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Posts posted by JJGreen

  1. Law and order, constitutional support, economic growth, border security - those are the issues that most Americans will think about when they go to vote.


     I am ignoring all the loony-left narrative of some TV posters - a wise man once said 'never wrestle with pigs, all you will get is poo poo all over you, and the pig loves it.'


    This is an example of the media lies and distortions that America has had a gutfull of and why Trump will win:



    Posted by a black woman who supports Trump and wants someone to do something about the black thugs and criminals who are ruining her City - the 'narrative' approach has failed and the social worker mentality is only making it worse.  

    What are the figures for white policeman killing blacks v white?

    Really...that graph is just distortion and misdirection
  2. My moan for this week, how about some cooling! I am not living in some remote village i am in the centre of touristy Chiang Mai. Thais must know that their country is pretty hot, they must know tourists are not used to the heat, they must know that sometimes tourists and Westerners like to take some exercise and walk a bit, they must want customers in their coffee shops and restaurants.


    i went to try a new coffee shop today and meet some friends there, it is a hot day in CM. I get on my bicycle and travel 4km to try the place. Place looks nice but is empty, there is no breeze and just one small solitary fan in what is quite a large area. I am obviously hot and sweaty after the cycle ride and i order coffee. Only one member of the 4 staff is working and guess where the fan is trained, obviously on the 3 motionless staff only exercise moving fingers up and down on smartphone !  I never stopped sweating but i was happy the staff were cool.

    I really feel for those workers... a hot hot day and only one fan between four of them

    Must be a Brit or Aussie, no self respecting American would be caught dead wearing socks with sandle's

    From wiki...

    Socks and sandals is a regular Pacific Northwest phenomenon.[14][15][16] Seattle based insurance company PEMCO used the "Sandals & Socks Guy" character as part of a 2007 advertising campaign that portrayed this as a typically Pacific Northwest fashion.[17][18] The Daily Dot highlighted "sandals and socks" as a term entered into a web search engine more often by Washingtonians than residents of any other state.[19]
  4. That's a great idea start going round to shrines and begin helping yourself to some of the "older/rarer" looking figurines. No need to be sneaky about it I'm sure it won't be a problem.  Please do come back and let us know how you get on.

    Are u a collector?
  5. Was thinking of starting up a collection of shrine figurines.

    I’ve seen some quirky figurines at shrines, often spilling over onto pathways or just laying abandoned on the ground next to the shrine

    Is there a secondhand market for them?

    Any figurines that are collector items?

    Can I just help myself to some older/rarer looking ones? Surely the shrines are cleaned out regularly of them anyway

    Are there shops selling only new shrine figurines? Where are they?

  6. On the plus side, if you wander in the exit they don't notice and you get in free, plus they have a giraffe that with true Thai brilliance they decided to name "Bin Laden".



    It's a good tip...you can loiter around the exit side and then just wander in
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