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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. Collapsed during maintenance.. one would assume it's time for real engineers to get involved.
  2. I do get the feeling that when the landing was being configured by the flight crew prior to arrival the local weather and runway conditions were not taken seriously.
  3. A rather cynical snide remark..., the father is working hard for every baht and believed he was getting a bargain... nothing wrong with that.
  4. I would rather see some new young blood in government... history has proven this lot have too many skeletons in the cupboard and will only start a new turf war.
  5. And the father thinks this is what... not provocation?
  6. An aircraft carrier that sits in dock, subs without engines and now a possible F-35 purchase that will cost trillions sitting on the apron doing nothing. Who is the threat?
  7. Consider it work in progress..
  8. A change in government mentality, develop a real road/transport ministry with driving schools to be centered around the country with real lessons and driving tests by qualified instructors. Then real road policing stopping any offending drivers backed up by courts who take the matter seriously. Do I expect the above to happen.. NO.
  9. In a system where you buy your position and keep doing so for higher promotion... where do you think that money comes from... a meager salary?
  10. Does the dog reply in English or Thai?
  11. Jezzus that nailed the dancer.
  12. More like the local mom & pop shop was his local dispensary.
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