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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Yes I noticed, but I think we can all agree that Hamas has to be eliminated, without that nothing else can fall into place.
  2. He's our resident Hamas supporter, but you've already worked that out I think.
  3. Anything else that smelts bad ? Yes plenty. The treatment of the hostages was not all about food, safety and medicine. But then I guess you remain ignorant to the links previously provided on the inhumane treatment of some of them that have so far been documented. As you remain ignorant on your accusation that Israel was indiscriminately bombing Gaza hospitals.
  4. And then what? Sacrifice all the rest? I did not say that or imply it. I stated what the players involved have been expressing. Hamas has also publicly told its fighters to gear up for the continued offensive in preparation. Once most of the civilian hostages are released and only military or security left along with men of fighting age the stakes for a resumption of the war rise significantly, that is a fact. How that transpires is yet to be seen. My personal opinion is on side with IDF and Israel, wipe out Hamas. My other opinions would be a complete overhaul of the Palestine education system along with real opportunity given to them. How's that all achieved? I am not a general, a politician or key player. I can only leave that to the experts that do profess to hold those qualifications. If you different thoughts then feel free to express them without the need to ask me what I would do.
  5. You should know that "advanced warning" is the IAF practice of sending/dropping a small munition on a building to tell people to get out before the big one that levels the building. Known as "roof knocking" its certainly not the only way the IDF carry out advance warnings but one of many methods which also include dropping leaflets, phone and text messages. There are many instances where IDF calls off a target when its clear civilians are there. This being unlike the Hamas preference of using civilians as human shields.
  6. So who are all the Hamas terrorist fighters that have been shown on video being interviewed after surrendering/being captured and revealing intel to Israel? @thaibeachlovers
  7. I think the choice is rapidly approaching for a return to the Hamas elimination stage. The women and child hostages now are getting less, not sure how many left? The IDF is itching to return to the front, I suspect this will happen over the weekend.
  8. Truce just been extended for one more day. Gaza truce extended until Friday after last-minute standoff Israel and Hamas agreed on Thursday to extend the ceasefire in their war by at least one more day, minutes before the six-day truce was due to expire.
  9. The war will end when Hamas no longer functions, its as simple as that. The truce unless extended finishes at 7am local time Thursday
  10. Hamas are now saying that the 10 month old baby and his young brother along with the mum were killed in an IDF strike. This after first saying they had been transferred to another terrorist group. While this is entirely possible believing Hamas on anything is very difficult. source BBC
  11. "not some pathetic article about an 84 years old complaining about her underlying health issues?" That's a pretty sick thing to say Danny, did you read the link, its from the hospital: "Soroka medical centre in Be’er Sheva said: "It is horrific that we now need to continue to care for elderly patients held in underground tunnels for seven weeks with total medical neglect and disregard for their care.”
  12. ? What are you talking about now? I've responded to your post
  13. Can you quote where I attacked you? Are you spreading false information again?
  14. I couldn't care less if you've not seen videos, read the articles direct from them and yes I did comment on the alleged mistreatment of Palestinians with direct evidence of them lying, again you edited that out of my reply along with the link I provided, waste of time talking to you if you ignore the evidence
  15. Why did you edit out the link I provided from the BBC with evidence? Plenty already posted here, not my job to point them all out for you if you can't be bothered to read the topics in full, here's just one from my previous posts: The Hamas supporters here would rather question links than face the truth of what happened to some of those who were held hostage. They are as much animals as are the terrorists Son says 84-year-old hostage fighting for her life after release In a statement, the Soroka medical centre in Be’er Sheva said: "It is horrific that we now need to continue to care for elderly patients held in underground tunnels for seven weeks with total medical neglect and disregard for their care.” Her son later found images on social media of her surrounded by Hamas gunmen on a motorbike. Uri Rawitz says that his mother was flown by helicopter to hospital in Be’er Sheva after being released, where she remains ventilated and sedated. Source BBC
  16. Who's telling you the Israeli hostages are forbidden to speak to the press? Freed Hamas captives tell of fear, squalor and hunger https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-67556006 Why do you believe released Palestinian terrorists and kids
  17. She has won, she got out alive. Ok I'll leave you with the official media spokesman from Israel and his take on it, yes a really good quote but it seems you're deliberately attempting to derail the topic https://twitter.com/EylonALevy/status/1729817548294590801
  18. Really I thought it was quite good considering she had spent 50 days as a hostage underground held by the terrorists: Or perhaps you would have preferred just this one with the lit emoji's from a different tweet? https://twitter.com/AvivaKlompas/status/1729641014757892566
  19. Jeez. Give it a rest. The original quote was directed towards a female hostage anyway not any fighters on either side.
  20. Feel free to go through my post history if you are so interested in my morals. Get back to me once you've gone through the 100s of posts I've made countering hamas apologists and daily updates.
  21. Yes you already posted the same thing here a couple of days ago, two or three pages back
  22. THEY STOLE HER VOICE Emily’s too afraid to speak after Hamas threats… she was a happy, noisy kid & now she whispers because she’s terrified
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