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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Another quick update from Sky News Biden: Netanyahu not opposed to two-state solution We are receiving more information following Joe Biden's call with Benjamin Netanyahu. Asked if a two-state solution was "impossible" while Mr Netanyahu was in office, the US leader said: "No, it's not." He said Mr Netanyahu was not opposed to all two-state solutions, and there were a number of types possible.
  2. Off topic inflammatory trolling brings nothing to the topic...................................
  3. I added some information to your post, I can add more, what you want to make of it is up to you........lol
  4. There will be official read outs of this published later or over the weekend so details should be forthcoming After phone call, Biden says two-state solution not impossible while Netanyahu in office WASHINGTON — US President Joe Biden says the creation of an independent state for Palestinians is not impossible while Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is still in office, and that the two leaders discussed the issue during their phone call earlier today. Speaking to reporters after a meeting with US mayors, Biden is asked directly whether a two-state solution is impossible with Netanyahu still in office. “No it’s not,” the president replies. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/after-phone-call-biden-says-two-state-solution-not-impossible-while-netanyahu-in-office/
  5. Yes the UN is antisemitic, ask Haley, she worked there everyday. Nikki Haley to 'Post': UN antisemitism led to October 7 massacre All it takes is 24 hours at the UN to realize that anti-Zionism is just a modern name for the ancient evil of antisemitism. https://www.jpost.com/opinion/article-779118 Fighting Anti Israel Bias at the UN https://unwatch.org/
  6. The court case is still going, since early December two court cases a week have been heard. Including potential appeals if found guilty, its unlikely to end before 2028-2029
  7. Or the UN's complicity in the education of Gaza's children: Group of 3,000 UNRWA teachers celebrates Hamas massacre and rape A Telegram group of 3,000 UNRWA teachers in Gaza is replete with posts celebrating the Hamas massacre of October 7th minutes after it began, praising the murderers and rapists as “heroes,” glorifying the “education” the terrorists received, gleefully sharing photos of dead or captured Israelis and urging the execution of hostages. https://unwatch.org/group-of-3000-unrwa-teachers-celebrates-hamas-massacre-and-rape Where do those donations go? Terrorists: Hamas Leader Ismail Haniyeh: “We Should Hold on to the Moment of the Victory of October 7 and Build Upon It; Time Is on Our Side; Donations to Gaza Are Not “Humanitarian Aid” but “Financial Jihad”. If you’re donating money to humanitarian efforts in Gaza, there’s a good chance that your dollars are funding Financial Jihad. Hamas is the greatest threat to Palestinians in Gaza. https://www.facebook.com/IsraelMFA/videos/337516889078114/
  8. The UN needs to do some reflection on its own failings on this. It is completely ridiculous for the UN, who have put billions of dollars into Gaza with donations from the US and so many other countries, have an entire organization dedicated to Palestinians on the ground, and whose own employees proudly join Hamas ranks, to lie through their teeth, claiming they had no idea about the miles of tunnels under Gaza.
