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The Old Bull

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  1. I don't understand why any woman boxer would enter the ring with him. They should totally boycott anything he is associated with.
  2. Islam should be banned outright. An evil medieval cult. It's spreading like some kind of evil pox , stop it before it infects more of the world.
  3. If I can't sleep I grab my phone and play a couple of games of solitaire, that stops any thoughts and kicks my brain out of gear. After that I sleep OK.
  4. I believe beauty is in the eye of the beholder.Fat or thin ,tall or short, light or dark, everybody has different tastes so how can you have some kind of universal rating system? However I do know that women who are too good looking are dangerous.
  5. They jumped the gun should have waited for the BIB to make the offer.
  6. What a load of rubbish. China phobia is about money this is the only way sellers of expensive medical equipment have to oppose China's entry into the market. Huawei is another example of keeping China out of the market.
  7. The old green Busses in Bangkok only cost 31/2 ฿ and were fine once you figured out where they went. I think they figures tourists only used tuk tuks and taxis so they kept the signs only in Thai.
  8. Looks like he didn't want to gear down but missed the shift when he had too.
  9. I for one supported the Houthis in their fight against the Saudis but since they have started attacking shipping in the Red Sea I no longer support them I wonder how many people feel the same way?
  10. He takes out his ticket pad then he takes out his pen. If the pen doesn't touch the paper then you know he is negotiable. I have only had to pay twice in twenty two tears. First time for going straight through when I was in the left turn lane . He was quick , I am sure he had the ticket written before coming to the window ,just had to add my name. The second time I got stuck at the lights behind someone turning right and the light went to red. He was young spoke perfect English and had a fairly pale complexion, did not look like he needed any tea money.
  11. I wonder how many people she sent to jail for being black?
  12. If someone is ordered deported they should be taken straight to the airport not even stopping at the 7/11 for a toothbrush but then the lawyers would not get to feed. Releasing deadbeats into society guarantees the court system will always have work, lawyers,judges, court workers ,probation officers etc. It's surprising how many people one scumbag can keep employed.
  13. Insurance companies will believe in anything that can make them an extra dollar or justify rejecting a claim.
  14. The Old Bull


    When my old lady walks by and sees scantily dressed women on my computer screen I get teased. I have to explain they are adds put there by TEMU not by me every time.Thankgoodness they appear to have cut back on the adds.
  15. I do not believe any government should be in the business of killing people, Two wrongs don't make a right.

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