Rc2702

  1. Just now, Bredbury Blue said:

    Course you were 5. 15 more like. Bet you dad was proud. 


    A stooper? I've  no idea.

    Nope 5. Remember it all too well. 


    Anyway borathon is over bareback I'm here to talk football. 0121 lad (do1)

  2. Just now, Bredbury Blue said:

    Huh? Excuse my ignorance but who plays at Harrow and Wealdstone so why do you  make such an anology?


    Brummie still on the outskirts of Liverpool is it?


    Some of us were born in to a family which supports the local club and some like you picked the most successful team at that time regardless of where it is. I have great respect for fans of Walsall, Stockport, Tranmere and such like who support their local club and not the local big club or most successful  club at that time, but no respect for Brummies who chose liverpool. 

    Yh well I am not going to apologise for a choice I made at 5 years old. The fact it was made with no family ties makes it even better and as I have a younger brother and a nephew who are both lfc fans is a nice touch too. You are a stooper. 

  3. Just now, Bredbury Blue said:

    We’re 3 generations from Bradford, Manchester (Johnson’s wireworks, Bradford Colliery and all that); the north stand of the Etihad is built exactly where the street we moved from would be, but since 1974 you're correct - we moved 7 miles.


    Looks like you’re from Bradford way Rick if you went to school with Welbeck (isn't he Ardwick?) – which Manc suburb are you from?


    R2D2 you do realize that Stockport (station) is just 7 miles from Manchester (Piccadilly), don't you?

    Watford to Harrow and Wealdstone  is about 6 miles but no one says they are from London when they live in Watford. 


    Kinda boring discussion though and one you seem to enjoy. Football is global and most top teams have bigger fan bases outside of their local so I'm not sure what the point is in this type of remark. Yesteryear perhaps. Move forward not backward if you adopted the same strategy your team has. Location of a fan is irrelevant. The irony.



  4. Just now, Sparkles said:

    Oh dont we love a crisis.


    England got through to the WC semis with very favourable draw ,most England teams in the past would have achieved the same result,agreed by most pundits and ex internationals who have been there.


    People who know anything about football accept that the national team is still way below whats required when they meet teams like Croatia ,Spain etc giant step up.Bonus is Southgate is trying to build a young team but his future is not set in cement ,he wont confirm his long term stay and neither should he


    Yes England have had some good results with the 17's ,19's,21's etc but most of those players will not make PL squads and spend most of their time out on loan or sitting in the stands.


    As for living in the past  Harry Macquire decided to remain loyal to the club that gave him a chance,good to see.What was the offer United made ? please let us know.


    We are not privvy to offers made, Agents manipulating a move ,nor are we privvy to any offers made to United players in the past so its all speculation


    You have no idea why Boateng stayed with Bayen unless you are his agent and your Sanchez comment is just pure tabloid  dross unless you can prove otherwise

    Quote is boateng own words:

    ‘I called Jose Mourinho, I told him that his interest was an honor for me and thanked him for trying so hard for me. ‘I explained to Jose that it’s difficult to leave Bayern, and if I do, everything has to be in place to top this club.’


    Read more: https://metro.co.uk/2018/09/11/jerome-boateng-reveals-what-he-told-jose-mourinho-after-rejecting-manchester-united-7935471/?ito=cbshare

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/MetroUK | Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MetroUK/



    Regarding youngsters sitting in the stands or out on loan.


    Loans is the new breeding ground for youngsters and I think it is a better system than spains B team system.


    Who is speculating on the progress now when most of those lads at the WC have been through the loans system and they done a good job and with very little experience as a team. The teams that beat them had far more playing time together so it is no shame whatsoever.


    Regarding pundits statements - load of tosh and devaluing the current teams exploits. Of those experts pre wc none of them backed England for a last 4 Finnish so why are they now pretending it was a given?




    Regarding Sanchez. It's pretty obvious and anyone who thinks otherwise is in denial. 

  5. Just now, Sparkles said:

    All very well saying we should have bought Maguire.Leceister didnt want him to sell him, they were not desperate for money and have in fact given him,in the last few days, a new, better paid ,long term.contract.Just because a club wants a player doesnt mean its game over.Mourinho wanted Boateng too ,he decided to stay at Bayern.


    How many clubs do you think wanted Giggs,Scholes ,Gary Neville and Beckham amongst others. Pique had a verbal agreement with SAF that when the time was right  he would be allowed to return to his homeland (well documented)


    I have for a long time wanted ALL PL teams to have min of 3 players in the team that had come through the clubs academy,thats obviously never going to happen and why England is so poor rated on the International scene

    You need to stop living in the past. 


    England have a strong set up at all levels. We came 4th at the WC this year. The youngsters won u17 wc too.


    Boateng opted to stay as he perceived utd a step down as opposed to up. If sanchez had the choice he'd have gone to city.


    Utd just does not have the gloss it once did and the personnel is a reflection of that.


    Won 2 lost 2.


    Crisis is on. 









  6. Just now, RickG16 said:

    Generally if you want to leave space for homegrown players to develop you don't buy millions of players (pay attentions you scousers).


    Central defence is different IMO. Even players like Pique were never fully trusted as a first teamer and had to go elsewhere to blossom. That's why we messed up the transfers this summer. We should have bought Maguire. But any more attacking players and we would harm Rashford and Lingards chances of developing. 

