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Posts posted by Aussiepeter

  1. It's like reading the story of my build - exactly the same problems ! I turned up one day and there were two workers building what appeared to be a chimney on the side of our house, right where the steps would be. It turned out that the builder had changed both the size of the turnaround/landing and the depth of the steps and needed this new 'box' on the outside to accommodate his new landing ! It was too late to change the steps back to the right depth for my size 11 UK ex-soldiers' feet as we had been to Maesai for a Non-O visa stamp, but I managed to get the landing back to size. They wanted to knock down the 'chimney' but I had them roof it and bung in a window and used it as a tool shed ! Yes eyecatcher, we loved Saraphi and if you are bored, you can view my old gaff only 50m from Wat Don Kaew, on the street with the (now covered) klong. Can't miss it - the wall has dozens of broken beer bottles set in cement on top - builders idea, not mine. Right next to the main water tower for the suburb. I reckon Cashboys place puts mine to shame, by the way. we spent 1.2 mill baht in 2008, sold it for 1.5 (worth heaps more but a fire sale) in 2013. It re-sold in 2018 for 2.4 mill. Cheers all, time for a lager. Gotta see the finished photo Cashboy !


  2. Love your house Cashboy. Mt missus and I built a similar palace in Saraphi, Chiang Mai in 2008 and lived there for five years, before cancer sent us permanently to Australia. Had the same problems as you - I also bought a welder and spent hours after the workers left for days putting in extra welds in the roof. We had a Thai builder, but he was too busy with his mia-nois and fighting roosters to supervise his workers, so I had to rectify all the faults, but it turned out great, as I am sure your place will be ! I put terracotta red CPAC tiles on our place and it looked A1. I went back in March this year whilst in CM to take a look - I was shocked at what only 5 years could do in a polluted environment. The tiles on our old place were now almost black ! That and the latest Thai owners had painted it all bright red like a temple.

    Good luck - the air wherever you are is clean as from the photos, nothing like what CM has become. Cheers. (PS, I am actually a Brit, (from where the Kray twins came from) but have lived in Oz for yonks).

  3. Australian Paul (dutchman) who with his wife Nee ran the introduction agency in CM circa 2000-2005 called 'Just Thai Ladies' passed away earlier this year in Australia, aged 56. He went to bed feeling unwell and never woke up. 

    I lived in CM for over 20 years and many close friends I met there have now died. Only found out about my good mate Ian (Blinky bill) this year, when in CM for dental work. RIP.

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