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Posts posted by Essecola

  1. I have three 60 day tourist visas in my passport now. And just 1 of them is from Vientiane. I plan to get my next one from Vientiane but I would not be surprised at all if they gave me a red stamp. Even their policy might be to put it on the third one, I still don't assume it won't come earlier. These consulates and embassies can just do what they feel like at the end of the day. Case in point Penang giving some people a red stamp on their second visa request.

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  2. I heard the Thai consulate in Ho Chi Minh City is relatively friendly if you have some documents. Was told they may ask to see a ticket into and out of Thailand such as a flight booking or maybe even bus tickets booked online may be ok. And also a bank statement may be asked for.


    What I want to find out is this -


    Is an online booking of a bus ticket ok to show for the ticket into Thailand?


    And for the bank statement where they would want to see 20000 THB in an account, is it ok if I show them an updated Thai bank book balance of that amount if the update was done 2-3 days before the day I'm at the Consulate? I suppose I could update the bankbook before I fly over and try to go to the consulate the same day or next but I am trying to leave space for error.










  3. Recently I got a 90 day ED visa for an 8 week non-language full time study program. Sadly I was not happy with how things were at the school and I have stopped going to class after the first week. Will the school have any communication with immigration that would require me to leave the country before the 90 day time period? Or can I still stay for the time period I am stamped in for?

  4. Google search : open thailand bank account legal


    One or more of the items in the first 7-8 results will lead to a service that can help u open a bank account. Yes there is a small fee but in the end u get a savings account if you want or need it.    ..i will just add also - the above info is current within 6 weeks previous to now

  5. For who said an account can't be opened with a tourist visa and who told me to post what bank I got my account at, I will just say that a few legal service places offer assistance to open an account. It is not free but the fee I paid is worth (to me anyway) the benefits I will get from the account. I was happy to pay the fee but I know not every person would be chuffed to get an account that way. 

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