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Bkk Brian

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Everything posted by Bkk Brian

  1. Same link alive and well https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2024/05/31/remarks-by-president-biden-on-the-middle-east-2/ Suggest you take it to tech forum before your derail this topic
  2. Quite the difference from Pro Palestine marches where most cover up their faces making themselves look like terrorists.
  3. Yes human waves Human wave tactics are demoralizing the Russian army in Ukraine The human wave tactics on display in eastern Ukraine reflect Russia’s narrowing military options following a year of embarrassing battlefield setbacks. The Russian military entered the current war with a reputation as the world’s number two army, but has performed remarkably poorly in Ukraine. https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/ukrainealert/human-wave-tactics-are-demoralizing-the-russian-army-in-ukraine/
  4. I take it you don't believe him then "President Vladimir Putin has compared himself to Peter the Great, saying he shares the 18th-century czar's goal of returning "Russian lands" to a greater empire."
  5. Got it, so confirmation that you agree with Hamas and not releasing any hostages.
  6. This proposal was initiated by Israel as well Now, after intensive diplomacy carried out by my team and my many conversations with leaders of Israel, Qatar, and Egypt and other Middle Eastern countries, Israel has now offered — Israel has offered a comprehensive new proposal. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2024/05/31/remarks-by-president-biden-on-the-middle-east-2/
  7. Full text to Biden's speech and how the new peace the proposal come into being: Now, after intensive diplomacy carried out by my team and my many conversations with leaders of Israel, Qatar, and Egypt and other Middle Eastern countries, Israel has now offered — Israel has offered a comprehensive new proposal. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2024/05/31/remarks-by-president-biden-on-the-middle-east-2/
  8. One of purposes of the Philadelphi corridor was to prevent the movement of illegal materials (including weapons and ammunition) and people between Egypt and the Gaza Strip. The IDF now have full control to discover that's exactly what it was being used for by Hamas. One of the tunnels into Egypt: IDF uncovering rocket-launching infrastructure in the Philadelphi corridor along the Gaza-Egypt border
  9. I know your post history, I know what you believe, we are about as far apart as is possible to get.
  10. I don't think the deal if agreed will get past phase 1. Hamas would be allowed to retain the bodies of murdered hostages for years, till after the rebuilding of Gaza. A kick in the teeth for the families and Israel who only a week or so ago managed to find 7 dead bodies in tunnels. More details on it here https://aseannow.com/topic/1328720-biden-pushes-for-end-to-israel-hamas-war-with-new-ceasefire-proposal/
  11. So you agree that all those responsible for Oct 7th need to either be eliminated or surrender? You agree that Hamas can never be a threat again to the security of Israel? You agree it was Hamas prolonging this war for the last few months because they refused a deal? You agree the terrorists are still holding innocent hostages and are being rewarded for their efforts? You agree that every life taken in Gaza has been because of Hamas?
  12. I was quoting the initiator of the new proposals, Biden. The deal maker. He also said: "Israel will always have the right to defend itself against the threats to its security and to bring those responsible for October 7th to justice. And the United States will always ensure that Israel has what it needs to defend itself. If Hamas fails to fulfill its commitments under the deal, Israel can resume military operations." Yes the deal needs to be sorted, I have made dozens of posts on this already, only one group has stopped it, Hamas, that is a fact. Hence why I made clear "Hamas prove me wrong" I would love to be proved wrong and a deal happen. Hamas will never get a pass from me on this, I will always detest terrorists for what they've done. You can stop making things up now: "so is it in your opinion I am wasting my time?"
  13. Lame. 2 sides accusations? Its a fact Hamas has refused every deal so far, its a fact Hamas welcomed the ICJ ruling but ignored it and did not release the hostages. "Hamas needs to take the deal. For months, people all over the world have called for a ceasefire. Now it’s time to raise your voices and to demand that Hasa- — Hamas come to the table, agrees to this deal, and ends this war that they began."
  14. Wow the terrorist supporting MEE. Their X account loves to show off Hamas terrorists attacking and killing IDF Hamas also welcomed the decision by ICJ but never released any hostages. Like I said prove me wrong Hamas
  15. Who is pro genocide here? When was genocide found to be confirmed or even plausible? "The International Court of Justice has called for the immediate ending of the killing, the withdrawal of the IDF, and and opening of the Gaza borders" Are you sure it was not regards Rafah only? Did they also order Hamas to release all the hostages immediately? Was there some ambiguity in their order to stop the Rafah offensive?
  16. When your stuck in the web you just wove then I guess that's the only response you have left after not backing up your claim. Back to your coffee and avoidance.
  17. You claimed you wouldn't find the info about China and Russia in the western media. Where did you find it then? Oh and you are also wrong, it is in Western media.
  18. Sadistic motherfuc*ers Hamas just released audio of Noa Argamani, pleading for her life. https://x.com/HenMazzig/status/1796553449942712609
  19. Hamas is a protest movement against Israeli oppression of the Palestinian people. You just lost all credibility, they are an evil terrorist group still holding hostages. What are you going to do with Hamas who will keep carrying out attacks on Israel, more Oct 7th's again and again? Do you think Hamas should stay in power?
  20. So what are you going to do with Hamas who want to wipe out Israel and have promised to do so?
  21. Hamas don't want to end it. Prove me wrong Hamas ‘Time for this war to end’: Biden tells Hamas to accept Israel’s hostage-ceasefire offer Declaring that it is “time for this war to end,” US President Joe Biden gave a high-stakes speech Friday, presenting what he said was the latest Israeli proposal for a hostage deal and ceasefire to end the Israel-Hamas war, and calling on the terror group to accept the offer. The Israeli proposal was submitted on Thursday to Hamas via Qatar, Biden revealed, saying the offer would “bring all the hostages home, ensure Israel’s security, create a better day after in Gaza without Hamas in power, and set the stage for a political settlement that provides a better future for Israelis and Palestinians alike.” Biden laid out the details of three phases, with particular emphasis on the first six-week phase, which was largely similar to the framework that was discussed in previous rounds of negotiations but included new conditions detailed by the president for the first time. https://www.timesofisrael.com/time-for-this-war-to-end-biden-tells-hamas-to-accept-israels-hostage-ceasefire-offer/
  22. No just disagreeing with me though, its the whole point of the OP "Ireland Criticized for Recognizing Palestinian State Shortly After October 7 Attacks" Ireland ‘played into hands of Hamas’ by recognising Palestinian state so soon after Oct 7 How will it end the suffering as you claim?
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