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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. Condo owner must love the pet...
  2. Took a trip to a local restaurant three days ago with a friend, her mother & two children. Needless to say I as a front seat passenger was the only one wearing a seat-belt... No-one else was ! Not just negative generalistaions or groundless assertions... FACT
  3. Thai education system has a lot to answer for..
  4. My mistake, I thought that was the accompanying officer during the re-enactment.
  5. Apologies then for sharing my post... I'll stay quiet in future if it doesn't concern my location...
  6. Considering they are made of thin sheet material and plastic, one wonders what would happen if the cab capsule doesn't hold-up to the stresses and impact of an accident.
  7. Self destructed by gouging... no sympathy.
  8. Land of mysteries and misunderstandings...
  9. If that's him in yellow I thought it was a filly?
  10. Local IO is Nakhon Pathom... SCB Bank statement for one year was dated up to the end of the last full day.. [not the morning I was at the bank prior to going to IO office] as the day was not completed. bank book was up to date including copies. If you do a deposit/withdrawal on the day of the IO visit the bank statement will not show it... only the bank book. The bank letter should be dated on same day as visit but if the IO office need more documents then they say it's valid for 7 days.. but a new statement and bank-book/copies will be required on the day of the return visit.
  11. Buddha lost his way.. wearing Saffron robes but no monk...
  12. Yes everyone got it and everyone mostly followed it. But it was backed up by a willingness to do so, and a hefty fine and points on your license if you didn't. Thailand is a different species, they don't want to and the police are too lazy to endorse the law. They prefer the freedom of doing what they've always done... what they like. Until that culture is changed nothing will ever change.
  13. Because this is the mentality of Thailand... everything is on a budget and safety comes last as does the customer.
  14. Just did mine at local immigration... Bank statement must be done same day as your IO visit, bank book must show last transaction as with copies. Letter from the bank should reflect the statement/bank book... however I was told the letter is okay for 7 days [so the final balance could change] and not be in sync with the statement/bank book.
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