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Posts posted by sujoop

  1. 1 hour ago, mommysboy said:
    2 hours ago, sujoop said:


    Thanks for the legacy

    Rather a difference isn't there?  And of course it is the young that have to live longer with the decision.


    I need to point out that those 18-24 years olds will end up voting the same way as the old uns when their time comes.

    No, we will go fwd despite your tainted legacy whilst you enjoy the tar pits

  2. 1 hour ago, tomwct said:

    The two largest welfare states in America is California & New York. These radicals, causing problems, are mostly paid by Moveon.org financed by George Soros & the DNC. They lost the election and can't MOVE-On. Their worried about their welfare & Food Stamps being cut, so you expect problems in those states especially the city of Berkeley. They hate freedom of speech unless your a lefty! I'm in

    the states now and no problems in 95% of other areas. I can't wait for the 2018 elections because the Dems will be slaughtered especially in the Red States where 10 Dem Senators are up for re-election. Most Americans are tired of the BS from the Left!



  3. A wee bit of needed levity - which aptly/worryingly describes the mental state of the actual President Of The United States:

    Stephen King hilariously jabs Trump: The wiretaps are coming from inside the house...

    “Trump should know OBAMA NEVER LEFT THE WHITE HOUSE! He’s in the closet! HE HAS SCISSORS!”



  4. 2 hours ago, bubba said:

    Have a look at this article. I am sort of amazed at how there are so many loose ends that once tied together, could really become government shaking scandal of bigly proportions.




    "It’s almost as if investigating collusion between a hostile foreign power and a candidate for president of the United States to (hypothetically!) traffic in stolen information and use it to injure a second candidate for president of the United States is worse than actually colluding to do so! At least if you are Breitbart." (or most Trump supporters evidently. Now THAT is sad)

  5. 4 hours ago, Rob13 said:

    To be fair, he hasn't banned the media,  only a select few news outlets.

    (?!!) Multitudes of brave fighting souls (and journalists also) have sacrificed their lives in successive wars  against tyranny for the sake of freedom (for example, so that YOU may have the freedom to espouse removal of a 'select few' news outlets). For society this includes freedom of the press, which is NOT predicated on ONLY which news YOU or your demagogue President deems fit:

    a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rational argument
    (in ancient Greece and Rome) a leader or orator who espoused the cause of the common people.

    History has seen this play over and over again (and yet again) it never ends well.


  6. From banning news networks to stoking fear, hysteria and nationalism, it must be rewarding for Trump supporters  to see how well this is all going, as they commonly share the 'useful idiot' with others to achieve own goals:

    'They're quite obviously playing Trump. In other words, they see in Trump a useful idiot.'

    Thus,  Conservatives, Putin (+alt/right and other extremists) are all aligned behind Trump to get what they can out of the 'useful idiot':

    *Conservatives want a roll-back on taxes primarily for the rich, roll back environmental laws and wall street/banking regulations, rollback of healthcare (the going backwards list is too lengthy to post) and ultimately appointing a multi-generational dominant Supreme Court to rubber-stamp them to do as they wish (and shutting out unwanted media, just a bonus along the way).

    *Putin wants to see democracy and it's hallowed institutions totally discredited, along with main stream news, plus a break-up of western economic might (EU/Brexit/TPP etc) and a retreat to nationalism as is happening in the West (fits nicely to justify his own similar goals, all while weakening the West, win/win).

    *Might throw in the other 'winner' here which is ISIS and their ilk who  want  to see the West completely reject Muslims so they can not only gain a recruitment bonanza, but also accelerate their goal of prompting a clash of civilizations. But being a relatively tiny group of extremists  they can't possibly achieve this on their own. However, enter pied-piper nationalists like Trump with increasing lemmings on both sides of the Atlantic and this not only greatly accelerates but bodes well for the ISIS cause .

    To sum up, looks like all 3 are decidedly 'winning' in their aligned agendas, so well done Trumpsters/Brexiters/Nationlists et al (and it's only beginning, almost too late to stop, thus congrats?)

  7. 1 hour ago, FunkyDunky58 said:

    In the past week I have seen many videos of rioting, burning cars, and clashes with the police in Stockholm. Is it fake news?

    Like the infamous Alt/right fav shared video where the Aussie 60 Minutes crew in Sweden 'just happened' to be guided by an alt/right anti-immigrant leader (who just happens to represent Swedish anti-immigration site Avpixlat, which just happens to be connected to Sweden's anti-immigrant Democrat Party) then 'just happened' to be set upon by a gang, who also 'just happened' to be conveniently hooded and  at the same spot at the same time? Now, a similar seemingly 'made for Alt/Right TV' local riot which 'just happened' to come 2 days after Trump's mis-statement. Post-justification? Fake news? Orchestrated? Nyet, probably just a coincidence. But great fodder for Alt/Right fear-mongerer's and those who likely look under their beds each night out of fear a radical 'moose-lamb' may be laying in wait...


