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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Quote me where I have made claims about the people on the plane? Would you like me to re quote you with your claim again?
  2. as if that made the premature deaths of those people any less tragic.
  3. Yet your comment says something else as I pointed out. That plane likely does not contain all innocent people
  4. There will be innocent people there correct and there will be some Russians who do not agree with the war in Ukraine. However this has been going on for 10 months. Most contract troops can leave of take a break after 6 months. The murderers, and convicts that Wagner recruited and continues to do so from Russian prisons also only have to fight for 6 months before getting a full pardon and going home. To say they are all innocent is stretching it.
  5. Bit more on it here: Ukrainian Missile Reportedly Hits Belarus A Ukrainian S-300 missile has reportedly landed on the territory of Ukraine's neighbor and staunch Moscow ally Belarus, the Belarusian state news agency Belta reported on Thursday. "Today, between 10.00 and 11.00, a Ukrainian missile fell from the territory of Ukraine to the territory of Belarus," the report says. No casualties or damage have been reported so far. https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/12/29/ukrainian-missile-reportedly-hits-belarus-a79836
  6. Nonsense since when does a topic not include the link and original source, absolute B/S. Making things up as you go along....lol
  7. Which comes from her submission including this: "Examples of misinformation in the early days, and some still in circulation include:“COVID is not airborne” Wrong.“Masks don’t work, in fact they might increase your risk” Wrong.“Children under 12 have been proven not to be carriers or transmitters of the disease” Wrong.“It is necessary and inevitable for everyone to get COVID". No it isn’t.“Herd immunity from mass infection is a good idea.” No it isn’t.“It’s just a cold”. No it is not.“COVID will evolve to be milder”. There is no evidence to support this.“COVID is not as bad as the flu”. Yes it is.“At least I got it over and done with”. No you haven’t.“Children are sicker this year because of immunity debt". Immunity debt is a made-up term to excuse exposing children to a dangerous virus.“The pandemic will end in 2022”. Unlikely.Daily press conferences by public health officials emphasised that of the people who died, many had “underlying health issues”, as if that made the premature deaths of those people any less tragic." But don't let that distract you from your obsession and deflection of what else is in the OP
  8. Ok so now we have the full quote, what else did she say or is that not on your topic list? I'll be happy to help out to remind you.
  9. The topic is about Dr Phelps submission which covers many items not just the paragraph on more transparent reporting and Doctors being able to better relay any concerns they may have.
  10. Not according to the lead researcher and one of the authors of the study.............. Kilian Schober: What does this mean for mRNA vaccination schemes? Our preprint had "gone viral" among some anti-vax circles, because it would supposedly show that mRNA vaccines are inducing "tolerance". This view is certainly too simplistic. mRNA vaccines have saved millions of lives. The T cell response for example that is elicited by mRNA vaccines is clearly pro-inflammatory. So it's not as easy to simply call it "tolerance". however, it is also conceivable that non-inflammatory Fc-mediated effector functions prevent immunological over-activation while virus is still being neutralized via high-avidity antibody variable regions. The adaptive immune system is elicited by SARS-2 vaccines, which have saved millions of lives. Especially in the elderly, but also among the younger. Again your summary is wrong and deliberately misleading, simplistic and out of context. Please provide a link to your claims because the study does not substantiate them at all.
  11. This sounds like misinformation from the Australian Government. Why? What is so controversial about it? 4th dose unlikely to be approved for the under 30's. Covid Boosters are optional, nobody is being forced to take them. Its free choice, same as those who feel the need because of their own risk to take flu shots.
  12. Russia Celebrates Turning Elon Musk Into a Useful Idiot On Monday, former Russian President and current Vladimir Putin stooge Dmitry Medvedev issued a flurry of outlandish predictions on his personal Twitter account. Among them: a Fourth Reich will be created in Europe; there will be a war between France and said Fourth Reich; Poland and Hungary will attack and occupy western regions of Ukraine; civil war will break out in the U.S., which would then split up, with Elon Musk emerging as a president; the E.U. will collapse; the International Monetary Fund would cease to exist; and all stock markets and financial activities will leave Europe and the U.S. and move to Asia. The so-called forecast made waves in the international media, and earned a response from Twitter boss Musk, who called Medvedev’s ramblings “an epic thread.” https://www.thedailybeast.com/russia-celebrates-turning-elon-musk-into-a-useful-idiot-after-medvedev-twitter-rant
  13. These massive missile attacks do nothing for their frontline positions, they do not make them gain any ground. Just pure blood thirsty terror tactics.
