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Rod Gold

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Posts posted by Rod Gold

  1. This mad exodus of ME immigrants into Europe and soon many more into the US will go down in history as the single most important event to cause the destroy of centuries of Western civilization, art, history, economies and culture.


    Some would say, "This is a good thing, you have had your turn, now it is ours." 


    What they can not see is the fact that if their culture is so wonderful, why are they leaving it all behind?


    Europe and US will one day rue the day they did not encourage ME people to remain in their own countries.

  2. The problem is not with the perception of danger.  The problem is that the Southern Region of Thailand has been smoldering for years.  The problems brought on by Muslim separatists has not been reduced or controlled.  On the contrary, the area of danger has expanded.


    Good Luck!  You may convince a few naïve tourists to risk it all to visit a militarized zone when most of the rest of the country is comparably much safer.  

  3. She was bored and wanted to give herself a raise without having to ask.  She took the money because, like a kid with a candy bar on the table, it was just too irresistible.  In the future do not test your low income help with leaving money around the house.  This test will fail most often in any country in the world.


    You should be ashamed.  Hire her back, give her a raise, and keep your money secured.

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