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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. The local police knew this illegal bar was operating... does that not count for anything?
  2. Prawits a close second... or is it the other way around?
  3. Don't drop the baby dear.... balanced on one knee.
  4. Back then just drugs, alcohol and a hot looking girl on the pavement... a new decade a new distraction... nothing changes.
  5. Since 2014... that's the truth about Thailand in general... tourism & commerce.
  6. Again, again, again and again....when will they realise Fines don't work... Impound the bike for a month and charge a storage fee. That might wake a few people up.
  7. Who sang "The tide is high and I'm moving on"
  8. Sounds like the locally produced pork is too expensive... demand is for affordable pork.
  9. The time to sort out the "issues" was before the 24th August, so everyone in Thailand and abroad would know what was happening with the PM's tenure. But as usual Thailand is always late and makes itself look stupid.
  10. Getting out the mobile phone to record them maybe wasn't the smartest move... unless you get their number plate first so the police have something to look for.
  11. The word "re-distribution" entered my mind... I wonder why?
  12. I sensed that too.... when I kook at another female my missus reads me my fortune too.
  13. Judging by the rest of the story I think she has every right to think more than being left in the van was the cause.
  14. The video doesn't show or prove anything.. he looks like he thinks he's onto a good thing as he exits the lift, but that's about all.
  15. He's achieved more in the few months he's been in office than others have done in years.
  16. The family paid handsomely to maintain his freedom... anyone who expected justice are dreamers.
  17. The governments [plural] have failed to solve the problem... The public deserve solutions not guidelines. Redirect the military budget, we don't need submarines of F-35's.. use that money for real infrastructures instead. nuff said.
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