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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Who Is Hamas? The Genocidal Terrorist Organization in Their Own Words
  2. Here's another one to add to the tally, an Irish girl, they thought she was dead but latest intelligence is she was kidnapped: Source
  3. When are Hamas going to respond to humanitarian calls to release hostages and get a pause in the fighting? Trolls prefer to talk about 1948
  4. Yes read it and added the point needed to again remind trolls what this topic is about. Latest developments and discussion of events in the Israel-Hamas War.
  5. At some point you may just realize that I stay on topic and don't entertain hijacking attempts by trolls. UN Chief "Nothing can justify the deliberate killing, injuring and kidnapping of civilians – or the launching of rockets against civilian targets." https://www.reuters.com/world/un-chief-says-false-accuse-him-justifying-hamas-attacks-2023-10-25
  6. When did Israel declare war with Hamas? Can you tell me the topic we are on? Would you like it repeated for you? There is no justification for the attacks on 7th Oct.
  7. So he is real or were you lying? It can only be one of those 2, which is it, its ok, I don't care either way...lol
  8. You tell me? You said he doesn't exist so who types them?
  9. Never met him but you said he doesn't exist? How do you know?
  10. That must keep you busy, following everyone that's seen you drive to ask them
  11. New video by Sky News. The ongoing technical work of the forensics teams as they weep and identify Hamas victims. The brutality of the deaths, shot, stabbed, burnt then run over. Victims tied execution style before being shot. A baby stabbed in his own bed. The animals laughed as they burnt victims, whole famlies, filming the scenes. Harrowing.
  12. Back on topic, I posted an image earlier of the Tunnel in the hospital, here's the drone video of it. "In a briefing to the international media outlets, IDF Spokesman revealed new intelligence showing Hamas's use of medical facilities in the Gaza Strip for terror purposes. Hagari presents a video showing an underground entrance from Sheikh Hamad Hospital, which connects to #Hamas tunnel networks. Watch this video"
  13. Close the door on your way out Paddy 🥱
  14. No further debate on how I find credible sources, no, this is about the War that started on Oct 7th, bye
  15. "Breaking: Footage of Hamas terrorists opening fire at Israeli forces from the Sheikh Hamed hospital in Gaza. Hamas continues to intentionally harm civilians in Gaza by exploiting hospitals for terror purposes. "
  16. Don't care what sources you check....lol. You may think this is a debate about the current crisis but you've narrowed it down to Israeli sources, I've already explained. Enough time wasting, bye Chef
  17. The entrance to one of the Hamas tunnels at the Sheikh Hamad hospital in Gaza. To say none of the health workers inside knows is ignorance. Video also in the source of rockets being fired directly from a hospital. This is from the official substack site of Lt. Col. Richard Hecht International Spokesperson of the Israel Defense Forces. https://idfspokesperson.substack.com/p/when-the-world-gets-played https://www.idf.il/en https://twitter.com/LtColRichard
  18. The old, my best friend is a Rabbi trick, how many have used that so far.....lol
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