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Led Lolly Yellow Lolly

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Posts posted by Led Lolly Yellow Lolly

  1. Bear in mind that there are certain use cases where SSD drives are inappropriate. For example, high read/write environments such as NVRs (Network Video Recorders) are far better suited to spinning disks, SSDs would wear out in a matter of weeks or months, even high end ones. I run a ~100 camera IP based system and use Seagate Skyhawk drives in RAID for that, but boot it from an SSD. On a sheer cost per Gigabyte scale, and in terms of read/write longevity, HDDs are still way ahead of SSDs.


    For VMs and domestic use, SSDs all the way.

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  2. 8 hours ago, KiChakayan said:

    This has been answered on many threads, and it is no. A male has to show three years of continuous, legal and tax paying activity to get his application for PR or citizenship considered. Requirement for females are different, 5555.

    Now, on a personal note, if you asked me if I'd want PR if I could get it, I'd say definitely yes. If you asked me if I wanted to get Thai citizenship, I'd say definitely NO. There is a borderline somewhere I just couldn't cross. A bit like asking if I want to become Martian.

    Yes yes I know the residency requirements to be eligible to apply, but I'm unsure about the having Thai kids. Is that what you refer to? It's not clear. If so, please highlight a post where this is confirmed, you say there are many.


    About becoming a Martian, if you feel that being handed a little burgundy book changes who or what you are, then I can sure see why this would be a problem for you. Myself, I'm a closet anarchist, so I see getting any passport as being coerced into compliance and in this case a tool of convenience. Try as I might, I can't think of a single disadvantage to the citizenship route over PR, only numerous advantages. Someone said to me I lose diplomatic representation rights for my origin country. Not true, I'm still a citizen of that country (please don't tell me I have to renounce, it's simply not true) and whether a dual national or not, that country cannot interfere with the legal process here anyway.


    So, what are the disadvantages as you see them?









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  3. 1 hour ago, Hanuman2547 said:

    I'll go on a limb here and say no.  A friend of mine has lived in Bangkok for over 25 years but just recently got PR about three years ago.  Both he and his Thai wife have a daughter about 14 years old.  In addition they have been married for around 20 years.  If what you say is true he probably wouldn't have chosen to get PR and instead gone ahead and got Thai citizenship.  

    I assure you that with a Thai wife, he could have gone directly for citizenship. It's the eligibility with kids that I'm not sure about.

    Regarding the citizenship, there an excellent, but VERY long thread about that on the forums here somewhere that's been running for over ten years. . .




    Note that the above thread was started BEFORE the most recent changes in nationality law. Read in it's entirety when you have time.

  4. 11 hours ago, mipenrai said:

    I am not married but have a Thai child whom has English and Thai birth certificate as well as dual passports

    Doesn't having a Thai child make you eligible to skip PR and apply for citizenship? I'm not sure about that, but If so, in that case the answer is no, you don't need PR, you can instead apply directly for Thai Citizenship, a vastly cheaper and arguably more useful option.


    Otherwise, are you in a relationship? Might be worth just getting that piece of paper. Marriage = direct application for citizenship.


    About the PR, there are two major negatives that I can see. Firstly is the cost. Secondly, you still have to get re-entry permits every time you set foot out of the country for christ's sake. I find this utterly absurd.





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  5. I buy a shed load of stuff from Lazada. Most of the 'stores' are just kids in mommy's spare room. I try to explain this to my wife, who just orders stuff willy nilly. About SD cards, there are 'official' stores from Sandisk etc etc, they're the stores to use for things like that. Also, many of the stores are Chinese clones of ebay sellers. I tend to order electronics components from them (as in actual bare components, resistors, diodes, not fully manufactured consumer electronics). What I find attractive is the cash on delivery option, if it doesn't show up, I don't lose.


    However, if you buy things like phones or laptops on Lazada, you need your head examining. Sorry to be blunt. In this online world, one has to be more sophisticated with one's interpretation of caveat emptor. Thais in general aren't very sophisticated online, they're a snakeoil salesman's wet dream.





  6. 1 hour ago, Just Weird said:

    Strange that you didn't mention that 6 pages ago in your OP.  Let's hope that you don't get gunned down by the likes of those you're preparing to gun down yourself in the next 6 months or so.  Will your anticipated attackers hold off until you're "certified"?


    Case worker?

    A case worker is your liaison. I mentioned it elsewhere on the forums back in August I don't feel the need to bleat about it: 

    Some people say forums are a waste of time. I disagree, I spend a lot of time on the Cisco networking company forums in particular, along with a couple of others, the level of knowledge and the opportunity to learn on places like that is really what the internet was made for. About ThaiVisa, I never really made up my mind. It's certainly full of middle aged kids only too willing to engage in a zero sum game of childish tittle tattle. There are a few decent posters here, crossy in particular is one of the people that keeps me here, but they're all moderators, which leaves for some pretty slim pickings overall.


