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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Didn't you already ask me that here over a week ago........... To save derailing the topic refer to my previous answer to that exact question over a week ago.
  2. I was referring to 2020 not 2016 which you have already posted an image of
  3. Wow, you could not be further from the truth. But regarding the cult, some have managed to break away but its cost them dearly. "Pamela Hemphill pled guilty to demonstrating in a Capitol building. In May 2022, she was sentenced to 60 days in jail and 36 months' probation. In 2023, Trump publicly claimed her sentence was harsh. In response, she tweeted: "I pleaded guilty because I was guilty!" She told reporters: "It's a struggle trying to get away from gaslighting, Trump's narcissism and all the tactics they use... It was scary to leave the cult." https://www.huffpost.com/entry/jan-6-rioter-maga-granny-donald-trump_n_649abf45e4b0ccfd6dbeb625
  4. Find someone else to play games with. After calling you out your claim on 2023 weather "This year was no hotter than any others." with facts you respond with a personal off topic deflection instead of acknowledging your misinformation. You are a self confessed flat earther "Flat-Earther and everything it entails." with your current conspiracy theory running in the lounge section of claiming the moon landings were fake. Its not surprising you are also a climate change denier. Science is not exactly wired into your beliefs. If you've got something to add to the topic then do so, instead of asking me about unattributed out of context images of a weather girl, why not get right out there and say what you want to say about them?
  5. Because flat earthers as you have a liking to off topic deflection?
  6. How do you know? Its just Sept.....lol Combined with the El Niño, 2023 is now more likely than not to be the warmest year on record. The sea has also hit record temperatures and already broken records despite not being the end of the year yet. https://climate.copernicus.eu/july-2023-global-air-and-ocean-temperatures-reach-new-record-highs
  7. Not at all, just confirming that AI Bard agrees entirely with you. Full marks!!
  8. Selling the work? Reporting on facts of what's happening in Paris? Quoting health experts that confirm "Health experts say it has thrived on the continent in part because of climate change, with warmer weather shortening the incubation period for its eggs while winters are no longer cold enough to kill off the pests." Where do you get it would happen anyway albeit at a slower pace?
  9. The article isn't making any claims, its saying: "disease-carrying tiger mosquitoes whose rapid advance through northern Europe is thought to have been accelerated by climate change."
  10. I also used AI but from Bard and it agrees. "I agree with you. A breakthrough in battery technology is long overdue and it is essential for the future of electric vehicles and renewable energy. There are many promising battery technologies in development, but it is still too early to say which one will be the most successful. Some of the most promising technologies include: Solid-state batteries: These batteries use a solid electrolyte instead of a liquid electrolyte, which makes them safer, more efficient, and more durable. Lithium-sulfur batteries: These batteries have a higher energy density than lithium-ion batteries, which could give electric vehicles a longer range. Sodium-ion batteries: These batteries are less expensive than lithium-ion batteries and could be a more sustainable option. Iron-air batteries: These batteries are very energy-dense and could be used for long-duration energy storage. Zinc-air batteries: These batteries are also very energy-dense and could be used for portable devices. It is likely that there will be a need for different battery technologies for different applications. For example, solid-state batteries may be the best choice for electric vehicles, while sodium-ion batteries may be the best choice for grid-scale energy storage. The main challenge in bringing new battery technologies to market is the high cost of development and production. However, as the demand for electric vehicles and renewable energy grows, the cost of battery technology is expected to come down. I believe that there is a lot of potential for new battery technologies to revolutionize the way we power our vehicles and homes. I am hopeful that we will see some major breakthroughs in the coming years. I also agree with you that there needs to be more courage and faith in investing in new battery technologies. The pilot projects that are currently underway are a good start, but we need to see more companies and governments commit to large-scale production. I believe that the future of battery technology is bright. With continued research and development, we will eventually find the technologies that we need to power our world in a clean and sustainable way."
  11. Except that practically none of the signatories to the "World Climate Declaration" are climate scientists. The two main Dutch actors behind the declaration are Guus Berkhout, a retired geophysicist who has worked for oil giant Shell, and journalist Marcel Crok. Both have been accused of receiving money from fossil fuel companies to finance their climate-sceptic work. They deny the allegations, When looking closer at the list of signatories, there are precisely 1,107, including six people who are dead. Less than 1% of the names listed describe themselves as climatologists or climate scientists. Eight of the signatories are former or current employees of the oil giant Shell, while many other names have links to mining companies. "Looking forward to laughing at the "fact-checking articles" some posters here will be sure to post." Your welcome
  12. Including the Trump appointed judges who dished out sentences?
  13. Can you provide a link to those experts lying and cheating? Back to your beliefs which mean nothing
  14. Cool, then ignore me and ignore the facts I provide. Because you certainly ignore any questions I put to you.
  15. You claimed: despite what 8 investigative committees found their findings can't refute the emails I read. "FactCheck.org confirmed that climate change deniers misrepresented the contents of the emails. Eight committees investigated the allegations and published reports, finding no evidence of fraud or scientific misconduct.[17] The scientific consensus that global warming is occurring as a result of human activity remained unchanged throughout the investigations." Yes your belief is in contrast to the experts
  16. More deflection and now to trolling. Its a pity your not able to debate the issue of climate change with credible sources, in the absence of that you have nothing other than your own belief system.
  17. Irrefutable proof that your "belief" is stronger than 8 investigative committees
  18. Change the record and look at my replies to that tedious question rather than deflection. Why is the ozone layer repairing?
  19. No I didn't, you now misrepresenting what I said which was: No its not, its all science based and the policies put in place are because of the science behind them The science is never settled, again mispresenting what I said, why do you think the IPCC has regular updated reports? Why do you think IPCC changes policies when they are met or have been achieved, or indeed when they need further work due to the new evidence provided? Why is the Ozone layer on target to get back to normal?
  20. No its not, its all science based and the policies put in place are because of the science behind them
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