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Posts posted by michaellee

  1. 7 minutes ago, nuakmuaynina said:

    When i was staying in Nakhon Si Thammarat I was shocked by the education system and lack of resources,  my ex's friends little boy was doing his homework on some sheets of paper, because they had no money for books. I gave him and english/thai dictionary and it was the first book the family owned.  The whole education system needs to be overhauled.  Not just English teaching.  

    Me too, I was in Thung Song, the freaking school director didn't speak a word of English and tried to make me teach 3 straight classes without a break, grade 6 had no books or any clue of daily english vocabulary. I stayed 1 day and walked out. It's supposed to be a private school ripping off the family. I pity them all!!

  2. 2 hours ago, MrMuddle said:

    There is a huge, untapped, resource of ex-pat talent that the authorities here refuse to use. I am retired, have qualifications in teaching English to speakers of other languages, (ESOL), yet I can't do any work here to help people learn English !
    I would willingly give up a few hours a day, for a reasonable rate of pay, (and it would be nice if this made the visa process easier), but they don't want to know.

    Yes, but you wasting your time as they think they can do better.

  3. 1 hour ago, lostinisaan said:



         A mate in Ubon would love to teach some hours a week, but schools are not interested in getting him a work permit. 


            He's from London and would be an asset to most schools. 


       But they are ignorant and blind. 

    yes, I'm Asian Canadian they say I'm not a native speakers, I've been in Canada almost 30 years and was speaking english way before I migrated.  I told them well, your teacher can't even compose a sentence and everyday common vocab, so don't tell me I'm not good enough. 

  4. Yes it can, but there are few things Thailand needs to do to attract the tourist back.


    1. Be courteous, learn some customer service, learn to speak basic English.

    2. Stop the nonsense allowing tourist only for 90 days per year on arrival visa.

    3. Grant 90 days on arrival visa without getting any visa application from the Embassy or home country

    4. Allow extension of another 90 days within the country without leaving and doing stupid visa run.

    5. Visa fees for countries that require visa be dropped to 1000B and given 3 month max stay.

    6. Stop the scam all over Pattaya, Phuket, Chiang Mai.

    Then, only maybe people will give it a thought, otherwise Thailand has nothing to offer other than an expensive brothel, scammers and racism against all foreigners. All they want is go to Thailand and unload $10,000 in 2 weeks and leave!


  5. 23 hours ago, moe666 said:

    when refused entry why didn't the brits move on more than one place to drink. In all of the years coming here and now living here I have never had a problem with thai bouncers or bar people. somepeople just do not have a clue. some people cannto go to their neighbors house without getting into a fight

    Can't totally blame the Thai, as brits are aggressive and trouble maker every bar they go to even in Pattaya. Yes beating up someone is not the way to go.

  6. To bring down the government revenue, sure Pattaya is a big target that will deter all the group tour coming to this town, WS, South Pattaya, Central shopping mall both north and beach road is also a possible target, had always avoided WS during the festivities. Beware of the surrounding and avoid tourist spot. Pattaya is just as vulnerable as anywhere in Thailand.

  7. Are those people getting paranoid or down right stupid or have no common sense? HK, China, Philppines and most SE Asian country you can just walk into any phone shop and buy the sim card without even showing the passport or ID. How about a criminal will pay some local to buy the sim for them and use it? if there's a will there's a way. Hong Kong is more advanced than Thailand, just walk into any mobile carrier store and get the sim card. It sounds like Thailand is becoming more and more dictatorship than democratic, even in China nobody ask for ID or passport to buy a sim card. It's more like all foreigners living there or visiting is treated as Second class citizen and criminals. Disrespectful to people who go to spend money in their country!

  8. So if a Thai does it to a foreigner TUFF LUCK. But they have Thai women trusting BLACK MEN? I don't think so. People love WHITE too much here. I just love the way all these BAD people rush to the police station to ASSIST. ha ha bloody ha.

    You'll be surprised, that not all people LOVE WHITE here too much here, there are always exceptions. Seen many Thai women dating chocolate man.

  9. They changed again??? <deleted>....When I was there, they wanted me to get a letter from the landlord from apartment or hotel stating that I was staying there and that I was of good character, not causing any problems etc etc. And my visa was expiring like next day, luckily I knew one of the officer in the department and had to end up paying 3000b but it was worth it as I wasn't about to go go back and forth and as usual the hotel will take forever to give me letter.

  10. I am forced to use ATM by my bank I flew back to Canada to set up regular transfers to my Thai account. I spoke to 2 bank managers and 2 finance officers and none of them knew what I was talking about they all told me they could not do it.So I flew half way across the world to set up bank to bank transfer to be told they would not do it. I was given a new ATM card and wished good luck. Such is the new world huh. I told the bank I know many foreigners from England,America,Sweden etc who can do . they replied while this is Canada we will not do i

    You could do the transfer with RBC bank to your bank account in Thailand with Bank of Ayudhiya however there's still a $13 fees and takes about 1-2 days to appear in your Thai account, it's better to just pay 200b. $13 is more than 250b. That's just my suggestionn.

  11. Agreed with everyone here, I don't know why any school in and around Isan or even Bangkok needs a degree to teach kindergarten english to the Mathyom 1-3 or Prathom 1-5, they lack focus, as they are busy talking amongst themselves and not give a damn about the lesson. My personal opinion to teach Thai english the only way is to give them daily usable vocabulary, reading, writing, no game playing and giving them weekly spelling and dictation test in the classroom. Worst is they don't even have books or notebook to take notes, if ask they look at you as though you are someone who are bothering and boring them.

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