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Posts posted by BigSnake

  1. More likely that an informant that knew this guy, turned him. I have not quite understood what makes people reveal certian things baout themselves, but they do. They just go to talk to someone. If that someone becomes angry at them or there is a substantial reward invloved. One little phone call can change things dratically.

    98% of crimes are solved by informants not crime labs

    while i agree with your premise i'm wondering about the source of your 98%

    care to post a link?

    more likely you just plucked the number of of the sky...like most 'percentages' which get bandied about

  2. post-9005-1139960912_thumb.jpg

    TRADE NAME : M-150


    Caffeine containing, non-carbonated Energy Drink


    M-150 is a particularly effective energy drink with a uniquely pleasant taste. M-150 relieves fatigue efficiently. M-150 is best when consumed chilled. An ideal dosage is two bottles 150 ml per day.


    Caffeine, 330 mg per one litre

    Taurin, 4000 mg per one litre

    Vitamins B5, B6, Inositol, Niacinamide

    DDT, 10 grams per one milliliter

    Baygon, 5 grams per one milliliter

    SIZES :

    Available in 100 ml and 150 ml bottles as well as in 250 ml cans


    :o WOW!! No wonder those Truck/Bus drivers are so bad behind the wheel. Lord, oh should I Buddha help us ALL. :D:D:D:D

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