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Posts posted by JJGreen

  1. There’s a new couple in one of the apartments on my floor. They keep dropping money along the hallway from their room to the elevator.

    I haven’t actually seen them ever drop it , but before they moved in I never saw any money on the ground in the hallway

    Since they have moved in a month back...67 baht in total I have picked up on my way to the Trash room before I go to bed.

    2 x 20 baht notes, and the rest in coins. Don’t they hear the coins when they drop?

    A ten baht coin is solid enough to make a decent sound. Seems odd they would just throw money away

  2. To the Op,  (i have never used Tinder myself), but  if you are as you describe i find it a bit odd that you do not get responses from Western women here. Surely if you went on a dating site in the UK looking for a woman 10 years younger to 4 years older you would get responses. Could the reason be that Western women here all have the same indocrinated, shallow minded opinion of any unattached man who sets foot in Thailand?



    Percentage wise there is not a huge amount of western women on Tinder here...
    i guess I don't tick enough boxes...
    Im going to change my profile to a more professional sounding gentleman next week...see if I get any right swipes.
    I mentioned before...my profile is currently tailored towards Thai women

    Your thread title was ' Tinder…farang women aren’t interested in me'  which indicates that you were seeking farang women through Tinder but they didn't want poor little you and you came to 'share' this with us. Good so now we all know that you wanted to date farang women but you failed but you have all your hair and teeth. Well done! how about dating some Thai women in Thailand or don't they want you too?



    Wow...you really cannot comprehend what I wrote...that really is educationaly sad.
    Try getting past that headline... which is an observation...that is made obvious further on in the postings. Is it that difficult to read something in it's entirety before making yourself look idioticall with a continuing false argument?

    Okay...u get it wrong once...u can apologise and recover... i point it out twice more...but u still harp on?

    Anything further from you on this point will consider baiting and trolling and won't answer
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