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Posts posted by BigSnake

  1. My friend, there are good and bad people in all countries. Best thing you can do hear is give them a WIDE WIDE, Berth, because if you get into a hassle with a local you lose, yeah you might win the battle(ie break the dude jaw) but I will lay 10 to 1 odds that you will windup paying a big old hospital bill, plus damages.(broken chairs,doors windows etc) :o:D

  2. Thank for the Heads up :D this is just a revision on some old tricks, some years back the ladies would rub a tasteless/ordorless cream on their TITs, it would put you to sleep and needless say when you wokeup your values were long long gone. Beware all and good luck to all. :D:o:D:D stay sober if you can. Open your beer yourself.

  3. So Sad, done in by a jealous Ex-lover over a car, :D:o look likes her new lover could not give her all she and hope for. A hint to the wise buy the car in your name(ie only way) pay cash for the bloody car otherwise you must put it in a Thai citizen name."been there done that" nothing but trouble, I sold it bought a new one CASH my name. RIP Friend.

  4. This SILLY law has been around for awhile. I had the same problem at the Tesco Lotus, just for shit and grins I ask the manager WHY, it's the law he said and add something about a prime time for children plus some othe BS.

    Anyway not a problem, for most just down the road around the curve your local mom and pop will take your money anytime, come to think of it maybe it's a way the government is helping the local mom and pop stores. HMMMMM!! I wonder :D:o

  5. No Offend, but sound like she DUMP a Rat in the Cheese FACTORY to me. Taking a good looking farang lady to (near)the Patpong area in like take a Hamburger and Fries to Burger King or McDonald. Think about friend, I for one think she did the right thing dumping you. :o:D

  6. Well to start with I don't think there is very much anyONE of us can do along(I agree with you) Now, I have a Thai friend who is a Contractor(road) and as he has told me(we all know) the job to repair the road goes to the lowest bidder. What he say is a contractor will give a low bid for the job and then use substandard material/people to the job, results we all can see(ie we get what we pay for) May I suggest the people in charge be more aware of the Contractor track record. However as my Thai friend said there are a lot of kickback, so someway somehow there need to be a watch dog on the Road Contractors. Will it work(??) who know!! Will it help(??) maybe if the watchdog had a little bit.

    Your concern is a vaild one, hope our Thai friends will step up and reply. :D:o:D

  7. I can't say that I agree with your wife to kill it with a blow from a garden rake, most people consider all snake to be poisionus (not true) as most of us know. May I suggest if you can capture it using a big bucket or what ever you can use safely do so and take it as far away from your place as possible(a place where there is a nice supply of food,(ie rats, frogs etc)). However if it a really big snake and you dumbfounded with fear as most would be have the wife or a Thai friend to call 191 or the local pest control in your area. If you are a fluent Thai speak call your self give directions to you place. :o:D

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