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Posts posted by BigSnake

  1. I have just returned from laos, after bieng unsure weather they would follow in pennangs footsteps by stamping "not to return" and am happy to say i appllied for and recieved a Tourist x 2 visa!

    i did not meet anyone who was refussed or had any problems!

    Now this is my first Tourist x 2 so ill presume ill get

    arrived back yesterday and got 60 days

    then top up at jontiem 30 days

    then cambodia border 60 days (for double entry)

    then top up at jontiem 30 days

    then ill just do 2 x border runs keping1 left for plan b thats 60 days

    so in theory thats 8 months sorted!

    now if i have added this wrong please let me know, as i say it is my first double entry!

    cheers chris :o

    Thank for the update sure it will be useful to many.

  2. No only on Phuket but country wide, it's away of life in the land of smiles. Once in a great while you will a cop pull one over at a check point and levy a fine, mom or pop pick up the motorbike, end of story. This a rear event. If you car hit one the law favor you to pay them COMP, yes it's sad but true, the think is you can afford a car you can afford to help the accident victim, you figure it. :o:D:D:D:D

  3. Hello other Thailand lovers,

    Stil not known here... i'm Bart 21 and living in the Netherlands. I was in Thailand 1 month ago and i did meet my girlfriend there, she is very kind and loving to me. (She is for real, it's not about a money question or something also not the looks ) She is 30 age. I had to leave her way to soon :D , it all went to fast for me and her, but i'm going back there in Juli/August to talk things out and see her again, cause we can't miss each other. We call and e-mail many times a week. Still not nowing about the future plans i have to talk about it with her. Does she come over here, or do i stay there we don't know. I do know that it's a better future here in the Netherlands, but not as nice climate and i love Thailand :o !

    So i need some advice of you guys here, wat do you think?

    I have some general questions:

    - She want to come over here after i been there, but wat are the problems i am facing with visa and stuff? ( It's only for short stay for now ). I was thinking because i live close to Germany, to let her land there at an aiport like Dusseldorf and pick here up there. But i don't know Germans regulations about Thai people if it's better or worse then in the Netherlands. I can drive from Germany over the border to the Netherlands there is no problem. So i'm thinking about avoiding Dutch goverment. :D

    - If i want to stay there, can i get a job /house to stay? I'm a mechanical engineer and car-engineer.

    - I want to leave from Dusseldorf to Bangkok in Juli/August with LTU, do i need a return ticket? Or can i buy it over there in Thailand to?

    - I thought flying from Germany with LTU is the cheapiest, or is there another way? ( Not from the Netherlands, will cost me over 1000 euro retour ticket. ) Landing: Suvarnabhumi

    - Do you guys have some great tips for me wat i can do with here in the time i'm there around BKK ( not neseccary). We like to do activity and some sports and a quit romantic place offcourse.

    - I cant call here in some way? Her mobil starts with 08.. and country number is 0066. Tried some combinations but it doesn't work, but she can call me. :D

    No further questions on my mind now. Thanks for your time!

    Beware, how many other does she have just like you???? :D:D
  4. The following is a conversation overheard as Bill Gates was moving into his new house.

    Bill: "There are a few issues we need to discuss."

    Contractor: "Ah, you have our basic support option. Calls are free for the first 90 days and $75 a call thereafter. Okay?"

    Bill: "Uh, yeah... the first issue is the living room. We think its a little smaller than we anticipated."

    Contractor: "Yeah. Some compromises were made to have it out by the release date."

    Bill: "We won't be able to fit all our furniture in there."

    Contractor: "Well, you have two options. You can purchase a new, larger living room; or you can use a Stacker."

    Bill: "Stacker?"

    Contractor: "Yeah, it allows you to fit twice as much furniture into the room. By stacking it, of course, you put the entertainment center on the couch... the chairs on the table... etc. You leave an empty spot, so when you want to use some furniture you can unstack what you need and then put it back when you're done."

    Bill: "Uh... I dunno... issue two. The second issue is the light fixtures. The bulbs we brought with us from our old home won't fit. The threads run the wrong way."

    Contractor: "Oh! That's easy. Those bulbs aren't plug and play. You'll have to upgrade to the new bulbs."

    Bill: "And the electrical outlets? The holes are round, not rectangular. How do I fix that?"

    Contractor: "Just uninstall and reinstall the electrical system."

    Bill: "You're kidding!?"

    Contractor: "Nope. Its the only way."

    Bill: " Well... I have one last problem. Sometimes, when I have guests over, someone will flush the toilet and it won't stop. The water pressure drops so low that the showers don't work."

    Contractor: "That's a resource leakage problem. One fixture is failing to terminate and is hogging the resources preventing access from other fixtures."

    Bill: "And how do I fix that?"

    Contractor: "Well, after each flush, you all need to exit the house, turn off the water at the street, turn it back on, reenter the house and then you can get back to work."

    Bill: "That's the last straw. What kind of product are you selling me?"

    Contractor: "Hey, if you don't like it nobody made you buy it."

    Bill: "And when will this be fixed?"

    Contractor: "Oh, in your next house -- which will be ready to release sometime near the end of next year. Actually it was due out this year, but we've had some delays..."


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