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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. Power poles in Thailand seem to be only 18" deep in the soil and not supported strongly. When one goes all the others follow.
  2. China would love to invest in casinos, but the issue is that they would fund it, they would build it, they would own it and all the money in it.
  3. So why is it such a problem to get Prayut out of office. Is he bigger than the constitution, or does he own it?
  4. The worlds largest operators would trip over themselves to get involved. The doubt I have is keeping corruption out of it by Thailands biggest players.
  5. I agree totally.. plus This also applies to the governor... If the RTP aren't doing their job he steps in to remove the senior police officer and do as you say, award the position to the next rank and give him a time frame to sort it out, so on and so forth. If he doesn't the governor is removed and replaced with the next man, with a similar time frame to clean up the province.
  6. Rent inside your budget... if it's too high walk away.
  7. Looks more like "mufty Friday"
  8. Valid point... the more they're loaded the less distance they can continue.. Also pick-ups are driven into the ground for a long time.. what's the life span of an EV... when it's done 10 years I bet it's dead with zero second hand value.
  9. Good days work driver... kill your colleague.
  10. The submarines will be here soon....
  11. Needs a real sort-out down south....
  12. The government has effectively fixed the price of noodles, thus all noodles are the same and not competitive with each other. Let the market decide the price.
  13. Never stopped to think about extra traffic, parking etc... just open it up. My sister-in-law just moved to a new apartment complex... 14 separate blocks with 45 rooms in each building. 9 car parks spaces allocated to each building. Should hear the fun in the morning as everyone has a car and can't get out because of all the triple/quadruple parking.
  14. New hope???? No hope with this lot in charge.
  15. Would have been nice to have sorted this all out before the end of Prayuts 8 year term which started in 2014. But that would be the professional thing to do..
  16. No need to get your coat... you're dead right.
  17. Prawit calls all the shots anyway, so what's different.
  18. To be fair if Prayut had the nations peoples interests at heart he'd cancel the f-35's a give it to the poor.
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