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Posts posted by adhd

  1. calcium tablet is what makes most people get calcified in the arteries...


    the ratio of calcium to magnesium in milk is 9 to 1, which would be 2 to 1


    so no need for extra calcium


    about the quacks guy ... the soil of our food production is depleted since long... using pesticides to make plants grow = 0 nutrients... the time that you can stay healthy with just eating clean is long over... the pesticide residue on food , in meat, in water (estrogen anyone) is what create cancer in liver & other organs in the long run .... 


    see more & more obese thais in the street ?  think about fried fatty foods coocked in bad oils ...


    remember 20-30 years ago when they promoted margarine is being good & butter being bad ?  promoted by whom ? the margarine industry... one molecule away from PLASTIC



    the quacks nowadays are the doctors saying you need surgery, chemical pills,  never to question the real cause, merely threating symtoms, and those are returning customers for sure



    quacks ?  well... take any of your medicine you take every day, read the side effects, it might make most people think twice, but nobody speak about side effects or interactions with 1,2,3,4,5 other chemical drugs you are prescribed ...


    but hey, as thai people say:   UP TO YOU





  2. funny scientists...  for H1N1 or any cold...they sell since long :  fah - talai jone .... 100 baht for 100 pills .... (andrographis)


    for cancer growth .... Curcuma longa ... stops tumors from making new blood vessels to feed itself for/from growing...  less than  100 baht for 100 pills


    also good for you old geezers as it helps with alzheimer or the prevention of it ... proof is india, using it since thousands of years and having the lowest alzheimer rates


    known since many decades



  3. Advise please


    in case of contested divorce 


    wife bought or got 2 houses in her name (partial gift but I pay the father in law monthly re-payments)


    I never went to land department to sign any paper to say this was not my money and was not asked to do that.


    Houses were bought during marriage.


    I signed some passport photocopies which I thought was for a US visa for the children or permission that they could go without me, could that be used/ faked at land department ?


    Do I have any chance to get 50% of the properties even I officially paid for none as monthly re-payments are cash only.


    When I suggested in an argument that I knew my rights and could demand 50%, the psychopath started a rage beyond belief (rabies dog style) hitting her own head (kids were sadly witness of this, good or bad), she tried again to involve police , asked kids to lie that I hit her ... 


    Yes, I am at the end of my patience / line ...


    I am 50x more Zen buddhist than my crazy wife as I try to stay calm even during these fury attacks.


    Kids also fed up with her selfish behaviour beyond belief... no one in their class understand what it is to have such a mother, except just one child that can relate as that one also has a mentally unstable woman as a mother and would prefer to live with me in the future.







  4. just wondering, in case of divorce, does the court listen to 12 year old children's wishes to chose whom to live with  ?


    my wife is a subclinical psychopath, imagine DEXTER without the killings


    manipulating people, exploiting weaknesses, web of deceit, starting big arguments over nothing, always wanting to win an argument, threatening : no more visa extention, divorce, calling police over small arguments, 

    threatening children not to translate the nasty things she says to them or there will be even worse consequences.


    the children know their mother is a selfish psychopath... they have only one classmate that understands them as their mother is also wacked.


    I hope be happy to divorce, but do not want the children to be unprotected with this psycho.


    So what are the chances that the court would listen to them in case of a contested divorce ?


    I would prefere to stay in the marriage, just for the kids sake, otherwise, who knows what that monster person might afflict to them, than to leave, which would be the quick & coward way to do, but life is HELL.






  5. one is political incorrect, the other one is political CORRUPT


    one throw's with mud of what the other SAID in a locker room, the husband of the other candidate ABUSED women in / out office and his wife prosecuted those women !



    one has more money that any president before,  the other one used a phony foundation to do illegal deals & 500.000 US dollar speeches to make problems for her friends go away



  6. if you are smart, you will save yourself the time, money, trouble


    flu shot, seriously in 2016 ?


    look at the CDC page, it is useless 


    and the free chemicals you get , go party into your brain or you think aluminium, msg, chicken embryo & aborted human foetal cells are a good thing ?



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