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Everything posted by aussienam

  1. These prosthetic breast implants would be ordered in batches and recorded as such. The hospitals would have a record of these on a registry, who the recipient patient was, as well as the manufacturer. The number would likely have a certain prefix to identify the manufacturer. The manufacturer would be able to identify which hospital/clinic it was consigned to. In the past there have been implants that have leaked (potentially life threatening) and needed recalling. Patients can then be contacted and/or they can check to see if their implant is faulty. Microchipping would allow identification of implant via external reader. I believe identifying the deceased would be quite simple. Also usual forms of ID, but harder leg work- dental records, DNA, tattoo and/or other identifying features. There should be two missing persons reported somewhere. Time of death can be narrowed down by studying decomposition features. But....... this is Thailand. So nothing surprises me anymore.
  2. Maybe Inter-Pacific Paper Company should just dump their waste into the ocean like China does with their raw human sewage outside their territory. Source: https://abcn.ws/3yMyISz All boils down to corruption, criminals, greed and disregard for others.
  3. In a country with major systemic corruption, I fear this is going to be a nasty addition. Crime gangs and criminal individuals will love it to launder criminal proceeds, like all casinos. The main reason is to legitimize ill-gotten gains to escape authorities. Blind eyes will be turned to allow piles of crooked cash to poor into these places. Just like other casinos - flying in VIPS with private planes full of cash to pump through the casino tables. Average Thai punters will lose their dough. Gambling addictions will increase. Expats and average tourists may go in for a punt, but really won't be the main draw cards for cash flows. Illegally run casinos at least mean it's not mainstream and keeps it being commercialized into the multi billion dollar industries. Loan sharks, kidnappings, extortion, gang murders. Here we go. The bank always wins.
  4. I find this to be quite true. It appears to be a cultural phenomena. And it has been explained to me before by a layperson to come from their style of Buddhism whereby they differ from the 'West' in that where we strive for happiness, they seek to retain it. So, perhaps this also means seeking instant gratification instead of delaying that and working towards it instead. That would explain many of the loans I see Thais have taken out, such as car loans - for a new car as a real life example, from someone devoid of sufficient assets and a job that is unstable and uncertain. Instant gratification. Of course there are instances of needs for loans out of sheer desperation, but perhaps things leading up to that point could have been avoided. Saying that, I do sometimes envy the Thai 'happiness now' mentality that I struggle with, instead worrying constantly over things spanning many years into the future and having sufficient finances.
  5. Want to know a lot more about these visas and how easy they are able to cater for retirees, as well as at what cost? Is it a fully legit way to stay or 'something under the table' way to stay visa/s for retirees? Vietnam was a destination of choice, having resided there before (but working on a business visa). But since retirement and difficulty it seemed to stay in Vietnam retired, I chose Thailand instead. Cost of living in Vietnam was very affordable. Beers (2005-2008) were about 40 cents AUD (Beer Saigon draught) at my local corner shop. I miss the Vietnamese Bahn Mi bread rolls, pork chops, pho soup, Vietnamese coffees etc. Beautiful women of course and mostly honest and hard working.
  6. "If the banks can offer low-interest loans without any major background checks, then many would not need to go to these loan sharks in the first place." Problem with that idea is why would the banks want to take on people with that risk? Banks are a business and make profits. Taking on people with no proper background checks means loan defaults and therefore losses. Banks are not a charity. Too many people here with poor credit history. Loan sharks can be dangerous. Borrowing off Thai mafia or other foreign loan sharks is common. Serious injury or death as well as property damage are real outcomes. Very poorly educated and a stupid culture of being desperate to impress others has led to this. I know of a dumb, greedy bar owner who borrowed money off friends and family members, never repaid, always covering up her inability to repay with lies or just not answering calls. COVID came and she became desperate. Resorted to Thai mafia loans. Next option? She then went to town swindling and fleecing naive rich and gullible farang of their cash for the mafia, but left others with nothing. Only threats worked for that vixen. Seems to be the way here. The naive farangs left with emptier bank accounts.
  7. Interesting article helps explain the reasoning behind assets seizures from Oligarchs. "Legal experts say that generally, the sanctions themselves don’t allow countries to simply take ownership of oligarch’s boats, planes and homes. Under the sanctions announced by the U.S. and Europe, members of the Russian elite who “enriched themselves at the expense of the Russian people” and “aided Putin” in his invasion of Ukraine will have their assets “frozen and their property blocked from use.” (source CNBC.com Wed 9 March 2022, "Here’s what happens to Russian oligarch yachts after they’re seized" ) Interesting strategy that has been adopted not only by the US. Anything that can be used as a tool to stifle Putin and any influential powerful people, means another way to hopefully aid in stopping this really disgusting war. personally talking to a Ukrainian recently, he told me of his harrowing escape with his wife and kids, his house blown up - no insurance, his neighbor raped, his other neighbor murdered by Russian soldiers. The sadness on that poor man's face told it all. Just a regular guy. Using rape and murder to terrorise citizens is an old Russian war tool (the pedophile soldiers allegedly raped my father's young child sister in WWII after entering Berlin). Incidents of raping and murdering innocent citizens in Ukraine have been reported. Plus bombing hospitals,.schools, destroying whole towns. A##h###s. To smile and take happy snaps of a potential arm/ally of the Putin regime is in really bad taste IMO. Lots of ignorance and/or indifference to what is going on and how things work. I don't care of the "oh, but what about ...." defence. The topic is Ukraine and what's going on there right now.
