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Posts posted by BigSnake

  1. Yes, you can refuse a divorce :D . You can ask the police to find the wife if you want a divorce, however don't hold your breath. Now from similar cases that I know of if you are the Natural father and can prove to the Court that you have the ways and mean to support your child(i.e., stable home, finance, school,nanny) you have a very good change of getting Custody. A great help to have an upstand member(Thai) of your commuinty to put in a good word on your behalf. Best of Luck!! :o:D

  2. Yippeeee!!! I move tomorrow. No more living in apartments.

    Now have a rented, unfurnished house. Air con, ceiling fans, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 living rooms, a kitchen, car parking and a balcony. All completely redecorated for me moving in too. With telephone and internet to come soon.

    All for the massive sum of 3k baht per month and 5k deposit and the condition I rent for 6 months minimum.

    My new Landlady is falling over herself to be helpful. She wanted to sell the place for 650k but my ex g/f persuaded her to rent it to me on a long term basis with 6 mth rolling contracts.

    Considering my present 'apartment' is 2,700 mth and Teuk Thai apartments were 4k mth + parking + tv + fridge, I feel I am in heaven, or will be tomorrow.

    Not easy to find good housing in the middle of town here in Nakhonsawan, never mind finding houses to rent but I drove many kilometres with the satnav on and jotted down co-ordinates with telephone numbers and the ex g/f did the phoning ( ermm, haven't told the current g/f who helped get me the place either LOL ).

    All I need now is the g/f to allow me a mia noi or two for the other bedrooms :D

    With 2 Thai friends helping me move tomorrow, I can only wonder at how helpful people here have been and been helpful with patience and a lot of understanding too. Looks like I'll be buying them a few beers as a way of thanks.

    Good for you look likes you found yourself a real COZY place ENJOY! :D:D:o:D:D
  3. Red Cross bans gay donors

    New rule rejects blood from homosexual men

    The Thai Red Cross Society has resolved to reject blood donations from homosexual men in a move which has met with strong opposition from human rights organisations. The decision came after a study found that men who had sex with other men were at risk of contracting HIV/Aids and transmitting the blood-borne virus. The Thai Red Cross said it had large amounts of unused blood that had tested HIV-positive. Most of the infected blood was from men who were having unprotected sex with other men, according to in-depth interviews and preliminary tests, said the director of the National Blood Centre, Soisaang Pikulsod. For safety reasons, the bank is screening high-risk groups of blood donors through questionnaires. Blood donors are asked if they are homosexuals and female donors will also be asked if they have had sex with men from countries that have high incidence of Aids cases.

    Continued here:


    They are a high risk group, Hmmmmmm!! :o:D
  4. Thais like most people are for the most part Honest, however if I drop my wallet I wouldn't bet on it being return intact. Last year I made a stop at a local News stand for purchase of a BKK Post, pull out Bt25 for the Post and Bt100 drop to the ground unnoticed by me, two College Students(young ladies) saw what happen and call out to me. :o:D:D:D shock and surprise, offer to buy them a snack, they refuse, so just a big THANK YOU from me. :D:D

  5. For goodness sake dude find the money somehow a purchase an aircon, as soon as possible. We are talking maybe a BTU9000 for a small room, around Bt15 to 185000, shop around at your local Tesco Lotus, Marko, Big C, etc, you could even find a better deal. Good luck, go for it. A small price to pay for your little one.

  6. Jee-ZUS - stop taking yourself so seriously and lighten up. It was a joke.

    This guy walks into a convention center and sees nothing but blondes running around chanting, "53 days! 53 days! We did it in 53 days!" This goes on and on untill in desperation to know what the h#ll they're talking about he walks up to the head blonde and says, "Lady, I've been watching you and your friends running around and chanting '53 days! 53 days! We did it in 53 days' for hours now, so would you please mind telling me what you're talking about?"

    Holding up a jig-saw puzzle box and pointing she chants, "It says 3 to 4 years and we did it in 53 days! 53 days!"

    I can't beleive there is no peanut oil to be found in the entire country of Thailand.

    What's up with that? :D:o:D:D


    SOURCE: Pattaya Daily News: March 29th 2008

    A brothel in Naklua, North Pattaya, long masquerading as a massage parlour, was closed down by a large team from the Child and Female Protection Squad from Bangkok on 29 March, 2008, at 00.15 am. Over 20 Thai women and six illegal Laotian immigrants, three of whom were under 18-years-of-age, were discovered and the whorehouse‘s proprietor was arrested.

    The premises, going under the name of Chaoprayah Thai Massage, located in Soi Potisan, Naklua, had been under surveillance for quite some considerable time and undercover police had even visited the massage parlour, pretending to be customers. The massage parlour was actually a front for the whorehouse, the real business, whose customers were Thai and foreign men.

    The 20-strong team from the Child and Female Protection Squad and social welfare officers, led by Superintendent Police Colonel Jaturong Pong Kampan, swooped on the premises at 00.15 am on March 29 and immediately closed it down. They discovered more than 20 Thai women and six illegal Laotian immigrants working as prostitutes.

    The six Laotian illegal immigrants were sent to Banglamung Social Welfare to be charged and processed. The shop owner and a pimp, however, were arrested and taken to the police station, where their names were registered and will be kept keep on record.

    The arrest was conducted solely by police from the Child and Female Protection Squad, Bangkok, Banglamung police had no part in the operation.

    Why, people just trying to make a living. :D:o

  8. Samak elected PM with 310 votes

    People Power Party leader Samak Sundaravej was elected as the new prime minister with 310 votes.

    Democrat Party leader Ahbisit Vejjajiva got 163 votes.

    Nearly all present coalition MPs vote for Samak, except Samak himself and the House speaker.

    Three MPs abstained and one was absent

    The roll call voting was held after MPs disputed for 2 hours and 40 minutes as to whether a debate should be held before the voting.

    Source: The Nation - 28 January 2008[/so was Thaskin, with a better margin, look what happen to him. :o:D

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