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Led Lolly Yellow Lolly

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Posts posted by Led Lolly Yellow Lolly

  1. EDIT: Cloudflare have servers in Bangkok. The problem is almost certainly an unreasonable rate limit set at the server level for local Cloudflare IPs, why using a VPN allows you to visit the site normally. . .


    First consultation, free of charge. I must be bored this week.








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  2. The plomplem is probably issues with the site's state table and connections limit. The reason I often have problems, not just with TV, is I'm surfing through a corporate load balancer, each 'state' or connection (there are hundreds for each site you visit) are balanced over my 3 separate connections from CAT, ToT and 3bb. This regularly causes problems logging into online banking, you're just thrown out because the bank sees your IP changing.


    About this site, it seems to me they're trying to run it on the absolute minimum specs they can get away with. It's not even responding to Cloudflare.


    I wonder how many of us with this problem are using a Carrier Grade NAT? (package without public IP)

  3. On 3/3/2021 at 7:55 PM, OneMoreFarang said:

    Even if it would be easier to stay in Thailand being married, is that really a reason to marry?

    Lots of us heard stories of married guys who lost a lot more than they ever thought possible.

    If all is fine then fine. But in case things go wrong and a farang is married to the "wrong" Thai woman then things get really difficult and expensive.

    I would only marry if I absolutely must do that. To many risks for too little upside.


    If the OP is asking how marriage affected my life in Thailand, it didn't at all really, but I started getting my first grey hairs the same year I got married. Maybe a coincidence.

    I once had a nasty argument with my wife, during which she accused me of marrying her for a visa (simply not true, words of anger and she didn't mean it) but I immediately retorted that if I was going to marry for a visa I'd have married a Japanese woman. She never mentioned it again.

    In any case, I came into the marriage with very little, she sure didn't marry me for money. It's only been positive for my life, emotionally and financially (other than the grey hairs, but in a way that's a positive, men don't age, they gain character).  About the government and immigration, the difference it made amounts to nought. Absolutely none. I honestly feel that immigration don't give a s#!t about the fact my entire family life is here, but we can't blame the front line staff, they're just there to fill check boxes.






  4. 2 hours ago, jack71 said:

    Nearly everyday I find I'm in the right lane of a 2 or 3 lane busy road and I'm stuck behind a brain dead driver going really slow. I usually proceed to flash high beam and mostly they

    move over but sometimes they do not. 


    A typical situation occurs when a car is driving slow in a right lane because they are going to turn right or do a U turn further up the road- Even though it might be 1 to 2 km away....


    I recently renewed my DL again for 5 yrs. I noticed they had the same video as before. Its presented by a slightly overweight/ chubby thai guy with a funny smiling face. Presumably he is acting out the road rules. They clearly need to update that video as I cant believe its the same one as 5 yrs ago. It looks like it was shot 20 yrs ago. 


    I think its time that we all teach the Thai drivers to drive slow in the left lane only. Please take a stand and flash your high beam at any slow drivers in the right hand lane. 




    I bet Thai people on escalators really grind your gears too?

  5. 7 hours ago, Yellowtail said:


    I thought you said you didn't have any problem with immigration, now it's ten days of work.


    Previously you implied, or at least I understood you to imply that you were an important asset the company you worked for, now you're a business owner.


    I have no idea how difficult it is for your wife to get your work permit and visa but I'll take your word it's difficult. That said, this thread is about how attractive Thailand is for retirees, not working people.


    You're deliberately misinterpreting me, this is known as trolling. I have no problems or difficulties, other than feeling resentment towards the time spent on it. I am both employee and business owner i.e. VERY busy, why the time wasted annually playing immigration's ridiculous game is becoming such a frustration.... And working people eventually retire, right?





  6. Indeed. I use just such a hybrid arrangement where changeover relays break the power for a split second. In this situation, even a tiny super capacitor in a 'hold up' role can put out a massive current in short durations to keep the powered device running. I've found this characteristic extremely useful to keep servers and L2 switches running during power blinks.





  7. On a sheer cost to benefit ratio, SLAs are still hard to beat, and the straightforward charge profile has been easy to understand for a century and can be done with minimal electronics. They're also far, far more tolerant than Lithium in float charge applications. I'll only use newer chemistries in specialist applications, notably where heat is as issue...