  8. If no consent, then unless a court application can be made to mandate it, it appears it's useless.
  9. People like this lured by selfish greed are aiding the continual extinction of species, that future generations will only see (only if interested) in old documentaries and online. Certain Asian cultures have a "me first" mentality and if that means killing and eating the last existing species on the planet for just them, that is fine by them. Sustainability and conservation is not in their vocabulary.
  10. Great news! When most call scammers get away with ruining the lives of millions of people worldwide, it is really good to see a sting on one of these many dodgy call centres and arrest these lowlife pieces of garbage. Unfortunately, most of these call centres are located in places around the world where they often operate with impunity, due to corrupt paid-off officials, little to no law enforcement, lack of resources, jurisdiction issues. Also, individual crimes often do not meet financial thresholds to initiate investigations by Federal police forces, so countless victims' crimes are never investigated. Lots of great videos on YouTube of hackers accessing the scammers call centres and identifying their locations and even identities of the criminals. These call centres range from small operations to whole floors in office complexes being run by very wealthy criminals. I have a family member who suffered financial losses (Microsoft scam) after being scammed. Often the target market are the elderly and those not tech savvy. Low life scum. Hope they get prison terms. I am surprised that some of these call centres have not been targeted and bombed yet.
  11. Desperate to impress others by showing off their riding skills, 'bravery' for riding fast, making noise to attract attention. In their minds it almost seems we all stand on the side of the road in awe, clapping and cheering and waving or furiously mas*ur*****g from being in instant love. Truth is the opposite.
  12. I just don't bother going to places that charge dual pricing. yes, it means I may miss out on seeing certain attractions in Thailand, but I won't lose sleep over it. We all have different attitudes and principles when it comes to how foreigners are treated. I just don't like being ripped off and it irks me enough to not go. Others will take it in their stride and pay the extra. Whatever you want doesn't bother me and vice versa. But the national parks and other attractions are the ones to lose out if there are enough foreigners avoiding the places. However, I suppose the thousands of tourists who get herded in and out of those diesel fume spilling coaches just pay whatever is asked. Hospitals on the other hand really annoy me as they are an essential service and our hand is forced in circumstances where we may be injured or fall ill and our insurance does not cover all aspects. The triple tiered pricing is terribly unfair. Our bodies are anatomically the same as other Thais. There is no need to charge us more. It is a greed based system.
  13. I have to admit I sort of like the fact that Thailand have been very possessive of land ownership and kept foreign ownership out. Other countries are seeing the issues already with the extent of problems faced with foreign ownership. Example - Thailand's largest neighbour - China would see a massive influx of investors buying up Thailand and this pushes up market values and also agricultural land being used to export directly to China, with near nil benefit to the Thai people. Chinese have bought up a lot of land elsewhere and pushed up market prices, as well as excluding access other than Chinese. Personal experience in Australia were auctions where Chinese present (or their agents) would outbid everyone else and buy up premium waterside properties and farmland. Another way for Chinese mega millionaires to move their money out of China out of reach of the CCP. I agree with not having Casinos in Thailand. With Casino issue, I personally hate them. They are huge problems in countries that at least have reasonably low levels of corruption. They are basically open slather for money laundering, mafia, gangs, low to high level criminal entities (individuals to organised). The individual punter who gambling away criminal proceeds basically is a very small percentage of the main sources of income for the casinos. More often than not, the policing of Casinos is severely deficient and pressure from Casino operators to not investigate or turn a blind eye to illegal activities. Governments get huge tax benefits of course so resources to increase oversight and accountability of Casino operators is watered down to basically just a token presence. Thailand, which already has a hugely deficient and inadequate and reportedly corrupt police force, would be a terrible place to open Casinos in my opinion. Look at Cambodia and other Asian Casinos.
  14. There is in Oz. Refuse breath analysis attracts the same penalty as high range drink driving (alcohol). Hopefully Thailand has something similar.
  15. Australia- buying nuclear powered subs from the US - threatened by China that we are now a nuclear target (despite not being armed with nuclear weapons). Thailand- buying their subs from China - staying aligned with the CCP. Just like their COVID vaccines early on - made in China. Everything to appease the CCP and ensure when war eventually occurs they won't be invaded (well ... good luck with that). Will Thailand also declare war on the West (like in WWII when Japan occupied Thailand)? I can see a future of war with interned expats stuffed into camps awaiting their organs to be removed for Chinese citizens.
  16. Exactly. As an ex-member myself, I recall at times receiving calls over the radio that ended up being an overkill of police resources for one job - always the case because of confusion, exaggeration, or misinformation received from the callers. I am guessing in this instance that if relatives attended, perhaps there were reports of several people and becoming very aggressive, perhaps fears of weapons involved and retaliations. As well as being in a sensitive place like a hospital, placing others potentially at risk (patients, staff). Some calls can be frantic, panicked and unintelligible. Once the dust settles, police would have most likely been swiftly reduced in numbers to only those needing to remain for the investigation and others redeployed elsewhere. Well ... that is what normally happens. And as usual, someone with a camera will take an opportunistic shot of all the police there and make assumptions and call police idiots. Been there done that. Not sure as well if all the police from different zones are using the same radio frequencies, how their radio centres are managed etc.
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