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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. Anything for money... fastest thing to change minds. this will be touted as soft power tomorrow.
  2. Yet still in or back in Thailand so soon? Was he not deported and black-listed?
  3. A medical prior to being employed might have been prudent, checking past health history, blood tests to look for alcohol or drug use,or even medication, but then again if this was a "first seizure" then it might not have shown up.
  4. So it begs the question if the properties were mortgaged why haven't repayments been made? Or have the tenants been squatting since the murders and not paid the banks?
  5. Which of course will be used to compensate the investors who've lost out?
  6. PM2.5 is still with us, mask wearing is optional and good for your health.
  7. Rolling up joints on the street is legal??? Well how things have changed from the intial "medical use only"
  8. Not an issue for me, I vote with my feet and go elsewhere..
  9. To which there is also a solution, doing nothing with the issue at school however is not one of them.
  10. Possibly to get back the 13 times the original build estimate.
  11. How it evades customs searches is a better story.
  12. Another mandatory indoctrination plan.
  13. To be honest I hope the whole thing is a flop and half the stadium is empty. This was going to be a train wreck right from day one.
  14. My ole man once stood for a whole week out in his field.. I asked mother what was he doing, scaring off the crows? No she said, he's said he's going to get an OBE from the queen. I said how's that I asked? She said father heard on the news that anyone found to be outstanding in their field would get one. ????
  15. An internal centre to investigate it's own... ????
  16. Which will be an exact copy of pre-covid. Nothing has altered.
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