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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. A couple of examples where vaccinations reduce death rates, both from real world stats and studies: https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/united-states-rates-of-covid-19-deaths-by-vaccination-status?country=~50%2B Covid-19 vaccines have saved more than 3 million lives in US, study says https://edition.cnn.com/2022/12/13/health/covid-19-vaccines-study/index.html
  2. She endorsed them, she linked to them, she works for them. They form part of her personal submission. I'm done with your deflection for your own personal agenda.
  3. Did you read the links from her personal paper that she submitted? The links to her official statements? It seems not, even though I posted them and you responded to it. Read her personal submission, she directs readers to go to her official links.
  4. That's where you lose all logic and credibility as Dr Phelps also said: "strongly supports Covid vaccination as the benefits far outweighed the risks for the vast majority of people."
  5. "Many 'facts' and 'research' is simply junk science. it is properly estimated that 40% of scientific medical papers are just nonsense." I stopped reading there, I live in the real world
  6. lol, of course I'm refusing to debate with someone who cant back up his claims. My links and facts to all she said have already been posted.
  7. Right, your so well versed you fail to read specific links that are relevant and make false assumptions. My opinions are based on credible fact based research that does not need to be hidden. Impossible to debate when only one can produce facts and the other can only provide false beliefs. That said I'm not letting differences come between us in other threads but covid is clear.
  8. You're repeating yourself, a few posts ago you said you didn't do that.......... Dr Phelps made some excellent recommendations as well as stating clearly that: "strongly supports Covid vaccination as the benefits far outweighed the risks for the vast majority of people." Cherry picking your conspiracy beliefs yet again. You said you didn't believe that bit.
  9. I provided a link on covid conspiracies that should have explained the difference to you if you had read it. You missed that when you edited my post. The rest of your post is pure conspiracy based opinions.
  10. Trump can indeed be banned............ Section 3 of the 14th Amendment states that no one can “hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State” if they took an oath to support the Constitution and then “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same.” https://news.bloomberglaw.com/white-collar-and-criminal-law/trumps-insurrection-referral-spotlights-bar-to-holding-office
  11. The psychological foundation of a conspiracy theory is by its very nature based on belief/opinions, as they have no credible facts to back them up. There is no way to scrutinize evidence by experts and no way to make a fact based judgement. From the covid forum rules: "A forum dedicated to information and discussion of COVID-19 topics. This forum is not for conspiracy theories or any form of political discussion." Why do people believe COVID-19 conspiracy theories? https://misinforeview.hks.harvard.edu/article/why-do-people-believe-covid-19-conspiracy-theories/
  12. BREAKING: The FBI responds to @elonmusk releasing the Twitter files: "It is unfortunate that conspiracy theorists and others are feeding the American public misinformation with the sole purpose of attempting to discredit the agency." Full statement from FBI in the twitter link https://twitter.com/greg_price11/status/1605655653187432448
  13. Can you provide a link for that? Particularly since they never even received a NATO Membership Action Plan, from there its still a 5 to 10 year process. It was not till 2021 at a Brussels summit that NATO leaders promised a MAP as an integral part of the process. However the Russian invasion started before that even got of the ground. Ref's: https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/why-is-ukraine-still-not-in-nato/ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ukraine–NATO_relations You also missed completely the offer by Zelensky to commit to NOT joining NATO in return for peace talks, duly turned down by Putin. This was one month into the war, March 2022. Zelensky says Ukraine prepared to discuss neutrality in peace talks In nod to Russia, Ukraine says no longer insisting on NATO membership Zelensky: We won’t join NATO if that brings peace Anyone who thinks this was anything other than Putin's imperialist ambitions is obviously just reading RT NEWS
  14. Since when are you in a position to ask me further questions when you've not provided evidence of your initial claims? This is not a schoolyard rant here. If you want to make specific claims they need to be backed up with credible sources. Most medications and most vaccines have adverse reactions in rare cases, its the risk/benefit ratio that counts. The benefits for covid vaccines far outweigh the risks for the vast majority of people. That is my claim and those links have been provided. You don't believe me. You claim they are not safe. As per the forum rules in this section any claims you make: "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source." I'll wait with baited breath............
  15. It clear you know zero. However being a Trump supporter you're forgiven
  16. Zelensky being a jew, with his grand parents murdered by nazis in the holocaust forgive me when i call that total B/S. Remind me about the Russian neo nazis fighting in Ukraine
  17. Who would say it still is? Zelensky. From Lawyer To Comedian To Politician To War Hero
  18. Musk’s Frequent Twitter Polls Are at Risk of Bot Manipulation New research shows votes can be easily purchased during Twitter polls With less than $100, one can buy tens of thousands of votes for Twitter polls using bot-for-hire manipulation services, according to the nonprofit digital rights group Accountable Tech. The finding, first reported by Bloomberg, could spark new concerns about Musk’s reliance on the tool to chart the future of one of the world’s most influential social media companies. https://archive.ph/1c7Q4 https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-12-22/musk-s-frequent-twitter-polls-are-at-risk-of-bot-manipulation
  19. Elon Musk’s Campaign to Win Back Twitter Advertisers Isn’t Going Well Some ad buyers said they will need to see changes at Twitter before they feel comfortable returning. Advertisers say they are concerned about Mr. Musk’s moves as owner and CEO, including his abrupt rule-making and controversial tweets. Just as it can be hard to separate the art from the artist, many advertisers are struggling to separate Twitter from Mr. Musk. “He has made it so that advertisers can’t avoid the association. He created that vulnerability and he continues to double down on it,” said Irwin Gotlieb, a former chief executive of ad-buying giant GroupM. https://archive.ph/rdpmG#selection-295.0-319.225 https://www.wsj.com/articles/elon-musk-twitter-advertisers-exodus-11671722594
  20. Russia destroying evidence of one of its largest war crimes in Ukraine. Moscow-installed authorities in occupied Mariupol have started to demolish the city's drama theatre, a local Ukrainian official said Friday. The Mariupol drama theatre was hit by a Russian rocket strike in March while hundreds of civilians, including children, were sheltering inside. It has since become a symbol of Russian aggression during its 10-month invasion of Ukraine. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/12/23/ukraine-war-north-korea-wagner-deny-completing-arms-delivery-a79785
  21. Why had Ukraine not been allowed to join NATO before the invasion then and why did Zelensky additionally offer Putin a peace deal stating he would not join NATO if that brought peace? How does that fit in with your theory?
  22. You have a habit of editing my posts, next time you do it, it will be reported
  23. "why the Trumpian populist right is consumed w/hatred for Ukraine—a hatred clearly beyond concerns about the US spending a very small portion of our military budget, or about the nonexistent involvement of American troops—doesn’t have a simple answer." Putin’s Useful Idiots: Right Wingers Lose It Over Zelensky Visit The anti-Ukraine right can’t stand America standing as the arsenal of democracy. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s surprise arrival in Washington on Wednesday for a meeting with President Joe Biden and a speech before Congress has unhinged the always-seething anti-Ukraine Trumpian right, triggering a deluge of snark and grievance. Then there was this from Red State commentator Brandon Morse, asserting that Zelensky has done much more damage to the United States than the January 6th rioters: https://www.thebulwark.com/putins-useful-idiots-right-wingers-lose-it-over-zelensky-visit/
  24. I doubt they would trust you so all's square then
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