  14. That is a two part article authored by him alone not a scientific study, not only have I provided a full fact check on that I have additionally posted for your attention a robust and recent fully peer reviewed study that finds very different results to his articles. Your link by the way, perhaps steer clear of the conspiracy theories.................. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/world-council-for-health-bias/
  15. Nassau County Prosecutors Open Investigation Into Rep.-Elect George Santos Long Island prosecutors have launched an investigation into U.S. Rep.-elect George Santos of New York, after revelations surfaced that the now-embattled Republican lied about his heritage, education and professional pedigree as he campaigned for office. But despite intensifying doubt about his fitness to hold federal office, Santos has thus far shown no signs of stepping aside — even as he has publicly admitted to a long list of fabrications. “The numerous fabrications and inconsistencies associated with Congressman-Elect Santos are nothing short of stunning," said Nassau County District Attorney Anne T. Donnelly, a Republican. https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/local/nassau-county-prosecutors-open-investigation-into-rep-elect-george-santos/4018125/
  16. Whatever those documents were, I thought all records had to be sent to the National Archives and if Trump was involved then they are also official Presidential Records.
  17. The yellow cards issue was fully explained in the response by the cabinet minister and also in the fact check. Dr Malhotra's unsuppoted article is also well documented and unsubstantiated. Article by cardiologist Aseem Malhotra made unsupported claims about the benefits and risks of COVID-19 vaccination https://healthfeedback.org/claimreview/article-by-cardiologist-aseem-malhotra-made-unsupported-claims-about-benefits-risks-covid-19-vaccination/ If you want a recent robust and peer reviewed study: New evidence finds heart conditions extremely rare after COVID-19 vaccination https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/new-evidence-finds-heart-conditions-extremely-rare-after-covid-19-vaccination
  18. TESLA in reverse, twitter outages spiking. Can't log on with PC but its ok with the mobile app. https://downdetector.com/status/twitter/
  19. The thing with a parliamentary debate is that's its democratic even when Andrew Bridgen makes misleading claims and some pure conspiracy theories. The point of a debate is that there are two sides and you fail to have transcribed the full reply from the cabinet minister which covered just about all his points including the conspiracies. The response is all there in the video. If that's not enough, this also goes through some of his misleading claims: Andrew Bridgen's vaccine debate claims fact checked https://fullfact.org/health/andrew-bridgen-vaccine-safety-debate/ He has been fact checked before for misleading claims and asked for a response, he declined
  20. So it wasn't a case of a wild claim accusation made by the poster, just a question A good question as Dr Phelps is not a virologist as stated on her personal submission: "I will leave it to the virologists to explain why it is exceptional from a virology point of view" Her statement that it does not stop transmission should really be it helps reduce transmission but does not stop it. (that according to latest studies)
  21. Nobody claimed she was making wild claims. We all know that vaccines do not prevent transmission 100%. Just like the flu vaccine. However as linked above in the Gavi study they can help reduce transmission. Dr Phelps was just making the same point in her submission that its still possible for breakthrough infections be that with vaccine induced break through or a repeated covid only induced break through. Claiming they do not stop transmission is not the same as they do have no affect whatsoever. Covid vaccines help prevent deaths and serious disease but they do not always stop it.
  22. If you don't think they are credible why link to them for your arguments? OzSAGE's core belief are vaccines as the absolute with other health measures as a must. ie their mission: "Vaccine-Plus" Dr Phelps has actively linked to OzSAGE statements in her personal submission as a reference. Being an executive member.
  23. Seeing as your go to credible source is now OzSAGE a pro vaccine org then here are a couple that are even more recent than the above: Dec 20th OzSAGE says “avoid decking the halls with COVID-19 folly” – Vaccinate children aged 6 months to 5 years – Provide bivalent boosters to anyone who has not had a COVID-19 vaccine in the last six months – Mandate clean air indoors, and mask wearing in specific high-risk locations – Widen access to ongoing testing for COVID-19 https://ozsage.org/media_releases/ozsage-christmas/ Nov 29th Long covid – OzSAGE makes detailed submission to the Parliamentary Inquiry Vaccination can reduce the risk of a person developing long COVID and other serious post-acute sequelae of COVID-19. The extent of protection remains uncertain, with estimates ranging from 15 to 41%, indicating less than half of cases of long COVID are prevented through vaccination. A vaccine-only pandemic strategy is insufficient to protect Australians from long COVID and repeat SARS-CoV-2 infections, particularly when, without action, high numbers of infections will continue to occur.  https://ozsage.org/media_releases/long-covid-ozsage-makes-detailed-submission-to-the-parliamentary-inquiry/ Open Letter to National Cabinet from OzSAGE – 13 Dec 2022 We urge Australian governments to look again at the evidence of excess disease, disability and death and to opt for a Vaccines-Plus approach that will ultimately lead to better health, economic and social outcomes. https://ozsage.org/media_releases/open-letter-13-dec-2022/
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