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Posts posted by BigSnake

  1. Soooo, it goes like this. I have a friend who works in a bungalow and bar in Koh Phangan. I go down and see her occasionally as my favourite dog lives there (sad I know). I like to catch up on the gossip when I am down there. The boys on that beach are pretty wild and it keeps me entertained hearing about their latest escapades. So I went down last week for a catch up. My friend got onto the subject of three swedish girls who had been there for a while - all of whom were dating boys (and yes they really are boys) who worked there. The longest relationship out of them all is 2 months...the oldest girl involved is about 22. You get the picture. So I have now been told that all 3 couples are planning on getting married so the boys can all get to Sweden. Of course I creased up when I heard this, until I heard that the youngest girl (19) has been trying for a baby, and that her boyfriend has been verbally abusing her about the fact that she has not got pregnant yet. Whhhhhaaaaaaaa?????? Now I know beach boys/ bar boys. I know what they get up to and what their ultimate aims are but for some reason this story is really upsetting me. I am not involved, I don't know these girls personally, but I feel like there is no one telling them that they are being ridiculous. I feel most for the youngest girl - she is obviously both completely immature and completely hoodwinked. There are no other people staying there who will get involved and her friends are the ones getting married so are in no position to help.

    I feel helpless, I think if I got involved then it wouldn't be appreciated or listened to, but I feel like this girl might very well end up pregnant and married by the end of the month. Is there anything I can do to help or does she just have to learn the hard way? When should you or should you not get involved in situations you see like this?

    stay out of it
  2. What are the larger Asian expat communities in Thailand? Where are they located and how are they organized? I have heard there is a large Japanese expat community, have they made a Little Toyko anywhere? I know Burmese are there in great numbers, do they mix in with the Thais or form their own living spaces? Any Asian groups like Koreans, perhaps?
    China town BKK, I tink :D:D:o
  3. Hey guys!

    The US $ is now officially listed at BHT29.5 ! What the hel_l is going on? Last month it was listed at BHT30.5, and it seems to be declining further!

    The time has come to SERIOUSLY think about packing the bags and heading home! :o

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