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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Fine. The topic however is. Trump trial in Fulton County will be televised, judge says
  2. aah and there's you posting pics of the Clinton supporters disappointment.
  3. Party time already started. The popcorn was broken out when the mug shots got released.....lol
  4. Actually Ramaswamy has isolated himself in the Republican nominations Fox debate. When the Fox News hosts asked the eight Republican presidential candidates on the debate stage last week who would not support continued funding for Ukraine, only Vivek Ramaswamy raised his hand. https://thehill.com/policy/defense/4179994-ramaswamy-isolates-himself-on-ukraine-with-proposed-putin-pact/
  5. He'll take the 5th as he's done before when faced with facts.
  6. I thought they were going to impeach Biden? Seems to me they are doing everything they can to stall it, could be something to do with lack of evidence and credibility. Wouldn't want them to make themselves look any more foolish than they already are right? McCarthy Slow Rolls Opening Biden Impeachment Inquiry, Says Will Take a Full Vote of the House To Do So Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) made clear on Friday that House Republicans will only open an impeachment inquiry for President Joe Biden with a floor vote in the chamber. McCarthy’s comments appeared to pour some cold water on hardline members of his conference who have been demanding he open an inquiry immediately, while others have already filed their own articles of impeachment. “To open an impeachment inquiry is a serious matter, and House Republicans would not take it lightly or use it for political purposes, the American people deserve to be heard on this matter through their elected representatives,” McCarthy told Breitbart’s Matthew Boyle on Friday. “That’s why, if we move forward with an impeachment inquiry, it would occur through a vote on the floor of the People’s House and not through a declaration by one person,” the speaker added. https://www.mediaite.com/politics/mccarthy-slow-rolls-opening-biden-impeachment-inquiry-says-will-take-a-full-vote-of-the-house-to-do-so/
  7. Will Trump go after locking up the increasing numbers of Republicans who don't agree with him that this is weaponization of the DOJ? In rejecting an effort to target Trump prosecutor Fani Willis, the Georgia governor undercut the GOP’s whole ‘weaponization’ push. The Georgia governor went on to admonish the conspiratorial and increasingly punitive segment of his party, continuing a trend of Georgia Republicans like him standing up to that element in a way that others haven’t. Kemp seriously undercut both Trump and the GOP’s continual unsubstantiated claims of the “weaponization” of the government. “Up to this point, I have not seen any evidence that DA Willis’ actions or lack thereof warrant action by the prosecuting attorney oversight commission,” Kemp said Thursday. He added, “As long as I am governor, we’re going to follow the law and the Constitution, regardless of who it helps or harms politically.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/09/01/kemp-willis-special-session/ https://archive.ph/pdaxV
  8. It would be good to see his assassination having failed. Yes you lost a comrade, never mind eh.............. Russia's Prigozhin admits interfering in U.S. elections "We have interfered (in U.S. elections), we are interfering and we will continue to interfere. Carefully, accurately, surgically and in our own way, as we know how to do." The remark by the close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin was posted on the eve of the U.S. midterm elections in response to a request for comment from a Russian news site. "During our pinpoint operations, we will remove both kidneys and the liver at once," Prigozhin said. He did not elaborate on the cryptic comment. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/russias-prigozhin-admits-interfering-us-elections-2022-11-07/
  9. I think it could be another option to have a phone app along with mail in and visiting traditional ballot boxes. But not only online voting, it could be vulnerable to hack attempts. They partially trialed it in the UK. Voters in U.K. Cast Ballots Online, in Test for Internet Voting LONDON—Members of the U.K.’s ruling Conservative Party who are voting to decide the country’s next prime minister are for the first time casting ballots online in a leadership election, a rarity among democracies wary of internet voting because of cybersecurity concerns Over a several-week period, the party is offering internet voting alongside voting by mail, in part to provide greater convenience during August weeks when Britons take vacation and to avoid disruptions by striking postal workers. The results are to be announced Sept. 5. https://www.wsj.com/amp/articles/voters-in-u-k-cast-ballots-online-in-test-for-internet-voting-11660993200 https://archive.ph/Jefxt
  10. 'I just hope it ends': Arizona election official shares emotional story as harasser sentenced to prison Hickman told a judge that he remembers the night in 2020 that dozens of protesters — propelled by lies about the fairness of the county’s presidential election — came to his home while his wife and young children were inside. He remembers the years of harassment against him and his colleagues. He remembers the moment he saw that his teenage son understood his choice to not respond to the hatred with a physical confrontation or violence. “My son looked at me and he understood me,” he said, choking on his words. Behind him at the defendant’s table as he spoke sat Mark Rissi of Cedar Rapids, Iowa – one of many who had threatened him. https://www.rawstory.com/arizona-elections-2664740684/
  11. Other options were taken, 60+ court cases, still no evidence. That's when you know, hey guess what, I was wrong....
  12. If there is no evidence then you have no case, its as simple as that, unless your name is Trump of course, then you rally the crowds to go to Capital Hill.