    And if griezman was interested they would not have a look in but not many top players are up for it. The truth is given the choice most lads would choose city over utd now and you cannot blame them. Your talking like lingard is a youngster. He's 25 he was out on loan for years. Rashford is quality but the rest are squad players and that's it. To be honest you say we should have brought but I think part of the issue you will find is players simply not fancying the move. It's not just one reason but a variety of reasons.

  7. Just now, RickG16 said:

    That's why I said developing your own attacking talent.  Realistically will Klopp leave out any of any of your front 3 for a semi-important game? Rashford has started in / played in plenty of big games already.


    We could have bought a proven experienced attacker to play with Lukaku and Alexis (one who is a more certain starter than Mata), but I believe that Mourinho, while he might not like to, has left a space open for Lingard and Rashford deliberately because he is committed to fulfilling the club's stated policy of developing young players....contrary to the usual Mourinho stereotype! 

    Nah no one was up for it and JM knows his issues are more in defence than attack anyway and utd completely cocked up the transfers this year hence the banners. 

  8. Just now, 3 minus 2 said:

    Without wanting to create a storm.. or expecting trolly arguements  lingard arguably being the exception has ANYONE at utd improved under jose. Trouble is leaving a champs lge club cos u cant command a starting place suggests that another champs lge club probably wont be interested and if they are atm he 'll probably be in the same postion he is now...challenging from the bench.

    That's a bit of a weird statement. Different clubs adopt different systems. Lucas moura being an example. Rashford is a starter or a guaranteed supersub for me. In pretty much any top team.

  9. Just now, RickG16 said:

    Always up for some Wednesday comedy. 


    How about developing some of your own attacking talent? The problem is you might have to leave out one of the more established names to give them a chance. Takes a manager with balls to do that. 

    Spend a lot of time in front of the mirror on Wednesdays then do ya.



    • Like 1
  10. I'd love to nab rashford. He's a top player and Mourinho knows it and holds him back. Still only 20 and 30 England apps to date. With momentum through consistent position and games he'd develop faster and his 1 in 4 ratio would be much better.

  11. Krabi town is ok but those lovely beaches I think are on the islands like Koh Lanta or railay maybe.


    November will be low season so a lot of places will be dead and you may be seen as an atm by the bars who will be in survival mode.


    If you rent a motorcycle I'd recommend lanta as it's a good sized island. Old town for breakfast. Salad an for markets. Kantiang bay for beauty and idyllic sea views and food. Monkey parks for a bit of wildlife and a few waterfalls in between if you like a little hike. If you like to chill like Winston it could be ideal too.


    Long Beach is a lovely area to stay and has lovely beaches. 



    • Like 1
  12. Just now, Thaidream said:

    First trip  to Bsngkok from the US almost 50 years ago- young guy with about  $1000 cash in my pocket. First Thai girl I ever met was from a place called the Thai Heaven on Petchaburi Road-  this was a nightclub with 200 Thai  escorts all pretty girls who were available to 'date'.


    I managed to spend the whole $1000 on girls from that place. Never bought anything other than beer and entertained ladies There was no Nana Plaza or Cowboy - there were a few places on Sukhumvit and some after hour places/ Hotel cost 50 Baht per night with air and TV.  Large Beer was 40 Baht.  Taxi's had no air conditioning and of course no one heard of a meter. Average farm girls or those working good jobs were afraid of foreigners and spoke no English.  They would smile and runaway.


    I found the girls to be pretty; limited English and real smiles and  honest. The normal payment was - up to you.   I didn't speak any Thai but loved the place and vowed I would be back and retire in Thailand.


    Fast forward almost 50 years- 3 marriages to Thai women- one divorce and one died and now married again to a Thai and retired in Thailand.  I have no idea of the sheer numbers of ladies that I have been entertained by- but  more than enough to gain an understanding of how they think and how they act-   I must say this -most have been up front but the ones who haven't cost me plenty- money and heartache. (80% Good- 20% Bad)


    Would I do it all again- Oh- Hell yes!!!

    Beers were 40 baht 50 years ago?



  13. Just now, RonniePickering22 said:


    Neither have yet proven themselves and Foden will not get the chance to where he is now.

    Jadon sancho will be in the squad soon enough and his breakthrough will just further demonstrate the need for these young lads to break free from the clubs holding them back. 

    • Like 2
  14. Just now, sawadeeken said:

    IF THIS IS INDEED TRUE and NOT grossly EXAGERATED....... Then Good on YOU......

    Personally I think 'Beggars/scammers' do quite well without my donations...... I think there are too many of them (some genuine needy, who probably do well) that have narcotic habits themselves, Or maybe support leaches like Sons/Boyfriends with habits, Etc. or 'They' could work...... Just my own 'little thing'.......

    BUT I don't find near the number of scammers 'working for a meager living' in 'honest jobs' as in  Thai restaurants........

    Totally agreed.... Many other ways....... Are you saying that 'this is you'????? And you are charitable in other ways than 'Tipping at restaurants'........ If so..... God Bless YOU (as my Mom would have said).....

    We eat at sizzlers on the rare occasions we eat out. Why? It's family friendly we can keep the tyke entertained on the sofa booth and eat one handed. Not tipping sizzlers sorry and not relaxed enough to dine out everywhere as most places are not child friendly. Yes we give everything we do not need to an orphanage but we do visit to ensure the stuff gets used for the children there and not sold on. We give to the handicapped beggars or on the odd occasion to a woman with a child. We prefer to give food to her for obvious reasons. No need to exaggerate I have a lot of time for orphans and fingers crossed one day we will adopt so our lad has a brother and we have another mouth to feed and a full time commitment to rear. Well worth saving for imo.

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