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Gold Star

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Everything posted by Gold Star

  1. Before they can think of attracting more people to Thailand, they must stop pushing the existing foreigners away. I'm ready to spend a lot more here on real estate and vehicles here, but am unsure due to the instability. First, they must stop the shifty and changing government policies, corruption, insane immigration requirements and reporting, questionable property ownership, difficulties getting money out of Thailand, government involvement preventing the delivery of proper health care, and many others to name a few.
  2. I think tourists have already 'moved on' to other destinations due to the terrible barriers to come here, closures, restrictions, and the entire mismanagement of Covid. Thailand, with only about 70 million people, has been having the 7th highest reported daily Covid death rate IN THE WORLD during weekdays. Hard to believe just how bad that is. They even beat India on many days. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/#countries 'Move on' somewhere else is certainly a fitting name for their program.
  3. Thailand is like a blind man constantly walking into pointy sticks that they placed in their own path. Yet another obstacle doomed upon launch.
  4. Thailand's hottest nightlife now is on 'Firewalking Street'.
  5. Japan realizes that Thailand has not had much improvement with railways since the last time they were here. Riding a train is like an offroad adventure. Officials still think that trains here should run on batteries. Thank you Japan for your generous charity handout.
  6. Another clear sign of which side this government is on and cuddling up to. One reason the ASEAN countries exist as a group is to stand together to avoid being singled out and be bullied by China. This event must be like a NATO meeting hosted by Moscow.
  7. The entire island is a quarantine zone. As predicted, the infected will keep passing Delta around until most of them have had at least 2 doses of an effective vaccine. Why do they seem so surprised?
  8. I come for the ease of getting quality vaccines.
  9. EVERYONE over 12 should receive the Pfizer vaccine. Enough with the Chinese vaccines already that don't stop Delta. Since the hospitals are not being overwhelmed, which is nearly the only benefit of Sinovac, it is priority now to slow transmission rates to see an end to this.
  10. 40,000 Flight 4000 Hotel 600 Food 88 Sharing a girl with 4 other friends
  11. Yes, the bad smell and black water comes from all the overflowing septic tanks that get washed clean with reverse flowing pressurized stormwater in the drains during a heavy storm. One benefit of living in Jomtien was that I never had to pump out a septic tank at my house as the rains and floods flushed out all the waste from it automatically. All kinds of pathogens in that wicked brew.
  12. When I lived near there, I watched them work for many months building this elaborate and expensive storm runoff T-junction. There was a large underground concrete drain enclosure bunker taking all the water from beach road and from the street adjoining it at this T intersection. The overflowing manhole cover in the middle of the intersection indicates a blockage to the enclosure from the intersecting street storm drain. The pressure must have worked around the underground side of the costly structure, washing it away. So glad I don't have to put up with months of construction again and traffic jams, but feel sorry for those that will be impacted by this result of poor engineering and construction.
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