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Posts posted by BigSnake

  1. Let's not kid our self, the ideal Farang is one, who has lots and lots of money and willing to spend it on or for the Thai lady. No they are not gone to tell you that. If you believe otherwise you are just kidding yourself, but who cares it your MONEY, enjoy it while you have it. :o:D:D

  2. My Wife's cousin turned up at our door wanted to borrow Bt300000, to pay a broker to sent her Overseas(Jordan) to work, no way we told her, she went away anger as hel_l, but months later her girlfriend was found dead over there beaten and rape. :o. We told the cousin that could we will happen to her, as I said she went away anger as hel_l but she came back after this happen and thank us :D and to ask for a loan to open a beauty shop :D

  3. When will it end? Just pray for best, look out for the worse. What can the government do to stop these attacks?? It goes without saying, It will hurt tourism for sure this time around. Maybe the power that be will listen to the people and comeup with some ideals to bring peace back to the south. :o:D Lots of wackos out there.

  4. Sound likes you want your cake, ice cream and eat it to. My humble opinion I would give it a little time, she seem like a great gal(ie mom/family/friends agree). Bottom line my friend, if it's worth waiting for it's worth having. :D:o Drop us a note in about 6 months.

  5. We may be buying a house soon. Can a foreigner (me) be added to the house registration document (tabian baan) ? If so, any caveats?

    (I'm on a 1 year n.i. business stay + work permit, in case it makes a difference)

    Yes, you can. please check with your local Tambon, for all the paper work you will need. You will be issue a yellow book. You will need passport/visa(1yr) a government offical to vouch for you, etc, but by all mean check with them for all the details FIRST!! :o My friend have had his for years.

  6. As in all walks of life some good some bad. However for the more part most farangs that I have contact with are fairly nice relax easy going. Many look a little silly at 75 plus walking with his 20 something girlfriend but at 75 it great just to be able to walk. :D:o "enough said"

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