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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. That's the second time you've replied to the same post. This time however a pure troll post
  2. Yes proof read, its always a good idea, something I should also do more often before I press submit: 4. Proofread your post first as poor grammar and spelling can make a post difficult to understand. Posts regarding spelling and grammar can derail a topic and can also appear intolerant and unhelpful.
  3. Know I don't think I know, its in the linked article. Read it
  4. No its not, the quote from his latest statement is in the article I linked to
  5. Biden said I think we need a pause. Very different from a ceasefire "The White House has refused to call for a cease-fire but has signaled that the Israelis should consider humanitarian pauses to allow civilians to receive aid and for foreign nationals trapped on the strip to leave Gaza." https://apnews.com/article/israel-palestinians-hamas-biden-ceasefire-422ed95081e5fe224dd9f0ed7920c4e8
  6. Not got an uncle, do you know something I don't?
  7. First line of self defense is not to have to fight............hows Bob?
  8. Maybe he met santa from an internet hangout, who know?
  9. I asked you about Bob bignok, your the one who said he's not a real person, how do you know?
  10. No too busy looking after my daughter on school runs and her homework, doing her IGCSE's early next year.
  11. Oh dear, I'm not retired yet but you have me down for 70....lol
  12. Yea, he'll be off to look for some other online contacts to hook up with now. Perhaps use the self defense angle again just to get in.........
  13. Not when you ask me why I would not want to meet you for something to eat and drink old boy
  14. My contribution to your off topic posts on wanting to meet people off the internet actually. Do keep up chap
  15. Yes, as already mentioned cats eat birds. This is fun init....lol
  16. I had no intention of meeting you...........lol
  17. Ah I see, you need to be the last one to post, ok got it. Post away................
  18. Had cats all my life, and a happy family, probably why I don't need to meet trolls from the internet
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