A German guy I once knew took a fancy to a local lass with two young kids...
asking what he should do about the family asking for a 200,000 baht dowry at the wedding.
I said say thanks but no thanks and keep looking.
ANUTIN wanted it for the masses, and his nationwide tour made sure he railroaded it through.
Doctors don't want it yet the so called health minister had other financial ideas.
I use SCB and get an instant one year statement which will end on the last full day you ask for, [not the day you request it as that's not ended]
for that you need to update your pass book on the date of your application..
She completed her studies abroad and resides in USA... after studying in Nakhon Pathom
Thailand didn't have the education programme for her astronomical dreams .
Doubtful she will return to look through a pair of binoculars.
Thai airways was a money making venture for all to cream off of.
That's why it made billions in losses.
Did it falter, no.
Dit it go under, no
Did it survive... yes.
The gravy train rolls on.
Had a friend do that last month, they said never again.
Long train journey going south and a long wait for the boat crossing.
Returned via bus and the driver was a lunatic.