  9. Well I guess this topic is obviously about Netanyahu and his goals or rather solutions for the end of the war. I also don't agree with him nor do I agree with many of his statements. Its clear that if there was an election today he would be ousted pretty quickly as without looking I think his popularity is down to around 20% or so, maybe a little more. He should obviously step down when this is over or before simply because he was at the helm when this massive security blunder allowed the attack to take place. That said, there is overwhelming support in Israel from the population to carry on the war until it is finished, with Netanyahu there or not. Whatever happens the 2 state solution remains elusive and if it happens which I hope it does, it will not be for a long time yet and only after the current phase of the hostilities are over. The two-state solution is presented publicly by the world's diplomats and politicians as a silver bullet to end a conflict which has raged - one way or another - for decades. But, despite taking part in this dance, most privately know it is dead, or is at best on life support. https://news.sky.com/story/israel-hamas-war-leaders-love-to-talk-of-a-two-state-solution-but-middle-east-silver-bullet-feels-further-away-than-ever-13051510 I also agree with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas who says there can be “no security and stability in the region” without a Palestinian state. Dismantling Hamas and returning hostages are still the goals however and as the new EU Parliament resolution released just a couple of days ago stated: In a resolution that showed significant support for Israel, the European Parliament calls for a permanent ceasefire after all hostages are “immediately and unconditionally released” and “the terrorist organization Hamas is dismantled.” The resolution was adopted by 312 votes in favor, 131 against and 72 abstentions. At the same time, the MEPs denounce “the disproportionate Israeli military response, which has caused a civilian death toll on an unprecedented scale.” https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/european-parliament-backs-ceasefire-resolution-contingent-on-hostages-release-hamass-ouster/ I am with the above resolution at the moment, everything else at this stage to me is noise. The resolution seems fair and is also hard hitting for Israel with not just the above conditions, those are for the ceasefire, here is a little more detail, that includes demands for 2 state solution etc. https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20240112IPR16776/israel-hamas-war-meps-call-for-a-permanent-ceasefire-under-two-conditions
  10. Yes that being 529 in total, however those that died in combat since the ground invasion in Gaza is around 200. The others were killed in the Hamas terrorist attack on the 7th Oct in Israel. Your question on the number of Hamas terrorists killed? Its not difficult for you to search that is it, but obviously that is something you'd rather overlook. However since you asked, the number is near on 10,000 killed in Gaza so far with another 1,000 killed when they carried out their cowardly and murderous attack on the 7th Oct. So in total around 11,000 so far. This from last week. "more than 9,000 Hamas operatives and members of other terror groups have been killed by the IDF in the Gaza Strip since the beginning of the war, in addition to some 1,000 terrorists inside Israel on October 7" https://www.timesofisrael.com/the-war-in-numbers-9000-hamas-members-killed-11000-rockets-fired-into-israel/#:~:text=According to the data%2C more,massacring some 1%2C200 people%2C mostly I note you are still using your usual childish and disrespectful method to write "israel" instead of how it correctly is "Israel". The spell check is an obvious reminder for you every time you write it. How is it you manage to get every other group such as Hamas or Palestinians correct with a capital letter? Why be so deliberately offense to Jews and their country?
  11. I specifically looked for reference to him having lived in Gaza as you claimed. There is none so yes one of your exaggerations on his experience which you used dishonestly. There is also no reference to him staying for months as you now claim. He had many visits to West Bank but living in Gaza or even staying for months? Link? It is up to you to provide not me to search.
  12. With your bias I am sure you can find a lot to disagree however your overwhelming endorsement of him is not from all quarters which is what I pointed out. Still waiting to see evidence that he lived in Gaza. Another of your claims.
  13. The UK's been doing a little terrorists listing too https://twitter.com/ukhomeoffice/status/1748293448786972705 Home Secretary declares Hizb ut-Tahrir as terrorists Founded in 1953, Hizb ut-Tahrir is an international political group with a long-term goal of establishing a Caliphate ruled under Islamic law. While their headquarters are in Lebanon, the group operates in at least 32 countries including the UK, United States, Canada and Australia. The proscription of Hizb ut-Tahrir includes the global organisation, as well as all regional branches, including Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/home-secretary-declares-hizb-ut-tahrir-as-terrorists
  14. Don't give Finklestien too much credit, he has his critics who are also specialists in their fields. Not sure where you picked up he lived in Gaza or West Bank The book was unfavorably reviewed by Joost Hiltermann, who objected to Finkelstein's "abrasiveness, righteous anger, hyperbole, distortions and unwarranted generalizations", and to his generalizations about West Bank Palestinians: Finkelstein commits the error of assuming that he saw everything there was to see during his trips to the West Bank, and that what he saw represented reality. This leads to absurd observations. He claims, for example, that "many Palestinians are fluent in English" (p. 4), that "many" homes he visited were "equipped with the latest, wide-screen, color models" of television (p. 6), and that "women wore bikinis at the beach" (p. 18).[6] Hiltermann wrote that while "there is plenty of reason to be anguished about the terrible injustice inflicted upon the Palestinian", Finkelstein's "bludgeoning" style wouldn't reach an audience beyond those already converted.[6] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norman_Finkelstein
  15. Exactly and here's a few more that are not in the EU https://twitter.com/AvivaKlompas/status/1748202903427248192
  16. The lasting solution is to defeat Hamas first, nothing can be done while they are still active and running Gaza. The lasting solution is to defeat Hamas.