  8. The 'Junta' or Thai Govt did not make the charge against BBC's Head, rather some local lawyer did, on behalf of the so-called 'defamed' parties. Given past results, nothing will likely come of it in higher courts, Head will not lose his, nor his stay (although BBC should have removed him permanently for his blatant/purposeful ? pro-Thaksin/Yingluck 'reporting'/PR) Meanwhile, lawsuits should be changed to the civil code and even as in some 'civil' countries, to remain under the criminal code is criminal in itself. Hopefully reform of such may yet be undertaken after many years of Politicians favouring the criminal lawsuit domain.


  9. How The Myth Of "No-Go Zones" In Sweden Took Hold Among Right-Wing Media:


    From Birmingham to Malmo, no go? The following comment below the article sums up accurately:

    "Even the most rabidly racist and Islamphobic Brits know that the idea of a Birmingham as a no-go zone is laughably ludicrous, and that there are no areas being run as 'countries within countries' by sharia courts. Looking at the Hungarian pamphlet I can also confirm that the south east of England has no such areas either. Some of those red dots are in the Home Counties, for goodness sake, LMAO. So I hope that can help us all remember that this is all nonsense spread by idiots with either a circulation to keep up (i.e. to make money) or an agenda to spread (which always seems to make them money), or fearful people whose insecurities and daftness are being exploited."

    Pamphlet showing supposed "no-go zones" across Europe - being distributed ahead of a referendum on refugee quotas:



    Meanwhile, Trump uses FOX news as his 'source of media truth' to cheers from his easily spooked and mostly under-educated followers while he feeds his needy & insecure ego with their devotion. Seen this movie before and it doesn't end well.

  10. Interesting blend of visitor comments about a market in the heart of a supposed  'no-go' immigrant zone in Malmo:

    No doubt there's roughness & crime in poor areas of Malmo for example, blended with immigrant youth gangs + local gangs but NO-GO?  From Birmingham to Malmo, this is an alt-right perpetuated myth.
    How The Myth Of "No-Go Zones" In Sweden Took Hold Among Right-Wing Media:
    Another big blow-up (or mock-up) was the incident of an Aussie 60 Minutes crew being set upon by masked men (who just 'happened' to be: a ) masked and: b ) at the eact same spot/time) as their visit to the Stockholm suburb of Rinkeby. Turns out the 60 minutes crew were guided there by a well known anti-immigration (+ALT-Right) activist and writer Jan Sjunnesson. All rather 'made for TV' (or at least ALT-Right TV).

    Certainly stronger vetting and deportation of violent criminals is needed. However, there's no reasoning with many irrational alt-right supporters who in reality do not want ANY Muslims, period, full-stop (and would prefer no Poles, East Europeans,  Africans, etc, etc either, if we're being honest). Then there's the irreconcilable contingent who likely are afraid of their own shadows and check under their very beds nightly in fear a radical 'Moose-Lamb' is laying in wait... Thus, Trump is simply playing pied-piper / reactionary Buffoon in chief to his xenophobic, simple-minded, easily riled up or spooked base of mostly under-educated followers.

    Basically, Trump takes cues from FOX & Brietbart for his vision of a new Whitehouse, America and world.



  11. Interesting blend of visitor comments about a market in the heart of a 'no-go' immigrant zone in Malmo:

    No doubt there's roughness & crime in poor areas of Malmo, blended with immigrant youth gangs + local gangs but NO-GO?  From Birmingham to Malmo, this is an alt-right perpetuated myth.

    How The Myth Of "No-Go Zones" In Sweden Took Hold Among Right-Wing Media:

    Another big blow-up (or mock-up) was the incident of an Aussie 60 Minutes crew being set upon by masked men (who just 'happened' to be: a) masked and: B) at the same spot/time) as their visit to the Stockholm suburb of Rinkeby. Turns out the 60 minutes crew were guided there by a well known anti-immigration (+ALT-Right) activist and writer Jan Sjunnesson. All rather 'made for TV' (or at least ALT-Right TV).

    Certainly stronger vetting and deportation of violent criminals is needed. However, there's absolutely no reasoning with many irrational alt-right supporters who in reality do not want ANY Muslim's, period, full-stop (and would prefer no Poles, East Europeans,  Africans, etc etc if we're being honest).



  12. Trump says he didn't direct Flynn to speak with the Russians (about sanctions). Yet it's hard to imagine total control freak Trump NOT directing Flynn. More on this is bound to come out, likely from a leak close to a now disgruntled and humiliated Flynn.

    Of course Trump would likely just nonsensically repeat:  ''The leaks are absolutely real but the News (reporting the leaks, or Trump's own comments) are FAKE'' (<deleted>???) To which his half-wit supporters would again cheer in unison 'Yeah right on! TRUMP - TRUMP - USA - USA!!!'  No matter, just like Trump, his dumb and dumber followers continue to blindly brag, bluster and blunder as 60% of Americans + most of the entire world shakes their heads, rightfully derides, or just plain laughs at y'all for being blatantly stupid, or willfully conned, or just gleeful at the daily dumbing down of America courtesy of your 'pied-piper of stupid', Trump.