    • Sad 1
  7. The thing with that is if I'd said I love guns and I can't wait to have one in my pocket to feel gangsta hard, there would be someone along right soon to say exactly the same as you, but for the opposite reason. Meh.


    About the law, my case worker says he expects me to be a Thai Citizen by mid 2019 at the latest. Going through the posts of someone you're jumping to conclusions about is time consuming, of course.





    • Haha 1
  8. Sure I know that, and I don't step on toes, occasionally a boiler room gets busted or a psuedo-school of English with their staff of non-teachers gets shut down, but I never saw or heard of anyone getting their work permit revoked for not following the dotted I's or crossed Ts, did you?


    Occasionally I'll go and pick someone up from the airport. I call that customer service, some might view it as working as an illegal tour guide. Following the rules to the letter is all but impossible unless you close the door and draw the curtains. There is always someone holier than thou to wag their finger. Pfft, whatever.

  9. Nyezhov and Rv Hawee, I'd like to talk to you both via PM if you're willing. Topics like this always bring out the worst in people. I can also privately detail the circumstances here, to give you a better understanding as to why I've come to this decision. You also both have the experience I've been seeking.

    • Haha 1
  10. I have large hands and even at my 40 something youthful age I'm having some issues with the bones. I was looking at stainless because of the hot environment and I sweat a lot, like anyone here. I also understand S&W have modified the design do counter slide bite. However, I'm sure open to better advice.

  11. On 12/16/2018 at 5:39 PM, PoorSucker said:

    BTW, working at 7-11 is restricted to Thais.

    I'm interested to read this rule. Manual labour, making dolls, whatever archaic rules they still follow, I never read this one. Further, I think that if you have immediate Thai family, they don't really give a hoot. I read it bandied around on these forums that you need a degree to get a work permit in Thailand. I have no degree, but I have a work permit, go figure. It says on my work permit that I'm the "Head of Customer Services", but in reality I do all the marketing, do all the electricians work, clean the swimming pools, work the night shift when the useless night staff don't show up, I even work the kitchens when it's busy, any good hotel manager has his own set of knives. I also run my own DBD registered IT consultancy. Nobody really gives a $#!t.








  12. 34 minutes ago, Nyezhov said:

    One of the WORST carry/self defense pistols you can get these days. Its nice to think you are James Bond, and its cool in the movies, but unless you have YEARS of handgun shooting you are only going to endanger yourself or others with one of those:


    1. Anemic caliber, even with high performance rounds available probably only in the US.

    2. Unless properly tuned, wont feed anything other than ball ammo

    3. Poor trigger pull, obsolete design dating back to the 1920s.

    4. Terrible sights.


    All of the foregoing (except the caliber) can be overcome by a serious and experienced handgunner, which you clearly, based on your posts, are not.


    Go get your concealed carry certification. Then go get some real training.  For most new shooters, however, I recommend a Glock 19, 3rd or 4th Generation, night sights with what they call the NY trigger (10lb). I suggest a minimum of 15,000 rounds down range before you carry. Make sure your trainer not only trains you on type 1 and 2 malfunctions, but also on type 3s. To save money, cheap ball can be used for your initial training, but you should at least shoot a solid 1,000 rounds of your carry load. The Federal 124 HST is a good load as is the Federal C9PB. After your initial training, have your pistol checked by a Glock Armorer and after that check, a few hundred rounds and you are good to go.


    I would think that a new Glock here is about 50K. Ammo will probably cost you 50-100 baht a round so there will be a significant expense. I dont know what training costs here, I used to get $50 an hour in the states. Figure a good solid 40 hours of training for someone who knows nothing about guns.


    Good luck, Cowboy.

    Thanks for the input. I looked at the Glock, actually it was one of the first guns I looked at, but what I like about the Walther is the slender profile. I can't see the point of owning a gun if I leave it on my desk because I look like a dick head by carrying an obvious gun (really, IMO anyone that carries a gun on their belt looks like a dick head). I want the smallest gun I can get without it shooting peas.






  13. Forgive me for not reading the whole topic, but it's immediately obvious to me that the motorcyclist tried to undertake on the left and rode into the truck driver's blind spot (why there is a rule not to undertake on the nearside) and the truck was clearly signalling a left turn. Motorcyclist 100 percent to blame. Phuk 'im, one less idiot on the roads.


    Trucker 100 percent to blame for running in the absence of guilt, he did nothing wrong. He was probably scared, panicked, wife and kids to support etc, understandable, but he shouldn't have ran. A professional driver would instinctively known he did nothing wrong. . . but there are no professionals here.







  14. For many years I reported myself every 90 days, in an out in no time. . . but something changed at my local office, I don't know what, but they became jerks and the queues became longer and longer. I read that the number of younger employed expats in Thailand is plummeting. No wonder, when there is so much on offer in places like Singapore or Hong Kong. I don't report myself anymore, I have staff to do it for me, but even after 17 years, I find it absurd that I still have to report and say that nothing has changed. Is it any wonder younger talent gets tired of this and moves on {rhet}.








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