  17. This is more like it, from the European Union proposal and just passed in a resolution. A permanent ceasefire only after all hostages are “immediately and unconditionally released” and “the terrorist organization Hamas is dismantled.” European parliament backs ceasefire resolution contingent on hostages’ release, Hamas’s ouster In a resolution that showed significant support for Israel, the European Parliament calls for a permanent ceasefire after all hostages are “immediately and unconditionally released” and “the terrorist organization Hamas is dismantled.” The resolution was adopted by 312 votes in favor, 131 against and 72 abstentions. At the same time, the MEPs denounce “the disproportionate Israeli military response, which has caused a civilian death toll on an unprecedented scale.” https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/european-parliament-backs-ceasefire-resolution-contingent-on-hostages-release-hamass-ouster/
  18. This is interesting. In March, 2023, the Islamic Fatwa Council issued a FATWA directly BLAMING Hamas for the oppression of Palestinians in Gaza and calling on the terrorist group to make peace with Israel. The first of its kind religious edict stated that Hamas is a TERRORIST org which VIOLATES the tenets of Islam and that Muslims SHOULD NOT “pray for, support, finance or fight on behalf of Hamas.” The ruling enumerated 11 correlations between Hamas and ISIS, including the use of suicide bombers, missile attacks against civilians; torture or inhuman treatment by Hamas personnel; unjust imprisonment; use of child soldiers, and genocidal aspirations, in the case of Hamas annihilating the Jews. Senior Muslim Clerics Issue Fatwa Against Hamas The Islamic Fatwa Council is a judicial body that specializes in Islamic law, represents both Sunnis and Shiites, and is chaired by Grand Ayatollah Shaikh Fadhil al-Budairi. Among several key mission objectives, the council says it strives to “reclaim the Islamic legal system from extremists, Islamists, and supporters of terrorism.” The fatwa is the first against Hamas by an accredited Islamic legal body. https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2023/03/13/senior-muslim-clerics-issue-fatwa-against-hamas/
  19. The tunnel network was originally assed to be around 250 miles long, its now estimated to be "350 and 450 miles — extraordinary figures for a territory that at its longest point is only 25 miles. Two of the officials also assessed there are close to 5,700 separate shafts leading down to the tunnels." To put that in perspective: This is the London Underground. The network is 250 miles long. It's only 55-70% the length of the network of military tunnels Hamas built under Gaza, with shafts poking out in homes, schools, mosques, and UN facilities. Israel Unearths More of a Subterranean Fortress Under Gaza Another stretched nearly three football fields long and was hidden beneath a hospital. Under the house of a senior Hamas commander, the Israeli military found a spiral staircase leading to a tunnel approximately seven stories deep. These details and new information about the tunnels, some made public by the Israeli military and documented by video and photographs, underscore why the tunnels were considered a major threat to the Israeli military in Gaza even before the war started. https://archive.ph/gyzPS https://www.nytimes.com/2024/01/16/us/politics/israel-gaza-tunnels.html
  20. This tunnel is huge with large rocket production facilities including lathes, all hidden under or near residential center WATCH: An in-depth look inside Hamas tunnels in central Gaza, where a plant for the manufacture of rockets and munitions was hidden beneath and near civilian structures
  21. Of course I back Pakistan's statement, its International Law and they have a right to strike back which is exactly what they did.
  22. Yes it was fine for Iran to do that and expect the consequences. Which it just has. Back in your box yet?
  23. By the way, I'm not defending Iran's decision Good, I am defending Pakistan's decision to hit back at terrorists in Iran.
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