  13. That's not how it works, if you claim something is rigged then you need to find and deliver the evidence to the courts.
  14. I can think of better words for him, the ones I highlighted were accurate but I suppose bad is good enough coming from you
  15. Back to your opinion: You are delusional in that thought, what makes you think Trump can be a better option? What has he offered aside from retribution, threats and false accusations, oh and pleas for donations to help his legal funds. How can a rapist and racist with 91 criminal charges against him be a better option?
  16. Your posts stands because its still there, it does not make it credible however. Perhaps you need to read the full context once more of my response and link. The vaccine information changes occurred not just after the covid vaccines were introduced, they are part of over all updates that are ongoing: Pre-2015 the CDC described vaccination as: “Injection of a killed or weakened infectious organism in order to prevent disease.” Another was dated 2015-2021 and said: “The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce immunity to a specific disease.” The third was from September 2021, calling vaccination: “The act of introducing a vaccine into the body to produce protection from a specific disease. "does not mean that the agency altered it because of problems with the coronavirus vaccines." Dr. Ryan Langlois, a microbiology and immunology professor at the University of Minnesota, says the CDC’s changes “make total sense,” and add nuance following emerging vaccine developments such as mRNA technology. “We’ve repurposed this word, vaccination, from 200 plus years ago,” said Langlois, who teaches a course on the history of vaccination. “It’s always difficult when a word is so entrenched but the technology is changing. I think it’s very, very clear that one of the things the CDC is trying to do is to try to update the definition with the updating technology.”
  17. You say this: "So no need to debate about Trump and Biden. Ill leave them to prove their own worth. But the idea that people dont want to be able to check voting for themselves is just a reaction to support the idea that the vote was not tampered with and Biden won fairly." & yet you also state this: "I just so happen to think Trump can be a better option than Biden who should be in aged care. Its disgusting he is being encouraged to stay as president despite his mental health issues." Which is it to be? Because I think you are wrong, I think its disgusting for Trump to be elected as President over Biden. Happy to name all the reasons but it seems you want to cancel that debate and keep it on your terms only.
  18. Presidents can issue pardons only for federal crimes, and the Georgia indictment involves exclusively state crimes. Trump couldn't even seek help from the state's governor, because in Georgia, unlike many other states, the governor cannot issue pardons. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/08/16/trump-georgia-pardon-00111503
  19. You quoted an out of date poll but now you say your not sure when new ones are conducted.....lol Here's another for you: Lock Him Up? A New Poll Has Some Bad News for Trump https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/08/25/ipsos-poll-trump-indictment-00112755
  20. Interesting, I just watched a BBC news segment where the attorney for Rehl who got a sentence of 15 years did an interview outside the court. He blamed his clients actions and sentence on Trump. Rehl's attorney Norm Pattis says he client took cues from the "highest elected official in the land," i.e. Trump, who told them the election was stolen: "I wonder why that man hasn't been charged with seditious conspiracy and why he isn't answering to that charge."
  21. Your screen and link above dated 2nd Aug: A lot has happened since then. Here's a more recent one from Aug 28th. "A new Emerson College Polling survey of U.S. voters following the August Republican Primary debate finds half of Republican Primary voters (50%) plan to vote for Donald Trump, the lowest support to date for the former President in Emerson national polls. Trump’s support has dropped by six percentage points since last week’s pre-debate national poll." https://emersoncollegepolling.com/august-2023-national-poll-trump-debate-snub-may-open-door-for-other-candidates/ Trump was highest in April with 62%. I bet he won't be posting this on his truth Social Emerson College has an A rating from fivethirtyeight for its accuracy. https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/pollster-ratings/emerson-college/
  22. I often pointed out Tucker Carlson's hypocrisy, he's infamous for it.
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