    What excites me these days are super capacitors because they last for decades, are bomb proof, and can be charged in seconds. I started deploying them in short runtime applications where replacing SLAs every five years became an annoyance.





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  8. On 3/3/2021 at 4:28 AM, Crossy said:

    Considering the number of phones in use it's an extremely rare event which is why it gets reported when it happens, but it definitely happens. And


    My feeling is that electrocutions of all kinds in Thailand are far, far more common than is reported. I won't insult you by telling you what the problem is with these chargers, but to anyone that might be reading, these cheap chargers, usually from China, often lack isolation transformers, or the USB side ground sheath is dangerously close to the phase conductor. In our hotel rooms, the maids often find the pins from chargers sticking out of sockets, they just come out of the charger as the guest removes them, such is the poor quality, so they just leave them in the socket. Crazy really but this is the country we live in, you can sell any old s#it, nobody cares, why Tesco is stocked up with 3-pin power strips (Tesco's own brand), with 2-core cable. Utter rubbish.






  9. 7 hours ago, PDP11 said:

    A final potential clue is that Bangkok Bank ATM/debit cards seem to be part of the problem as my wife's SCB ATM/debit card is rarely rejected. But moving to SCB isn't an option as I'm here on a Non-OA visa and not a work visa.


    I stopped using my SCB cards because I had exactly the opposite problem. My SCB card was being consistently rejected, but my Krunsgri debit card was always accepted. Actually, I just put everything on my Krungsri CREDIT card now, it appears to be automatically accepted even where there are communication problems.


    About SCB, they appear to be having serious IT problems. If I log into my SCB account online or with the phone app, I don't get the notification that someone has logged in until several hours later. SCB have never really tried to be a retail bank, and they certainly don't even try with foreigners, I only keep the account active as a backup.






  10. 4 hours ago, Yellowtail said:


    If you're working for a company, how is it you have trouble with immigration? In the twenty years I worked here I don't think I ever went to immigration, and only went to the One-Stop 8-10 times.


    Since I retired, I've been going to immigration, it it does not seem like that much of a hassle.


    Where are you going all the time where you have to pay ten-times what the locals pay? 




    If you have to ask me where I'm going to pay 10 times more than the locals I would question your assertation you've been here as long as you say you have.

    I didn't say I'm having trouble with immigration. I said I'm weary of the stupid system. At my age I still have decades of it ahead of me. So you went there 8 - 10 times (and how were you reporting actually, online hasn't been around that long), let's give that some perspective: My stepdaughter spent her formative years in the UK. Within 2 years she had ILR, which lasts forever, and she never had to visit immigration one. Not once. A year later she was registered as British. Now, you can say well local laws local rules respect them blah blah blah... Well I do respect them insofar as I go through the motions because I have no choice in order to hold my family unit together. Nothing you or anyone else can say to me will convince me the system isn't a piece of s#!t. . .



     I wonder how many of the people moaning about immigration here are moaning about how immigrants are ruining their home countries. 


    Since you're inferring I might be such a person, I'll say this. Indefinite Leave to Remain was always free of charge in the UK up until the moment European free movement was introduced, at which point the Home Office started charging for it. . . so if you want to take this route in the conversation, yes, I strongly objected to the fact the wives and children of British Citizens are financially raped just to stay together, while those with no ties to the UK were able to come and go visa free and at no cost. I'll be very happy to take you on with this topic, if you dare.





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  11. 17 hours ago, upu2 said:

    It is strange as there are some very good IT guys in Thailand.


    Ahem. . . Hmm. There is absolutely NO expertise in IT, anywhere in Thailand, beyond the lifers at the ISPs that are trained to follow rote cards. Believe me, I have specific insight into the industry, Thailand is an IT expertise vacuum.

    This forum is basically unusable. I can't even get a page to load via my Singapore IP space, I'm having to dog leg through my server in the UK just to post this gripe. I have a couple of theories why this is the case, but the fact it's ongoing suggests that whoever is maintaining the site is either not trying, or cannot figure it out.




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  12. 10 minutes ago, Surelynot said:

    Media Bias report......although they could be biased....


    Overall, we rate RT Questionable based on promoting pro-Russian propaganda, promotion of conspiracy theories, numerous failed fact checks, and a lack of author transparency.


    I tend to rate the BBC, the subject of the topic, on it being a propaganda vehicle for the royalist agenda. Tune in if you enjoy Nicholas Witchell being a fawning tw@t over a family that hate him.





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