  13. 1 hour ago, ALLSEEINGEYE said:

    How can they justify extreme vetting for refugees and at the same time refuse to have extreme vetting for citizens buying guns?


    32,000 handgun deaths per year, how many killed by refugees?


    Sadly, most mass gun incidents are perpetrated by white disturbed homegrown males with mental issues. But aw heck, nevermind facts, as any low-info, low-intel Trump supporter will tell you, get over it, they won, yippeee!  (and can now do whatever they want apparently - and so they are, labor Dept included, with or without Puzder, mai pen rai, the circus carries on)

    House votes to overturn Labor Department drug testing regulation

    The House has voted 236-189 to overturn a Labor Department rule establishing when states could require drug testing for certain laid-off workers seeking unemployment insurance. (Examples for which testing would have been allowed under the regulation include flight crews and jobs requiring a firearm.)

    Congress blocks rule barring mentally impaired from buying guns

    The GOP has moved aggressively on several fronts to rescind some of the Obama administration's final regulations on the environment, financial reporting and now guns. Under an expedited process established through the Congressional Review Act, a regulation is made invalid when a simple majority of both chambers pass a joint resolution of disapproval and the president signs it.


    75,000 people with mental disorders can now buy firearms

    The Republican-led Senate has voted to block an Obama-era regulation that would prevent an estimated 75,000 people with mental disorders from being able to purchase a firearm.


    GOP-led House vote to reject two Labor Department rules helping low income workers
    The GOP-led House has voted to reject two Obama Labor Department rules designed to guide states and large cities and counties as they create retirement savings programs for low-income workers. With millions having no access to retirement-savings plans at their jobs, some states have been working to fill the void.


    Next up, neuter DoddFrank/Obama bank/wall street financial rules + more corporate gifts to follow, including reducing EPA rules affecting water/air quality  (you know, all to help the little guy who now has a voice again according to Trumpsters...) It's just GOP/Trump makin Murica grrrreat agin y'all.



  14. 9 minutes ago, djayz said:

    3,500 personnel to catch 1 monk! 

    What is he, Super Monk? 

    The General has been wise to approach this potential tinder-keg with caution:


    *'Thaksin sought to align the Supreme Sangha Council with the Dhammakaya during his time in office. In return, the sect's head monk extolled Thaksin as an ideal Buddhist whose billions could be explained by the merit he accumulated in past lives'


    *'Since Somdej Chuang is close to Phra Dhammachayo, who is closely linked to a certain political party, Thai Buddhism will likely become more and more politicised under his leadership. Hence, Somdej Chuang’s ascension to the post of Supreme Patriarch would likely do much to upset the country’s religious and political equilibrium'

    *The political turmoil has completely changed the nature of politics and the religious landscape of Thailand for good. Followers of Phra Dhammakaya Temple and Thaksin believe that the alliance between the two serves their best interests.

    For Thaksin:

    Thaksin’s Temple: Dhammakaya


    (now, combined with lil sis about to be docked Bt36 billion,  could spark a response...)

  15. As one who is all for business/jobs, repatriating offshore cash to create even more jobs etc, unfortunately here's how it will roll out:

    1) Dodd/Frank bill regulating 'too big to fail' and other bank/wall street rules brought in by Obama after Bush meltdown will be neutered (and we're right back to a meltdown scenario but at least banks/wall st benefactors will be happy to have free reign again)

    2) Fund managers and CEO's to get MASSIVE bonus payments as a result of corp tax cuts = temp stock gains

    3) Corporate stock self-buy-backs will also be a priority

    4) Most offshore money will remain in lower offshore tax jurisdictions regardless

    5) Some of the 'new' money  will be (is) ear-marked for further automation of homeland production, thus more lost jobs (inevitable and has been largely happening for several years already sadly)

    So a temp shot in the arm for one's 401k (but only temporary as wall st and corps lap up the excess and does little to 'create new jobs', automate yes, create no). As for 'bringing back coal' & sunset etc jobs, sorry rust-belt but y'all got conned by the Don, that ship sailed ages ago. Better to offer all rust belters and others marginalized by changing economies credits to upgrade skills, apprenticeship positions, etc etc. Not that it will happen as this requires longer than 1 voting term to manifest (unfortunately both sides of the aisle are guilty for neglecting fwd long-term re-engineering, re-training)

    What WILL we get? Some temporary/dissolving Fed Govt infrastructure shovel-ready jobs and that's that. Meanwhile, fund managers & CEO's will be buying up even more bling with new bags of found wealth thanks to all the Trumpsters conned by Don & Co.

  16. Even though the Republican controlled House is looking the other way or making shameless excuses (same as Trump's equally guiltless & shameless followers),  at least 'some' checks and balances are at work like the FBI probe which will then issue their report to Trump's Attorney General Jeff Sessions... (who is certain to review/dismiss = rinse/repeat comrades, GOP & Trump's shameless supporters) Meanwhile, Trump's team and deplorables (forgot, the non-PC Trumpeters don't like that term;) are more focused on the whistleblowers and justifications for potentially treasonous acts. Sad.


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