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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Until the conflict of the 1970s, the 20th Century had seen relatively steady progression for women's rights in the country, Afghan women were first eligible to vote in 1919 - only a year after women in the UK were given voting rights, and a year before the women in the United States were allowed to vote. In the 1950s purdah (gendered separation) was abolished; in the 1960s a new constitution brought equality to many areas of life, including political participation. But during coups and Soviet occupation in the 1970s, through civil conflict between Mujahideen groups and government forces in the '80s and '90s, and then under Taliban rule, women in Afghanistan had their rights increasingly rolled back. https://www.amnesty.org.uk/womens-rights-afghanistan-history
  2. Did she also have to say? “Herd immunity from mass infection is a good idea.”xvii No it isn’t. “It’s just a cold”. No it is not. “COVID will evolve to be milder”. There is no evidence to support this. “COVID is not as bad as the flu”. Yes it is. “At least I got it over and done with”. No you haven’t. “Children are sicker this year because of immunity debt”xviii. Immunity debt is a made-up term to excuse exposing children to a dangerous virus. “The pandemic will end in 2022”xix. Unlikely. Daily press conferences by public health officials emphasised that of the people who died, many had “underlying health issues”, as if that made the premature deaths of those people any less tragic.
  3. How can I be drawing something away when I provided the link to her full statement? The fact she is calling for more research into vaccine side effects and long covid together with mitigation strategies for reducing the spread of covid. The wild conspiracy theories she mentions by anti vaxxers. The abuse she's now getting online by anti vaxxers. The need to be open about side effects and long covid by infection. Yes she has talked about her side effects together with a lot of other issues that include stating: "However, she still strongly supports Covid vaccination as the benefits far outweighed the risks for the vast majority of people." I will not be dropping factual information for you or anybody else
  4. Why would you rather be blind to what else she said? "However, she still strongly supports Covid vaccination as the benefits far outweighed the risks for the vast majority of people."
  5. Disciplinary procedures are written in their contracts, if they break their code of conduct they can get removed, what more do you need? You were referring to them getting removed. Your quote: "It's a good job there's no mechanism in place to remove the bigwigs or they'd be toast."
  6. Dr Phelps now getting online abuse and hate speech directed at her "Other anti-vaxxers flooded social media using Dr Phelps' submission as evidence they were right to refuse the jab, and attacked her for pushing the vaccine throughout the pandemic." Anti-vaxxers gloat that Kerryn Phelps and her wife suffering horrific Covid vaccine side effects means their wacky conspiracies were RIGHT - as they make chilling claims about the jab Anti-vaxxers have quickly hijacked Dr Kerryn Phelp's revelation that she and her wife suffered serious Covid vaccine side effects. The former head of the Australian Medical Association detailed the debilitating adverse reactions in her submission to a Senate inquiry into long Covid. However, she still strongly supports Covid vaccination as the benefits far outweighed the risks for the vast majority of people. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11560629/Coivd-anti-vaxxers-hijack-Kerryn-Phelps-Pfizer-jab-injury-story.html I would suggest if anyone wants the context to the media reports then they read her full submission which was made as a private individual to the senate, not under her authority of her position. That does not make it any less credible however but for those that want to read what she actually said, the full 18 pages then I suggest you do before getting into the anti vaccine rhetoric, because she is not that at all. The main theme of her submission is dealing with transmission, mismanagement of long covid caused by infection and vaccine along with measures to reduce the continued risk of covid, that includes vaccination but more importantly other health measures. Some snippets, its a downloadable pdf doc so free to publish and read. Many of my colleagues and I tried to warn that children would be at risk and that opening schools before mitigation plans such as ventilation improvements in classrooms were in place was an unacceptable risk to teachers and students. Examples of misinformation in the early days, and some still in circulation include: “COVID is not airborne”xiii. Wrong. “Wash your hands to prevent transmission”. Ignored airborne transmission. “Masks don’t work, in fact they might increase your risk”xiv. Wrong. “Children under 12 have been proven not to be carriers or transmitters of the disease”xv Wrong. “It is necessary and inevitable for everyone to get COVID”xvi. No it isn’t. “Herd immunity from mass infection is a good idea.”xvii No it isn’t. “It’s just a cold”. No it is not. “COVID will evolve to be milder”. There is no evidence to support this. “COVID is not as bad as the flu”. Yes it is. “At least I got it over and done with”. No you haven’t. “Children are sicker this year because of immunity debt”xviii. Immunity debt is a made-up term to excuse exposing children to a dangerous virus. “The pandemic will end in 2022”xix. Unlikely. Daily press conferences by public health officials emphasised that of the people who died, many had “underlying health issues”, as if that made the premature deaths of those people any less tragic. Dr Anthony Fauci labelled Long COVID an “insidious public health emergency for millions of people”vi. I tend to agree While current COVID vaccines may reduce the risk of developing Long COVID by an estimated 15% (possibly up to 41%). The upshot is.. the only way to prevent Long COVID is to not get infected in the first place, or not to get reinfected. “Personal responsibility” has become a political cop-out and this failed strategy will lead to more and more cases of COVID19, reinfection and Long COVID. https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/House/Health_Aged_Care_and_Sport/LongandrepeatedCOVID/Submissions Doc 510
  7. You said. You could acknowledge you were completely wrong or continue deflecting, a Vice president is not small fry and there will be more MEP's to follow and possibly other Vice Presidents
  8. One EU Vice President has already been removed, other MEP's will follow
  9. No point even discussing a preprint, did you miss the disclaimer? NOTE: This preprint reports new research that has not been certified by peer review and should not be used to guide clinical practice.
  10. False equivalent nonsense, there is no excuse, the only country in the world blocking education for women
  11. Peace talks are allowed when the terrorists get out. European Parliament declares Russia to be a state sponsor of terrorism https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20221118IPR55707/european-parliament-declares-russia-to-be-a-state-sponsor-of-terrorism
  12. Finally, he just needs to find a lackey now......lol. Not that things will change much. https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1605372724800393216
  13. Why great news for voters and democracy? Crazy question, he started multiple times he would release them, he stated multiple time he could not because they were still under audit, we now know both were lies. With his official filing that he's going to run again then voters will have some transparency as has been the tradition for so long. What do you find so difficult to understand about that?
  14. Meanwhile the little one was back in Russia handing out an award to chief barbarian Margo Simonyan head of RT News, who then went on to thank Putin for "slaying all the cannibals."
  15. Bad news for Trump, but great news for democracy and voters.
  16. Doxxing what doxxing? "Police say a member of Elon Musk’s security team is currently a suspect in their investigation, not a victim" The Washington Post reporter when asking for a comment from Musk instantly got herself banned from twitter. They ran the article anyway, now the Guardian has found out a little more. Musk's ex, the singer Grimes lives nearby where this took place. the alleged stalker had some bizarre fascination with her and claimed Musk was tracking him in real time. Police provide first official details of Elon Musk’s alleged stalker incident A 29-year-old man from Connecticut told the South Pasadena police Tuesday that a driver in another vehicle had confronted him in a parking lot, accused him of following him on the 110 freeway, and then struck the man with his vehicle as he was leaving the parking lot. Last Thursday, “South Pasadena Police learned the suspect involved in this case is believed to be a member of Elon Musk’s security team,” the department said in a statement. The Washington Post reported on Sunday that it had identified the alleged stalker, who confirmed to the Post that he was the person in the video, and that he had reported what happened to the South Pasadena police. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/dec/20/police-provide-first-official-details-on-elon-musks-alleged-stalker-incident
  17. Zelensky, balls of steel, where's little man Putin today? Ukraine war: Zelensky visits frontline city of Bakhmut Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has made an unannounced visit to the frontline city of Bakhmut, where Ukrainian and Russian forces have fought a fierce, months-long battle. He met troops and handed out awards to soldiers, the presidency said. For months, Bakhmut has been a key target for Russian forces in the Donetsk region, and has been extremely badly damaged. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-64038140
  18. “Blue subscribers should be the only ones that can vote in policy related polls. We actually have skin in the game,” Musk replied: “Good point. Twitter will make that change.” That was suggested to him by a right wing nut job on twitter that recently got his blue tick and carried out his own poll on letting Kanye West back on the platform. From a survey carried out Nov, many Twitter Blue subscribers were far-right influencers like Kenosha shooter Kyle Rittenhouse, Libs of TikTok,Catturd2 etc. Thousands of subscribers were linked to around 5,000 far-right Twitter accounts that had been flagged for pushing extremist ideas and some were also listed by Cornell University for posting conspiracy theories about election fraud. A YouTube creator with 3.9 million Twitter followers; Arabic news site, Alwatan News with 2.7 million followers, and several adult film performers. Just what Musk would like going forward for his echo chamber polls.
  19. Perhaps you lack comprehension of what I'm thinking now. Tell me what am I thinking? Since you can't I'll let you know. Musk now listening to Kim Dot Com about the poll being riddled with bots, yet Musk forgets that a few days ago he claimed most bots had been eradicated. Space Karen hypocrite Next time brush up on your mind reading skills.
  20. Tesla gets downgraded on Wall Street over Elon Musk’s Twitter antics, banning of journalists Elon Musk’s management of Twitter, including the banning of multiple journalists, has “severely damaged” market sentiment around Tesla, and risks sparking a backlash from advertisers and consumers, a Wall Street analyst warned on Monday. Oppenheimer & Co. downgraded its rating on Tesla, where Musk is the CEO, solely because of risks posed by the billionaire’s ownership and management of Twitter. “We believe Mr. Musk is increasingly isolated as the steward of Twitter’s finances with his user management on the platform, we see potential for a negative feedback loop from departure of Twitter advertisers and users,” Oppenheimer analyst Colin Rusch wrote to clients. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/12/19/business/tesla-stock-downgrade/index.html
  21. Opinion How Elon Musk destroyed Twitter... and how to save it Any owner has the legal prerogative to govern by whim, but owners also bear an ethical responsibility to strike a tricky balance, protecting speech and safety at the same time. Mr. Musk has made a mockery of the enterprise, caring about speech only when it’s his own speech and safety only when it’s his own safety. This is not only an ethical failure but also a business disaster, advertisers have fled Twitter. Journalists are some of Twitter’s most important users, and now they ask themselves whether they should leave the social media platform because they can’t report honestly on one of the richest men in the world without risking banishment. https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/12/19/elon-musk-twitter-destroyed-fix/
  22. Yet on 11th Dec he said he got rid of them........lol https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1601851685915095040 He didn't care about them when he did the Trump vote
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